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Education in Sudan. Education in Sudan is free and compulsory for children aged 6 to 13 years.

Education in Sudan

Primary education consists of eight years, followed by three years of secondary education. The former educational ladder 6 + 3 + 3 was changed in 1990. The primary language at all levels is Arabic. Schools are concentrated in urban areas; many in the South and West have been damaged or destroyed by years of civil war. In 2001 the World Bank estimated that primary enrollment was 46 percent of eligible pupils and 21 percent of secondary students. According to World Bank estimates for 2002, the literacy rate in adults aged 15 years and older was 60 percent.

The public and private education systems inherited by the government after independence were designed more to provide civil servants and professionals to serve the colonial administration than to educate the Sudanese. Since World War II the demand for education had exceeded Sudan's education resources.

_Biology/NaturalBornKillers.pdf. More Women in Authority. As women rise, will men become obsolete? - Relationships. In the 1970s the biologist Ronald Ericsson came up with a way to separate sperm carrying the male-producing Y chromosome from those carrying the X. He sent the two kinds of sperm swimming down a glass tube through ever-thicker albumin barriers. The sperm with the X chromosome had a larger head and a longer tail, and so, he figured, they would get bogged down in the viscous liquid.

The sperm with the Y chromosome were leaner and faster and could swim down to the bottom of the tube more efficiently. Ericsson had grown up on a ranch in South Dakota, where he’d developed an Old West, cowboy swagger. The process, he said, was like “cutting out cattle at the gate.” In the late 1970s, Ericsson leased the method to clinics around the U.S., calling it the first scientifically proven method for choosing the sex of a child. Ericsson, now 74, laughed when I read him these quotes from his old antagonist.

9 Generations of White Tigers. 9 Generations of White Tigers White tiger cubs are produced when the recessive gene for the color white is inherited from both parents. A white tiger only has white genes for its offspring to inherit; therefore two white tigers mated together produce only white cubs. Intelligence In Men And Women Is A Gray And White Matter. Irvine, Calif. (January 20, 2005) -- While there are essentially no disparities in general intelligence between the sexes, a UC Irvine study has found significant differences in brain areas where males and females manifest their intelligence. The study shows women having more white matter and men more gray matter related to intellectual skill, revealing that no single neuroanatomical structure determines general intelligence and that different types of brain designs are capable of producing equivalent intellectual performance.

“These findings suggest that human evolution has created two different types of brains designed for equally intelligent behavior,” said Richard Haier, professor of psychology in the Department of Pediatrics and longtime human intelligence researcher, who led the study with colleagues at UCI and the University of New Mexico. Study results appear on the online version of NeuroImage. The study also identified regional differences with intelligence. How Male and Female Brains Differ. Researchers reveal sex differences in the brain's form and function. Why do I need to register or sign in for WebMD to save? We will provide you with a dropdown of all your saved articles when you are registered and signed in.

Disparities Start Early in Life continued... Females and males maintain unique brain characteristics throughout life. Male brains, for instance, are about 10% larger than female brains. Stop Helping The Boys. Stop Helping Boys Barry Sheerman Barry Sheerman is the current chairman of the House of Commons education select committee. (March 2005) "My own personal view is that women are brighter than men," According to the BBC website, he said, "My own personal view is that women are brighter than men," and that there was a "danger" of being obsessed about how boys were doing at school. Scientists and laymen have spent the last 50 years dispelling myths about women.

I worry that journalists, academics and laymen will continue to perpetuate an equal number of myths about men. Annually in 2010, 2011 and 2012, I have conducted a national survey of singles, in collaboration with a US dating service. Together we designed a questionnaire with some 150 queries (many with up to 10 sub-questions) and polled over 5,000 single men and women. We did not sample the members of the dating site; instead we collected data on a national representative sample based on the US census.

All were "never married," divorced, widowed or separated; none were engaged, "living together" or in a serious relationship. Foremost, men are just about as eager to marry as women. Men aren't "players" either. Celebrity Heights - How tall are Celebrities.

African Americans

Illinois Loop: Gender Bias. From our page on , here are the entries on gender issues -- boys and girls in schools : "There is evidence that the female advantage in school performance is real and persistent. " -- U. S. Department of Education, 2000 "Just when you thought nothing new could be added to progressive education's long catalog of failures, yet one more has come to light -- and it is a particularly grave and far-reaching failure.

For progressive ed, I would argue, is responsible for the epidemic of underachievement among boys in British state schools, now so deep and widespread that it is taking on the proportions of a national crisis. ... -- Janet Daley, "Progressive Ed's War On Boys", City Journal (Manhattan Institute), Winter 1999 "Many boys think that their grade schools are boy-unfriendly. -- Patricia Dalton, "When Did We Lose Sight of Boys? " "The poor performance of English boys in relation to girls, particularly in reading skills, is a relatively new phenomenon.