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Facebook Twitter Watch Dragon Ball Episode 1 Online. Anime OWARINAKI TABIBITO – No Make Girl’s Endless Journey. June 22, 2008 – 8:40 pm Okay, it was a tossup between MacF 11 and Kara no Kyoukai. Didn’t know anything about Kara no Kyoukai except it was Type-Moon and hence very hype and probably undeliverable (I got burned by Fate/Stay Night anime), but it was Kajiura Yuki’s latest work and so I bit.

I’ll say off the bat that, still knowing nothing about the series other than what little backstory is miserly scattered to us in this first of seven episodes, I think I like it. It reminds me of Miyu; the obvious reasons are the supernatural horror flavour and the setup that we, the audience, are given little introduction to the situation and background, thus creating a mystery that is to be revealed in the following parts.

I like these types of mysteries because I like fantasy, dream-like worlds that are not our reality. The first key to making this succeed is to insert plenty of atmosphere and little details that keep you grounded even when you don’t know what the “real reasons” are.