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Discussion of Ifeffit, Athena, Artemis, and SixPack, as well as related X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) analysis programs. Hello, I had posted a comment/question a few months back when I had initially installed Mountain Lion on my mac regarding iXAFS compatibility with XQuartz and the new OS not supporting X11 anymore. Since then I have received a few comments back and I found one solution to be the best. This was originally sent by Tsu-Chien Weng from SSRL (tsuchien <at> Please find the following solution below. 3. cd /Applications/Utilities4. sudo mkdir X11.app5. cd X11.app6. sudo ln -s .. Thank you, Kyler J. _______________________________________________ Ifeffit mailing list Ifeffit@... Software:EXCURV - Abstract The purpose of the program is to find a structural model of a material (hopefully the right one) which agrees with the available EXAFS spectra.

In order to evaluate a structure, a model must first be defined in terms of one or more clusters of atoms, weighted according to the average composition of the material. Clusters may represent different atomic sites in a single phase, or multiple phases. A full description of each cluster requires : the radial or cartesian coordinates of scattering atoms about each absorbing atom for which spectra are available a pair distribution function for each symmetrically unique excited-atom/scattering atom pair the point group of each cluster The parameters used to define the model may be refined until optimum agreement with the XAFS data is obtained.

Refinement may use additional data to that given by EXAFS spectra, for example distance and angle restraints using bond distances obtained by other techniques. Details Author Norman Binsted Platforms Terms. LaTeX – A document preparation system. LaTeX – A document preparation system. CSL Search by Name. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) LLNL.