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Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles". 8327319.pdf (application/pdf Object) Information%20literacy%20in%20the%20digital%20age. Top Twitter Abbreviations You Need to Know. By Bliss Hanlin, a Community Manager for eModeration Twitter abbreviations and acronyms are an odd mash-up of text slang, old school chat room phrases, common sense short forms and corporate buzzwords. There is nothing more terrible than parsing a customer tweet and finding out what you once thought was a compliment was really a product slam or worse, a drug reference.

(Small personal anecdote – for the longest time, I thought HAGN was some form of Scandinavian slang for good-bye.) While not quite a comprehensive dictionary of all things, what follows below is a quick-print glossary of common Twitter abbreviations. Technical Twitter abbreviations: • CC = Carbon-copy. Conversational abbreviations: • # = start to a hashtag, or a way of organizing subjects on Twitter • • AB/ABT = About • AFAIK = As far as I know • AYFKMWTS = Are you f---ing kidding me with this s---? Copyright, London and Wombles | eLibrary. They are giving away walking maps at Euston for the Olympics. Most punters chose the underground. I am not a Womble, so I walked to the venue for CILIP’s Executive Briefing; eCopyright for Libraries and Archives.

It was worth getting wet. There are few things as complex as the current UK copyright landscape and Nick Poole’s keynote presentation confirmed this. Emily Goodhand gave us an IP Case Law Update. Georgia Angelaki, Business and Policy Development Coordinator, Europeana talked about the importance of standards and the project’s approach to open content licensing. Heather Caven and Roxanne Peters outlined a more efficient and holistic approach to rights management at the V&A. Sustainability of digital resources was the topic presented by Sarah Fahmy from The Strategic Content Alliance. Did I say that it was a packed day? On my return walk to Euston, a man flew past me holding onto a map the size of a small car.

Like this: Like Loading... Learning Technologies 2010 Steve Wheeler The New Smart Devices For Learning. Digital Literacy. The Digital Scholar: How Technology is Transforming Scholarly Practice eBook: Martin Weller: Kindle Store. The Digital Scholar: How Technology Is Transforming Scholarly Practice is a very timely book which focusses on the key pinch points in academic research and publishing, including the nature of scholarship in an era of rapidly evolving digital technologies, public engagement with academic activity, and reward and recognition for academic effort. With David Willetts' recent rethink on the hoof of criteria for the forthcoming Research Excellence Framework exercise, The Digital Scholar is at the forefront of issues of public accountability of higher education and research. In view of the content of the book, it is fitting that Martin Weller has also chosen to explore new distribution models for academic publications by making the text freely available online as well as in electronic and traditional printed versions.

This book represents the leading edge of current academic thought and points the way towards the future of scholarly practice. JISC infoNet: e-Learning Programme support (565) Mobile Technologies and the Law Webcast (14 March 2012)