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Pearl harbor

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Newscaster reports live on Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. Pearl Harbor Ships and Planes - Remembering Pearl Harbor. Remembering Pearl Harbor @ World War II Timeline - Remembering Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts. The Japanese plan was simple: Destroy the Pacific Fleet.

Pearl Harbor — Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

That way, the Americans would not be able to fight back as Japan’s armed forces spread across the South Pacific. On December 7, after months of planning and practice, the Japanese launched their attack. At about 8 a.m., Japanese planes filled the sky over Pearl Harbor. Bombs and bullets rained onto the vessels moored below. At 8:10, a 1,800-pound bomb smashed through the deck of the battleship USS Arizona and landed in her forward ammunition magazine. In all, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor crippled or destroyed nearly 20 American ships and more than 300 airplanes.

But the Japanese had failed to cripple the Pacific Fleet. Pearl Harbor Video — Pearl Harbor Images. The 7 December 1941 Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor was one of the great defining moments in history.

Pearl Harbor Images

A single carefully-planned and well-executed stroke removed the United States Navy's battleship force as a possible threat to the Japanese Empire's southward expansion. America, unprepared and now considerably weakened, was abruptly brought into the Second World War as a full combatant. Pearl Harbor in 1940-1941. By May 1940, when the main part of the United States Fleet was transferred there from the west coast, Pearl Harbor had long been under development as a major naval base.

Pearl Harbor in 1940-1941

Its Navy Yard had a dry dock capable of holding the largest warships, a marine railway for smaller ones, and an industrial plant for repairing and maintaining these ships. There were abundant mooring and docking locations for ships, including a berthing area along the eastern side of Ford Island that was commonly called "Battleship Row". Ford Island, dominating the center of Pearl Harbor, held a Naval Air Station for combat landplanes and patrol seaplanes. Across Southeast Loch from the Navy Yard was a submarine base and nearby was a large "farm" of fuel oil tanks. The base also included a Naval Hospital and other facilities. This was still not nearly enough to support the Fleet.

During 1940-41, construction of new facilities was undertaken to address some of these problems. Pearl Harbor in 1940-1941 (part II) Attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack on Pearl Harbor[nb 4] was a surprise military strike conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy against the United States naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the morning of December 7, 1941 (December 8 in Japan).

Attack on Pearl Harbor

The attack led to the United States' entry into World War II. The attack was intended as a preventive action in order to keep the U.S. Pacific Fleet from interfering with military actions the Empire of Japan was planning in Southeast Asia against overseas territories of the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and the United States. There were simultaneous Japanese attacks on the U.S. -held Philippines and on the British Empire in Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong. The attack came as a profound shock to the American people and led directly to the American entry into World War II in both the Pacific and European theaters. There were numerous historical precedents for unannounced military action by Japan. Background to conflict Diplomatic background Military planning Objectives. Official Pearl Harbor Memorial Tours ~ Visiting Pearl Harbor Museum, Monument on Oahu, Hawaii.

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