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Who Is Going To Buy Our Debt If This War Causes China, Russia And The Rest Of The World To Turn On Us? | WebInvestigatorKK. Can the U.S. really afford to greatly anger the rest of the world when they are the ones that are paying our bills? What is going to happen if China, Russia and many other large nations stop buying our debt and start rapidly dumping U.S. debt that they already own? If the United States is not very careful, it is going to pay a tremendous economic price for taking military action in Syria. At this point, survey after survey has shown that the American people are overwhelmingly against an attack on Syria, people around the globe are overwhelmingly against an attack on Syria, and it looks like the U.S. Congress is even going to reject it. But Barack Obama is not backing down.

If Obama insists on going forward with this, it will be the greatest foreign policy disaster in modern American history. Right now, both Russia and China are strongly warning Obama not to attack Syria. Russia is sending three more ships to the eastern Mediterranean to bolster its fleet there as a U.S. Like this: Pipeline Geopolitics: From Syria To Russia via Ukraine By Titto Eapen. Pipeline Geopolitics: From Syria To Russia via Ukraine By Titto Eapen 30 November, The current Ukrainian crisis followed by the sanction against Russia is a sequel to the pivot to Europe campaign of the US led west to smash the Russian monopoly in the European hydrocarbon market for which the prelude was set in Syria. Prior to landing in Ukraine or before I start glossing the western sanction on Russia, it is important to take the readers through the memory lane into Syria to expound the Pipeline-Geopolitics in the Middle-East.

Moreover, without understanding Putin's love and Obama's abhorrence for Assad, the whole story of Ukrainian crises and the latest sanction on Russia is incomplete. The Kremlin v/s White House Factor in Syria: Unlike it's approach towards Iraq & Afghanistan, Kremlin took a very bold step in preventing the White House led western ploy of invading Syria- A move to oust Assad and to install a puppet regime. The Syrian Civil War - Made in Britain and the USA. The Syrian Civil War - Made in Britain and the USA By Justin Huggler February 28, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "HP" - We started this.

That's what I can't help thinking every time I hear about the latest death and suffering in Syria. When the US and Britain invaded Iraq in 2003, we set off a chain of events that led inexorably to the killing fields of Damascus and Aleppo. I watched it begin when I was working as a reporter in Iraq. I remember going to an interview at a hospital south of Baghdad: the moment I stepped into his office, the doctor told me "You have to get out of here. They're hunting you. " "They" were followers of Al-Qaeda, Sunni extremists who were streaming to Iraq from across the Middle East. We all thought they were coming for us, to fight against the Western occupiers of Iraq. 2 March 2004. This wasn't just a war of resistance against foreign occupation. It was internationalised from the start. No one was simply Iraqi any more: they were Sunni or Shia.

Obama Plans to Escalate the War in Syria. By Bob Dreyfuss February 25, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "The Nation" - It’s time for the United States to surrender on Syria. The embattled government of Bashar al-Assad hasn’t won the war, exactly, but it’s demonstrated that it isn’t going anywhere. The rebels, increasingly dominated by hard-core Islamists and Al Qaeda types, aren’t fit to take over. For Washington, the only way out of the crisis, other than to give up the fight, would be conduct a military operation on the scale of the invasion of Iraq in 2003, and not only would that be a regional disaster for the United States, Syria and its neighbors, but it’s also out of the question, politically. According to The New York Times, President Obama is deeply “frustrated” with the crisis in Syria, though it’s a crisis partly of his own making.

The Russian view is that their guy is winning, and they may be right. Answer: you don’t. And it adds: In a second piece, The Wall Street Journal reported over the weekend: Syrians across the Country Say No to Terrorism and Foreign Interference. Image: Al Nusrah “Freedom Fighters” We invite GR readers to review the video and images below and make up their own mind as to what is happening in Syria. There is a mass movement across the country against foreign interference. This mass movement is not being reported by the Western media. The Syrian population does not support the “freedom fighters” recruited and trained in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey. What is at stake is the sovereignty and survival of a country with a longstanding history.

The Syrian people are fully aware that Washington is supporting Al Qaeda. They are fully aware that this is a war of aggression which is intent upon destroying their country. Let us spread this message far and wide. Michel Chossudovsky, GR, February 21, 2014 Report by Syria 360 Thousands of Syrians went out in massive rallies in various areas and cities on Thursday in support of Syrian national principles and staunch support to the Syrian Arab Army. Najha residents voice support to national principles.

Ukraine’s Future is Tied Up With Syria’s – and Vladimir Putin is Crucial to Both. Ukraine’s Future is Tied Up With Syria’s – and Vladimir Putin is Crucial to Both By Robert Fisk February 22, 2014 "Information Clearing House - "The Independent" - No one in the Middle East will be studying Ukraine’s violent tragedy with more fascination – and deeper concern – than President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. He won’t care a fig about Obama’s critics – who are already chastising the US President for giving Vladimir Putin the green light to support the Ukrainian President by flunking his threat to bomb Damascus last year – nor will Assad care very much about the future political career of Viktor Yanukovych, whom he happens to know well.

He will instead be dwelling upon the remarkable similarities between Yanukovych’s besieged government and his own Syrian regime, which is still battling an armed struggle against insurgents. The parallels are by no means exact, as Assad’s enemies claim them to be when they suggest that he and Yanukovych are “blood brothers”. Syria: U.S. imperialism and diplomacy » Around the world. The much ballyhooed Geneva II peace talks, which were supposed to bring about peace in Syria, ended on Jan. 31 with no agreement for one very good reason: The U.S had no intention of seeking any real peace agreement, but was intent on using the forum as a background for propaganda and as a way to deceive and weaken the Syrian government. No concessions were offered by the imperialists and their allies, while they continued to arm the “rebel” forces both directly and indirectly, through such countries as Saudi Arabia. Indeed, some analysts believe that the U.S. is trying to achieve through diplomacy what it is failing to do on the battlefield.

For example, Patrick Cockburn, writing in the Jan. 31 Independent (Britain), notes, “For negotiations to have any hope of success they must reflect the balance of power on the ground in Syria. … [Syrian] forces hold 13 out 14 Syrian provincial capitals and are slowly retaking districts in Damascus, Homs and Aleppo captured by rebels in 2012.” Why 20th century colonialism cannot save Syria. The colonialism used to draw up the Middle East after World War I is of no use in modern, war-torn Syria. (AFP/File) More > , , , Create alert for KurdsKurds Since the beginning of this terrible conflict in Syria, I have been closely listening to people’s reactions to the violence and devastation occurring there.

What is astonishing is how quickly Syria transformed from a place of relative obscurity to a topic of constant discussion among so many. Even more astonishing, the solutions often offered to stem the violence prove that westerners have simply learned nothing from the lessons of history. These “solutions” tend to follow the same, tired formulae of a colonial mindset that helped put the Levant in this mess in the first place. The Sykes-Picot Agreement was a secret deal between France and the United Kingdom in the latter years of World War I regarding the future of Ottoman Turkey’s Levantine territory. Now, balkanizing the already balkanized Levant is asinine for a number of reasons. “The West Publicly Claims to Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst It Is Covertly Nourishing It.”

“The West Publicly Claims to Be Fighting Terrorism, Whilst It Is Covertly Nourishing It.” January 23, 2014 "Information Clearing House - Syria Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem, who headed his country's official delegation to Geneva II, called at the opening session of the conference on a collective confrontation against terrorism and on starting a national dialogue in Damascus, SANA reported. By Walid al-Moallem - Syria Foreign Minister Minister al-Moallem said at the opening Moallemsession of the conference Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of the Syrian Arab Republic, SYRIAN – steeped in history for seven thousand years. Al-Moallem: My delegation and I carry the hope of a nation for the years to come Finally, today, the moment of truth; the truth that many have systematically tried to bury in a series of campaigns of misinformation, deception and fabrication leading to killing and terror.

In Syria, the wombs of pregnant women are butchered and their fetuses killed Ladies and gentlemen, Syria. Western Sponsored Humanitarian Crisis in Syria: Foreign Supported Insurgency Responsible for Civilian Deaths. Creating a humanitarian crisis in Syria , whether real or fabricated, and holding the Syrian government responsible for it as a casus belli for foreign military intervention under the UN 2005 so-called “responsibility to protect” initiative was from the very eruption of the Syrian conflict the goal of the US-led “Friends of Syria’ coalition. Foreign military intervention is now ruled out as impossible, but what the Inquirer columnist Trudy Rubin described on last November 29 as “the biggest humanitarian crisis in a decade” was created and this crisis “is worsening and no end is in sight” according to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) on November 11.

Objective and non-objective as well as official and non-official reports about the responsibility of the Syrian government are abundant, but that of the insurgents has been for too long covered up and only of late come under the scrutiny of human rights organizations and media spotlight. Syria tells Western foes to stop dreaming Assad will go. Sýrie. Moderní syrský stát byl ustanoven jako Francouzské mandátní území, které roku 1946 dosáhlo nezávislosti jako parlamentní republika. Po vyhlášení nezávislosti následovalo několik vojenských převratů. V letech 1962 až 2011 platil v Sýrii výjimečný stav, který pozastavoval platnost občanských práv syrských občanů[1], tento systém byl označen jako nedemokratický. V letech 1971 až 2000 byl prezidentem Sýrie Háfiz al-Asad po jeho smrti se prezidentem stal jeho syn Bašár al-Asad, oba jsou představitelé strany Baas, která si od vojenského převratu v roce 1963 udržuje dominantní postavení v zemi.

Od března 2011 je Sýrie zmítána občanskou válkou mezi vládou Bašára Asada, rebely a kurdskými milicemi. Historie[editovat | editovat zdroj] Související informace naleznete také v článku Dějiny Sýrie. Starověk[editovat | editovat zdroj] Odkryté pozůstatky města Ebla Středověk a novověk[editovat | editovat zdroj] Po jejím skončení se Sýrie stala francouzským mandátním územím. Demonstrace ve městě Banjás. Syria. Syria ( i/ˈsɪriə/ SIRR-ee-ə ; Arabic: سوريا‎ or سورية, Sūriyā or Sūrīyah), officially the Syrian Arab Republic, is a country in Western Asia, bordering Lebanon and the Mediterranean Sea to the west, Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, and Israel to the southwest.

Its capital Damascus is among the oldest continuously-inhabited cities in the world.[6] A country of fertile plains, high mountains, and deserts, it is home to diverse ethnic and religious groups, including Alawite, Sunni and Christian Arabs, Armenians, Assyrians, Druze, Kurds, and Turks. Sunni Arabs make up the largest population group in Syria. The modern Syrian state was established after the first World War as a French mandate, and represented the largest Arab state to emerge from the formerly Ottoman-ruled Arab Levant. It gained independence in April 1946, as a parliamentary republic. Etymology The area designated by the word has changed over time. History Ancient antiquity Eblaites and Amorites.

Syrian civil war. The Syrian Civil War (Arabic: الحرب الأهلية السورية‎), also known as the Syrian Uprising, is an ongoing armed conflict taking place in Syria. The unrest began in the early spring of 2011 within the context of Arab Spring protests, with nationwide protests against President Bashar al-Assad's government, whose forces responded with violent crackdowns. The conflict gradually morphed from popular protests to an armed rebellion after months of military sieges.[56] By July 2013, the Syrian government was in control of approximately 30–40% of the country's territory and 60% of the Syrian population.[60] A United Nations report in late 2012 described the conflict as being "overtly sectarian in nature", between mostly Alawite government forces, militias and other Shia groups[61] fighting largely against Sunni-dominated rebel groups,[62][63] although both opposition and government forces have denied it.[64][65] Due to foreign involvement this conflict has been called a proxy war.[66]

SÝRIE: Svědectví o válce. Do Prahy přijel patriarcha ze Sýrie a odhalil pravdu o válce v zemi Tisková konference se konala u příležitosti inaugurace nového velkopřevora, velkobailiva a hlavního kaplana českého velkobailiviku Vojenského a špitálního řádu sv. Lazara Jeruzalémského. Jeho Blaženost Řehoř III., řeckokatolický melchitský patriarcha Antiochie a celého Orientu, Alexandrie a Jeruzaléma a zároveň duchovní protektor tohoto řádu, promluvil o situaci ve své zemi.

Doposud žili Syřané v míru V Damašku působí tři křesťanští patriarchové – pravoslavný, melchitský a syrský orientální. V zemi žije zhruba 1,75 milionu křesťanů, z nichž největší podíl tvoří pravoslavní, následovaní melchitskými katolíky a syrskými orientálci. Nejvíce ovšem žije v zemi muslimů. Vše se začalo měnit v březnu 2011. Porážka světového svědomí "To, co vidíte na televizních obrazovkách, to násilí a zvěrstva, nemají nic společného s dějinami Sýrie. Křesťanští mučedníci V samotné Maloule se nachází několik klášterů a kostelů. Al Qaeda Rebels Supported by Uncle Sam: US, Allies to Blame for Syria Attack. An analyst says the United States and its allies in the region are to blame for having helped militants in Syria to launch the deadly chemical attack on civilians in August. Michel Chossudovsky told Press TV in an interview on Friday that the US-led “military alliance” backed “the rebels in using chemical weapons” in Syria.

“The United States and its allies continue to support the al-Qaeda-affiliated rebels which are involved in the process of destruction of an entire country (Syria),” he stated. Chossudovsky noted that “Israeli sponsored rebels” backed by “Qatar, Turkey, [and] Saudi Arabia” staged the chemical attack and “then blamed it on the [Syrian] government.” “And we know unequivocally that that event which used fake videos of children killed was there; it was a false flag and its objective was to blame the Syrian government when in fact those crimes were committed and ordered by the United States and its allies,” said Chossudovsky.

Blízkovýchodní hranice Ruska. Syrian opposition. Truth as an Issue | "Before our eyes" Na pravdě záleží.