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Series: Unix as IDE « Arabesque. The text editor is the core tool for any programmer, which is why choice of editor evokes such tongue-in-cheek zealotry in debate among programmers.

Series: Unix as IDE « Arabesque

Unix is the operating system most strongly linked with two enduring favourites, Emacs and Vi, and their modern versions in GNU Emacs and Vim, two editors with very different editing philosophies but comparable power. Being a Vim heretic myself, here I’ll discuss the indispensable features of Vim for programming, and in particular the use of Linux shell tools called from within Vim to complement the editor’s built-in functionality. Some of the principles discussed here will be applicable to those using Emacs as well, but probably not for underpowered editors like Nano. This will be a very general survey, as Vim’s toolset for programmers is enormous, and it’ll still end up being quite long. So You Want To Be a Developer (Part 1) - Blog – Stack Exchange. A few months ago we had James Portnow of Extra Credits on the podcast.

So You Want To Be a Developer (Part 1) - Blog – Stack Exchange

We’re huge fans of everything that they’re doing over at Extra Credits, so when they asked us to help them write an episode on programming, we jumped at the opportunity. Here’s the link: Extra Credits: So You Want To Be a Developer (Part 1) If you’ve never heard of Extra Credits, it’s a weekly show about the video game industry from the perspective of people who actually work in it.


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