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Ukraine and the Apocalyptic Risk of Propagandized Ignorance. I’m not sure if there’s been a better written book published yet this year than Ukraine: Zbig’s Grand Chessboard and How the West Was Checkmated, but I’m confident there’s not been a more important one.

Ukraine and the Apocalyptic Risk of Propagandized Ignorance

With some 17,000 nuclear bombs in the world, the United States and Russia have about 16,000 of them. The United States is aggressively flirting with World War III, the people of the United States have not the foggiest notion of how or why, and authors Natylie Baldwin and Kermit Heartsong explain it all quite clearly. Go ahead and tell me there’s nothing you’re now spending your time on that’s less important than this.

This book may very well be the best written one I’ve read this year. It puts all the relevant facts — those I knew and many I didn’t — together concisely and with perfect organization. Nearly half the book is used to set the context for recent events in Ukraine. U.S. The downing of the MH17 airplane was blamed on Russia with no evidence. Derek Fraser: What’s at stake in Ukraine. The 12 people who ruined Ukraine. When Russian President Vladimir Putin sat down to plot his invasion of Ukraine in February 2014, he didn’t have to start from scratch.

The 12 people who ruined Ukraine

Generations of Russian rulers have invaded Ukrainian lands to starve, deport and enslave the native populations, and Putin has drawn avidly from their playbooks. Michael McFaul, Stephen Sestanovich, and John Mearsheimer. John Mearsheimer (“Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault,” September/ October 2014) is one of the most consistent and persuasive theorists in the realist school of international relations, but his explanation of the crisis in Ukraine demonstrates the limits of realpolitik.

Michael McFaul, Stephen Sestanovich, and John Mearsheimer

At best, Mearsheimer’s brand of realism explains only some aspects of U.S. -Russian relations over the last 30 years. And as a policy prescription, it can be irrational and dangerous -- as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s embrace of it demonstrates. According to Mearsheimer, Russia has annexed Crimea and intervened in eastern Ukraine in response to NATO expansion, which he calls “the taproot of the trouble.” Russia’s state-controlled media have indeed pointed to the alliance’s enlargement as an explanation for Putin’s actions. Even more difficult for Mearsheimer to explain is the so-called reset of U.S. To continue reading, please log in. Don't have an account? Register. Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization. Paris — I find it very disquieting that so few among the West European and American commentators on the Ukraine crisis, private or public, seem concerned that the United States has started this affair, and that it is not inconceivable that it may end in a war.

Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization

Worse yet, Washington’s demonization of Vladimir Putin has been so successful in the American press and public, and its secrecy about the American role in Kiev, has left the public in the United States and in NATO Europe convinced that this has all been the result of a Russian strategy of aggressive expansion into Ukraine, and not a bungled and essentially American attempt to annex Ukraine to NATO and the European Union, and to undermine the domestic political position of President Putin — which all has gone badly and dangerously wrong. The Ukrainian coup d’état in February was prepared by Washington.

Ukraine. Pipeline Geopolitics: From Syria To Russia via Ukraine By Titto Eapen. Pipeline Geopolitics: From Syria To Russia via Ukraine By Titto Eapen 30 November,

Pipeline Geopolitics: From Syria To Russia via Ukraine By Titto Eapen

Putinovo ultimátum. Komentáře Včera (článek vyšel 28.4., poznámka editora) prezident Ruska Vladimir Putin uskutečnil veřejnou poradu s členy vlády.

Putinovo ultimátum

Euromaidan. The protests reached a climax during mid-February.


On February 18, the worst clashes of Euromaidan broke out after the parliament had failed to rollback the Constitution of Ukraine to its pre-2004 form, which would lessen presidential power and bring more balance to the government. Police and protesters fired guns, with both live and rubber ammunition, in multiple locations in Kyiv. UKRAJINA: A co bude dál? Od začátku ukrajinské krize jsem varoval před neonacistickými bojůvkami, které ovládly Majdan.

UKRAJINA: A co bude dál?

Demonstrace, které začaly jako protesty proti zkorumpované vládě, byly rychle ovládnuty neonacisty ze strany Svoboda a z Pravého sektoru. Zlověstná ruská rétorika ohrožuje východ Ukrajiny, míní rusista. Pozornost světa se v posledních dnech upírá na Krym, požadavek referenda však rezonuje také východní Ukrajinou.

Zlověstná ruská rétorika ohrožuje východ Ukrajiny, míní rusista

Doněck či Charkov jsou dějištěm protestů a násilných střetů s oběťmi na životech a stále častěji zaznívají hlasy, jež odmítají kyjevskou vládu a volají po příklonu k Rusku (více čtěte ZDE). Jak velký podíl tamní populace představují? Nemá smysl popírat, že v této části Ukrajiny je nemalá skupina lidí, kteří tíhnou k Moskvě a od doby rozpadu Sovětského svazu touží po návratu do Ruska.

The New Russia. Source: Paul Craig Roberts (image by Chatham House, CSIS, Inogate IEA) PCR Note: I recalled correctly from my Russian studies a half century ago that Soviet leaders had stuck Russian territories into Ukraine, but I mistakenly attributed all of the transfers to Khrushchev.

The New Russia

The first gifts of Russian territory to Ukraine were made by Lenin. Ukrainian oligarchs -

Ukrajina krize 2014

Ukrajina/Rusko. UDÁLOSTI: Ukrajina. Celá Česká republika teď žije Ukrajinou. Ukrajina/Krym. Ukrajina/EU. Ukrajina/USA. Ukrajina/NATO. Ukrajina/Německo.