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How to maintain your gains post cycle - Part I | Wannabebig. Note: This article is geared (pun intended) towards the moderate user (defined as 400mg-1000mg/week). It is not intended for the advanced user who stays on for long periods or year round and uses more then a gram per week plus Insulin, GH and other goodies. Life is good. You’ve got money in the bank. You’re dating Barbie, the hot silicone blonde from the gym, and you’ve just amassed 15 pounds of lean muscle on your current cycle. With this newfound muscle under your belt, 24/7 pumps, heavier weights lifted with each new session, and a sex drive that’d put Hugh Hefner and Ron Jeremy to shame. What more could a meathead ask for? Probably a whole lot more, but that’s beside the point. For newbies the weeks ahead will be met with mixed feelings and for the non-virgins the routine is far too familiar. 1.

Gearing Down Coming off isn’t a walk in the park. Most trainees put a lot of time and effort into planning a cycle and very little into a training program. The Strategy and Programs Email.


Marine Corps Tough: Battlefield Lessons You Can Take To The Gym. The Marine Corps taught me many valuable lessons. I found that the tenets of being a Marine are completely applicable to living a fit, successful life. It takes determination and strength to build the body you want, and more important, to build the life you want. This Independence Day, while you chew on a hot dog and watch fireworks, take the time to reflect on our country's freedom. And the next time you hit the gym, reflect on these Marine Corps lessons to enhance your mental and physical ferocity. One of the most important lessons I learned while in the Marines was that my body could take much more punishment and go much farther than I ever believed it could. In the Marines you're taught to strive for constant improvement. Prior to entering the Marines, I believed it wasn't possible to function effectively on limited amounts of sleep.

Throughout much of my time in the Marines, I had little control over my diet. The Marines Corps does not believe that failure is an option. Amphipod at REI - Free shipping on orders of $50 or more. Water Fasting - Water Fasting - Quick Weight Loss & = Ultimate Detoxification. User Login | JEFIT- Best Android and iPhone Workout App, Bodybuilding App.| Best Workout Tracking System. Supplements.