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Clever Algorithms: Nature-Inspired Programming Recipes. Stanford CS Ed Library. Recommended books and sites - Please add links to your favorite programming books with a short description.

Recommended books and sites -

The goal is to make a minimal reading list to become a good programmer. Feel free to discuss the listed books and propose better alternatives. Algorithms Introduction to computer programming using LOGO language (free e-book). Very good for an absolute beginner (includes such topics as loops, conditions, procedures, recursion, etc.) CS 161 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Course Description Course Overview: Introduction to fundamental techniques for designing and analyzing algorithms, including asymptotic analysis; divide-and-conquer algorithms and recurrences; greedy algorithms; data structures; dynamic programming; graph algorithms; and randomized algorithms.

CS 161 - Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Required textbook: Kleinberg and Tardos, Algorithm Design, 2005. We will be covering most of Chapters 4–6, some parts of Chapter 13, and a couple of topics not in the book. Prerequisites: Introduction to proofs, and discrete mathematics and probability (e.g., CS 103 and Stat116). Introduction to Algorithms - Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Readings refer to chapters and/or sections of Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition.

Introduction to Algorithms - Massachusetts Institute of Technology

See the table of contents. Sorting Algorithm Animations. Algorithms in Java, Parts 1-4, 3rd edition by Robert Sedgewick. Addison Wesley, 2003. Quicksort is Optimal by Robert Sedgewick and Jon Bentley, Knuthfest, Stanford University, January, 2002. Dual Pivot Quicksort: Code by Discussion. Bubble-sort with Hungarian (“Csángó”) folk dance YouTube video, created at Sapientia University, Tirgu Mures (Marosvásárhely), Romania. Select-sort with Gypsy folk dance YouTube video, created at Sapientia University, Tirgu Mures (Marosvásárhely), Romania.
