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Apprendre le picking a la dadi methode 6. » Basic Finger Picking Exercise #2. In this lesson you will be learning two different examples that use a new finger picking pattern. The first example uses only one chord and is pretty simple for your picking hand. The second example changes chords and gets a little bit more difficult for your picking hand. Let’s take a look at the finger picking pattern before we get into the two examples. Start with your thumb on the 5th string and then roll through the 4th, 3rd, and 2nd strings with your 1st, 2nd and 3rd fingers on your picking hand.

Now come back down the 3rd, and 4th strings with your 2nd and 1st fingers. That is the whole picking pattern. Look at the TAB and you will see T I M A M I under the notes that you should be playing. Now that you know the finger picking pattern you need to apply it to the first variation. The second variation uses a G, C, E minor, D progression. Remember to relax and start out slowly. » Basic Finger Picking Exercise #1. In this guitar lesson you will be putting a simple finger picking pattern with some basic chords.

The chords that you will be using are A, D, E and F# minor. If you don’t know these chords yet you should take some time to look at the chord diagrams that we have given you. Once you have all of the basic chord shapes down you can use the basic finger picking pattern that you will be learning to play through the progression presented to you in this lesson. We have given you the TAB and sheet music so that you can see exactly what is happening. Remember, when you see a T I M or A on the sheet music those letters represent your thumb index middle and ring fingers on your picking hand. The finger picking pattern that you will be using in this progression is pretty simple. The progression that you will be playing through is A D E F# minor D E A.

.::. six.cordes : les cours de guitare .::. Sommaire des cours . Le picking pour débutant. Vincent Peirani. Ulf Wakenius. Cours de guitare. Bienvenue dans la section Cours de Tu es guitariste débutant ou confirmé, tu cherches à apprendre la guitare ou à améliorer ton jeu ? te propose des leçons adaptées à ton niveau, et qui te permettront d'avancer dans le monde de la guitare à ton rythme. Nous débuterons par les bases de l'instrument, son origine, son histoire, son anatomie, pour te proposer des chapitres évolutifs vers la maîtrise de l'instrument, jusqu'aux étapes de ton auto production.

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