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Introduction to Arduino | Jody Culkin. Boston Dynamics' PETMAN Humanoid On Video. Quantum computing for the determined. I’ve posted to YouTube a series of 22 short videos giving an introduction to quantum computing. Here’s the first video: Below I list the remaining 21 videos, which cover subjects including the basic model of quantum computing, entanglement, superdense coding, and quantum teleportation. To work through the videos you need to be comfortable with basic linear algebra, and with assimilating new mathematical terminology.

If you’re not, working through the videos will be arduous at best! In particular, you don’t need a background in quantum mechanics to follow the videos. The videos are short, from 5-15 minutes, and each video focuses on explaining one main concept from quantum mechanics or quantum computing. The course is not complete — I originally planned about 8 more videos. One minor gotcha: originally, I was hoping to integrate the videos with a set of exercises. Let me finish with two comments on approach. Second, the videos focus on the nuts-and-bolts of how things work. The basics. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Fall 2011. Main Page - APIDesign. The Art In Computer Programming.