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Cute Adorable Cat Photo Gallery : theBERRY - StumbleUpon. Cat_bird.jpg from - StumbleUpon. Portraits of Dogs as They Shake Off Water. For her series “Shake“, pet photographer Carli Davidson photographed curious portraits of dogs shaking off water. Use a fast shutter speed and you can capture all kinds of strange expressions on your dog’s face.

You can find the rest of the photographs in the series here. Shake (via Photojojo) Image credits: Photographs by Carli Davidson and used with permission. 21 Peek-a-Boo Cats. Have you ever had a feeling that you're being watched? Well, if you have a cat, it might solve the mystery. ATT WEBMASTERS: We are flattered that quite a few websites have liked our article ideas and have decided to copy them onto their websites. However, we frown upon removing the credits to the owners of the photos!

Be respectful and add the links. A link to us would be nice too. 17 Fun Cat Facts.