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SciLinks. Free online reference management for clinicians and scientists. Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis. How to Maximize the Time You Spending Writing an Article. The content you write is what defines your blog. Without content, there really is no blog. Because content is so important to the growth and brand of your blog, you have to write to the best of your ability. Even though most bloggers’ know how important the content they write is, not everyone treats it as it should be treated; like a king.

King-like content has the following characteristics to it: It expresses unique ideas, and is presented in a simple, easy to read way.There is a structure the article follows (good formatting, use of headings, lists, etc.)Any ideas written about are fully developed and causes a reader to really think deeply about them.It provokes thoughtful discussions among readers in your community.It was written with a very distinct plan behind it.

Working out of impulse has its benefits, but when it comes to writing an article, doing it out of impulse is not the smartest thing to do. Think of something you have ever planned in your life. Projeto de Pesquisa (Parte III - Tipo de Estudo) A definição A descrição do tipo de estudo é o próximo item a ser descrito após o objetivo. Depois que a pergunta está bem formulada, o tipo de estudo que melhor irá responder a questão deve ser determinado. Em tratamento são os ensaios clínicos aleatórios, e sempre que possível o mascaramento deve ser utilizado. Neste item será resumido a uma frase, por exemplo, estudo clínico randomizado, duplo-cego. A importância A seleção adequada do tipo de estudo é um dos determinantes da qualidade dos resultados que a pesquira irá produzir.

Os tipos de estudos Os estudos primários são classificados em observacionais (não experimentais) e experimentais. Os estudos secundários são as revisão sistemática/meta-análise e estudos com análise econômica (custo-minimização, custo-efetividade, custo-benefício, custo-utilidade). A aula. ....:::: ::::....:::: Sítio de Metodologia na Área da Saúde ::::.... SPSS Tutorial. SPSS Links. The first link below takes you to lessons I have written to teach the novice how to use SPSS to conduct basic statistical analyses. Simple analyses can be done on SPSS for Windows simply by pointing and clicking, but some analyses are available only by entering syntax.

For example, if you want canonical analysis with your MANOVA (and frankly, MANOVA without canonical analysis is pretty much useless), you need to use the MANOVA program (rather than the point and click GLM program), but MANOVA is available only through syntax -- that is, you have to write the code to do the analysis and run it just as you would an SAS program. I also provide here a link to a page of such programs which you can download and then edit for your own use. SPSS Resources on the Web Getting Started with SPSS for Windows - nice introduction by John Samuel at Indiana University Getting Started Using ODBC with SAS and SPSS - moving data back and forth among SAS, SPSS, Excel, etc., John E.

ECU Stuff. SPSS Technical Support Homepage. Index page – the largest SPSS community worldwide. Raynald's SPSS Tools. SPSS Training Main Page. Banco de Teses. Alpha Index, T listing - Medical Dictionary.