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Femme Identity

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C'EST QUOI UNE FEM ? - "Manifeste est mon sexe, puissante est ma chair et les mots qui célèbrent la force et la joie d’être une Fem-me.


Les Fem-mes c’est le mariage du bas résille et de la botte de combat, de l’escarpin et du poing américain, du manteau léopard et de la haine des types qui viennent te brancher dans la rue. Les Fem-mes se sont faites elles-mêmes avec souvent la rage au bide. Ensemble, nous sommes puissantes comme un bataillon en marche. Les armes du sexe faible sont ce qui nous rend fortes de ne pas en user les unes contre les autres, et contre ça on lutte, chevillée à notre sororité. On collabore et on subvertit, on reproduit et on pourrit de l’intérieur le monde qui nous a faites, on est le vers dans la poutre qui nous nourrit, la fissure dans la clef de voûte de l’édifice qui nous soutient, on est notre propre autodafé. Rethinking ideas around femininity: A queer femme of color’s perspective. Details Published: 14 May 2011 Hits: 10660 For Shanay Venicia their femme identity is a purposeful reclamation of femininity from the white supremacist, classist, heteronormative cis-patriarchy.

Rethinking ideas around femininity: A queer femme of color’s perspective

Indeed it is a form of resistance. 15 May 2011. On Femme Identity & What It Means to Me « Playpen Report – The Sexiest Blog on the Planet! Moving Toward the Ugly: A Politic Beyond Desirability. *Femmes Of Color Symposium Keynote Speech, Oakland, CA (8/21/11) Good afternoon, and thank you for having me.

Moving Toward the Ugly: A Politic Beyond Desirability

It is lovely to be here with you all. Thank you to the symposium organizers who have asked me to be here and for your hard work putting this gathering on. And thank you to ALL the folks who have made it possible for us to be here, including the people who built this building and who clean it and care for it everyday; including the people who are being violently exploited in this country and around the globe for their resources and labor so that we can exist in this air conditioned hotel with access to clean water and food, able to sit in relative safety from military attacks or the police barging in. And including and honoring native and first nations communities upon whose land we are currently on and whose colonization and genocide have also allowed us to be here. It is important to say that I can only speak from my own lived experience, nothing else. Because we all do it. FEMZINE1.pdf.

Femzine-2. Femme Shark Manifesto. Who Run the World? Brown Grrrlz. In a society that devalues femininity and lays claim to bodies of color, it should come as no surprise that being a brown femme is complicated.

Who Run the World? Brown Grrrlz

Coming from a masculine-of-center, non-brown POC perspective, it’s easy to relate to complications. There’s an empowerment that comes with self-identification and a growing consciousness of self. You Need Help: Being the Visible Femme. Welcome to You Need Help!

You Need Help: Being the Visible Femme

Where you seek advice and we try our very best to give it. This has traditionally been done by way of individual Formspring accounts, Autostraddle’s Tumblr and a Formspring Friday column, which has all been very fun and insightful. But, because Formspring has a character limit and we’re wildly optimistic w/r/t our time-management skills, we thought we’d go one further and let you use our ASS private messaging to share advice-related feelings, too. For more info on sending in questions, see the bottom of this post. Ways to Tell a Queer Femme is Queer. There’s been a lot of buzz around the internets lately about Femme identity.

Ways to Tell a Queer Femme is Queer

I am unsure where the controversy began but I think it had something to do with this post on how to spot a queer Femme by Fuck Yeah Femmes. The curator of that Tumblr sent me a message asking me the following question: Hi Bevin! No Queer Girls Are Queerer Than Others. Special Issue by jeannette young — Published March 13, 2012 | Art by Erika Altosaar.

No Queer Girls Are Queerer Than Others

Koala est une MtoFem. Je suis une femme trans.

Koala est une MtoFem

Je pense que personne ne va venir me faire chier ici (sur mon blog) sur ce point là, que personne ne va venir me dire que je suis pas vraiment femme car j'ai une bite (surtout que moi j'ai une bite de femme, c'est pas pareil). Mais bon je préfère prévenir. Je suis gouine, je préfère dire gouine à lesbienne, gouine ça claque, pour moi il y a chez les gouines une affirmation politique que je ne retrouve pas chez les lesbiennes, ou alors moins marqué, pas assez pour que je m'y reconnaisse. Fem & Pouvoir. Je suis pas fan des étiquettes, des petits mots qu’on s’appose sur la peau pour se réduire.

Fem & Pouvoir.

Mais je suis gouine et plutôt féminine. The Invisible Elephant in the Room. There is a topic that is near and dear to me… Yet I haven’t written about it at all.

The Invisible Elephant in the Room

I’ve begun posts or articles many times… I have dozens of bookmarks saved in my browser… Nothing to show for it. Yet. Femme. What is femme anyway? Roland Torpor, "Les Masochistes" I’ve been feeling like maybe I should talk about how femme feels (for me at least.) I’ve no doubt that the way I relate to being femme will be forever changing, & I’m positive that other femmes would describe this term differently, but that’s just fine, too.

Femme is intentionality. When you compliment my outfit, you are appreciating my taste, my resourcefulness, my creativity, my sense of adventure, my liberal application of glitter, my choice to wear sequins with sequins.Femme is sharing. When my friends text me to tell me where there is a sale on cute underwear. Reclaiming Femme: Queer Women of Colour and Femme Identity. Members of queer and feminist communities often associate femme identity with subordination. Even within progressive circles, femininity is devalued due to its association with repressive heterosexual sex roles. [1] In her 1980 essay “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence,” Adrienne Rich argues for a rejection of sex roles, and she differentiates between male-identified and woman-identified women.

The male-identified woman is socially, politically, and intellectually attached to men, whereas the woman-identified woman directs her nurturing and emotional energies towards other women. [2] Rich commends the latter, while criticizing the former. In a patriarchal society, she argues, women who ally themselves with men are complicit in maintaining the hetero-patriarchy. Prominent feminists have dismissed femininity as artificial and instead praised the development of traditionally masculine characteristics. This dismissal conflates femme and passivity. [C]omplex . . . 1. 2.