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Records Management

Stock control. Creating Sustainable Performance. Idea in Brief Research has shown that managers can take four measures to help employees thrive at work.

Creating Sustainable Performance

All four are necessary to promote a culture of vitality and learning. Provide decision-making discretion. Facebook employees are encouraged to “move fast and break things”—they have lots of leeway to solve problems on their own. Share information. You Don't Know Where Your Company's Going. Smart, driven executives burn to take their companies somewhere new and to greater levels of performance and profits.

You Don't Know Where Your Company's Going

Their vision and plans sound inspiring and motivating. The problem is, those executives don't always know where they want their company to go or how to get there. A company must first describe and define its destination. I've worked with many companies that want to change and grow, but they have only a vague sense of their destination. In this two-part series, I'll show how executives can clarify their mission and goals, then move their companies toward their destination: dramatically improved performance and profitability. Shifting Out of Low Gear. Ask American executives about German workers and you are likely to get a description of highly skilled, generously compensated men and women who produce some of the best products in the world.

Shifting Out of Low Gear

So it may come as a surprise that the economic engine of Europe is also home to widespread worker dissatisfaction, a problem that may be costing the country as much as €226.5 billion a year (U.S. $191.5 billion). In a survey of 2,009 German employees last summer, Gallup GmbH in Wiesbaden, Germany found that a staggering 69% of the German workers are "not engaged," that is, they lack a sense of professional development and fulfillment that is fundamental to productive employment. The survey, called Q12 because it uses 12 questions to measure the level of employee engagement, is premised on Gallup research which shows that employees flourish when employers meet their basic human needs, such as the needs for respect, praise and support. Conversely, employees languish when such needs go unmet.

This Manager Succeeds. The Sixth Element of Great Managing. One of the most powerful discoveries about how humans understand the world around them came about by accident.

The Sixth Element of Great Managing

In the early 1990s, a group of researchers led by Dr. Giacomo Rizzolatti, a neuroscientist at the University of Parma in Italy, placed small electrodes in the brains of monkeys near the regions of the brain responsible for planning and carrying out movements. The Twelfth Element of Great Managing. For 54 years, the Pulitzer-Prize-winning author Theodor Geisel delighted children with his imaginative illustrations and their accompanying rhymes.

The Twelfth Element of Great Managing

Under the pen name Dr. Seuss, he wrote and illustrated a small library of bestsellers such as The Cat in the Hat, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and -- on a bet to prove he could write a book with a vocabulary of only 50 words -- Green Eggs and Ham. His last book threw people a little because it didn't fit the pattern of the rest. It didn't have any strange characters with silly names. It didn't have a plot. "Where were the imaginary animals? " "But seriously now, who's got the punch line? " Leadership Discussion Questions. Companies build strong workplaces -- ones that nurture their employees' strengths and use them to drive great outcomes -- one workgroup at a time.

Leadership Discussion Questions

The more great managers your company has, the stronger it will be and the more it will grow and succeed. Mastering the Art of Office Politics. We all know people who are brilliant but who just can't seem to get ahead or keep a job.

Mastering the Art of Office Politics

Or people who, despite their many talents, never quite seem to understand how decisions are made in their workplaces, or how teams are formed, or how the dynamics of corporate cultures work. In other words, we know people who just don't have a grasp of what's usually -- and often pejoratively -- called office politics. There is a widely held belief that those who get ahead in office politics must be dupes, stooges, or yes-people. In the world according to "Dilbert," those who ascend the corporate ladder are, by definition, incompetent. The reality, according to Gallup research, is quite different and is not good material for cynical cartoonists. The Third Element of Great Managing. Personnel managers often ignore a truth about human nature known to any mother who's had more than one kid: People are not the same.

The Third Element of Great Managing

Children of the same parents, raised in the same home, with the same rules and routines, emerge with dramatically different personalities. One is her own attorney, able to perfectly construct compelling arguments for buying a cell phone or going to a friend's party. Her brother is off the charts in math and able to retain everything in history class without taking a single note.