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Printing: Divided We Fall: Stop the Corporate Takeover of Our Democracy. February 6, 2014 By Andrew Schmookler Power is being shifted from the people to the corporate system.

Printing: Divided We Fall: Stop the Corporate Takeover of Our Democracy

These so-called "persons" are so structured that it is inevitable their conduct will be sociopathic. The American people have been divided against each other by the forces they should be united in opposing. "Divided we Fall" must be replaced by "United we Stand. " This piece ran as an op/ed in almost all the major newspapers of Virginia's 6th congressional district. Oh how I wish the people of America -- liberal and conservative -- could join together to protect our common interests and shared values. Power in America has shifted from the citizenry to the corporate system. As our democratic government becomes ever more an instrument of the corporate system, our nation's constitutional doctrine is being pried open ever wider to allow corporations the political rights of actual "persons. " The answer is not comforting. Andy is now launching a new campaign. Submitters Bio: Corporatocracy. This article is about the idea of government dominated by corporate business interests.


For the concept of the state and its dominant interests in a capitalist system, see Capitalist state. For capitalist economies dominated by corporations, see Corporate capitalism. This collective is what author C Wright Mills called the Power Elite, wealthy individuals who hold prominent positions in corporatocracies. They control the process of determining a society's economic and political policies.[18] The concept has been used in explanations of bank bailouts, excessive pay for CEOs, as well as complaints such as the exploitation of national treasuries, people, and natural resources.[19] It has been used by critics of globalization,[20] sometimes in conjunction with criticism of the World Bank[21] or unfair lending practices,[19] as well as criticism of "free trade agreements".[20] Characteristics[edit] United States[edit] Share of income[edit] Corporate power can also increase income inequality.

US: From democracy to corporatocracy. NO GOVERNMENT can be perfect, because all governments are composed of humans, especially those most attracted by power and profit.

US: From democracy to corporatocracy

This begs the question: does power attract morally corrupt people or does power morally corrupt people? Nowhere is this question more pertinent than the global bastion of democracy and power – America. Over the past half century, America's power has waned and she has descended from popular democracy to corporate dictatorship. America has experienced a fundamental shift of democratic power from the man on the street to the men on Wall Street. All the while, the American elite and their indentured politicians are losing legitimacy. The morally bankrupt inner workings of a corporate dictatorship are fiendishly simple: A slice of corporate profit goes towards funding political campaigns, in return for guarantees that losses will be booked on the taxpayer's account. The American people want jobs from these companies, but Wall Street wants higher priced stocks. Korporatokracie. Korporatokracie (řidčeji korporokracie) je pejorativní termín označující stav nebo státní zřízení, kdy převážnými držiteli moci jsou korporace a role státu je značně omezena, např. na poskytování legislativního rámce a podnikatelských podmínek pro tyto korporace.


Termín korporatokracie byl zaveden stoupenci levicového hnutí Global Justice Movement a je často používán mnohými levicovými intelektuály. Mezi známé uživatele tohoto termínu patří například John Perkins. Konstrukce korporatokracie stojí na předpokladu, že moc v rukou státu slábne ve prospěch korporací (z čehož nejvíce těm největším a nejbohatším). Zastánci existence korporatokracie tento předpoklad extrapolují do budoucnosti a někteří z nich otevřeně varují před úskalími, které by to přinášelo (např. fakt, že ředitelé korporací nejsou demokraticky voleni a běžný občan by neměl možnost politiku korporací ovlivnit). Mezi vlastnosti a průvodní jevy korporatokracie patří: Zdroj[editovat | editovat zdroj]