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10 Startup Founder Blogs You Should Be Reading. Starting a company is hard, and finding reliable advice along the way can be even harder. There are thousands of entrepreneurs, investors, and bloggers who claim to be experts, churning out new business advice every day, but how can you trust that it’s advice worth taking? We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite business blogs written by startup founders for aspiring entrepreneurs. These resources offer practical advice that is bound to keep you well-informed and inspired as you follow your business dreams. Related Story: 11 Success Entrepreneurs That You Should Be Following on Twitter 1. Kate Kendall via Kate Kendall is the co-founder and CEO of CloudPeeps – a newly-launched marketplace that connects businesses with remote community managers. 2. Danielle Morril via Flickr Danielle Morrill has played a variety of roles from marketing guru to startup mentor, but is currently the CEO and Founder of the Y Combinator-backed startup, Referly. 3.

Joel Gasicogne at Hustlecon. Content Marketing Solutions from Copyblogger. Seth's Blog. Content Marketing Strategy, Research and "How-To" Advice — Content Marketing Institute. Moz: Inbound Marketing and SEO Software, Made Easy.