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Arduino UNO running 4-digit 7-segment display. Arduino UNO running 4-digit 7-segment display Here is a simple example of how to connect up a 4-digit 7-segment display to the Arduino UNO board.

Arduino UNO running 4-digit 7-segment display

The display starts at zero and counts up every second. You can easily modify the code to start at a predetermined value and count down to zero. 4 digits, 7 segments LED display multiplexing with Arduino. Last time I showed You how to control 1 digit 7 segment LED display with Arduino.

4 digits, 7 segments LED display multiplexing with Arduino

This time it’s not 1, but 4 digits. To connect 1 digit to Arduino we had to use 8 ports, so to connect 4 digits we need to have 4×8=32? Not necessary. 4 digits, 7 segments LED display multiplexing with Arduino.