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Jamie Good sur Twitter : "Tweet, tweet. #Twitter... Twitter social innovation leader Claire Diaz-Ortiz shares how to start your morning our right, and using social media productively. HMV staff tweet their own mass sacking. “Not to mention, I wanted to show the power of Social Media to those who refused to be educated. In a lengthy explanation, she added: “I hope they’ve finally listening.” A family member, also on Twitter, said that “strangers fired mass groups” at the company and that Poppy was “already receiving job offers” in social media following her actions. The string of tweets from HMV's official account had read: “There are over 60 of us being fired at once!

Mass execution, of loyal employees who love the brand. “Sorry we've been quiet for so long. "Under usual circumstances, we'd never dare do such a thing as this. "As management raced to stop the tweets, the feed read: “Just overheard our Marketing Director (he's staying, folks) ask "How do I shut down Twitter? " The messages, which were all tagged #hmvXFactorFiring, were quickly deleted. The Tweeter's identity known within the company, but no action was taken as she has already been let go. The tweets, as they were, can be seen below: Vine Equals Great Opportunities (If We Are Creative Enough)

Vine, the new social networking application that allows you to create six second videos to share with the world is building incredible hype. Major companies are even jumping on the band wagon in order to utilize this new social media effectively according to an article from TechCrunch. But, having only six seconds to tell a story or message can be a little difficult. So how are these companies faring with their pioneering attempts at social media marketing on Vine? TechCrunch displays three examples of companies already posting on Vine including Trident, Ritz and Dove. Creativity is definitely a requirement with a six second window as you see soap being bowled into shampoo bottles set up as pins, random people chewing in unique ways and a cracker disappearing bit by bit. The last one is similar to a Reeses commercial. The exciting part about Vine and the opportunity to market short clips is the anticipation of seeing truly creative pieces. Have you checked out Vine yet?

Introducing Vine: The Worst Thing Ever to Happen to Content Marketing? On January 24th, Twitter released Vine, its video sharing mobile app, to much fanfare. And though it’s been plagued with unbefitting content, many marketers are gravitating towards the budding new service as a means of communicating to their audiences. But is Vine really a worthy addition to the content marketer’s toolkit? How Does Vine Work? Vine allows you to take a 6-second video and post it via an Instagram’esque interface. A published video also loops, giving it an animated .gif feel. Users must first create an account within Vine, and follow other Vine users (you can scan your own Twitter profile for Twitter friends who also have Vine accounts and follow them). The video capture mechanism is actually quite snappy. Social functionality mirrors that of Instagram and comes standard with the ability to like and comment on other Vine videos. Ready to create a Vine account for your business?

With Every App Comes an Application We Have A ‘Bad Content’ Problem Think Before You Share Connect: Vine Resume May Be the World's First. Since it was introduced last month, Twitter's Vine has been used for advertising, breaking news and, of course, porn. But an aspiring journalist has found another: Resume. h/t & love to dear friends @meghanscibona @monkeyprime @smixel for helping w/ my #TwitterResume #HireDawnSiff— Dawn Siff (@dawnsiff) February 20, 2013 Dawn Siff's 6-second Vine resume may be the world's first. Of course, in that time frame, she doesn't get much across. Siff created the Vine on Wednesday as part of a Social Media Week panel put on by The Daily Muse. Is this the first Vine resume? Siff's Vine comes after a couple of other imaginative riffs on a resume including one made up to look like an Amazon review page and another that emulated an eBay product page.

What do you think? Mashable composite.

Twitter How To

Four Twitter Predictions For 2013. 75 Things I Learned on My Journey to 100,000 Twitter Followers. It was early 2009, and I was still working in the walls of corporate America. I setup an account with the friendly little blue bird, named Twitter. It was from that moment I saw the power of the tweet and what it had in store for my life. I didn’t think twice about the Twitter handle when I set it up. I knew I loved marketing, I am a nut and my name is Pam. Without much thought the Twitter handle “@PamMktgNut” was born! 15 Years In Corporate and the Journey to Entrepreneurship I spent 15 years working in corporate at companies such as GE, Sun Microsystems, StorageTek, Hitachi Data Systems. Although I was in charge of marketing, which included social, our CEO had a false belief he was the social media ninja. Even with the out of the roof results, we weren’t empowered to do what needed to be done with social to see results. It was those moments that pushed me to be an entrepreneur.

After a few short months of working for the company I left to become an entrepreneur. So here we are today. Twitter through a fresh set of eyes. I’ve been very fortunate in that my book The Tao of Twitter is being used as a text in at least 40 universities and I recently had an interesting experience when I got to sit in on a class that had read and was discussing the book. It was fun seeing Twitter again through the fresh eyes of these students. Here are excerpts from some of the student papers as they experienced Twitter for the first time. I also wanted to help them out by giving them some link love to their own student blogs so check ‘em out! Ren Yi – “Mark Schaefer uses conversational tones and easy reading format to write the book, which makes it very easy to read, especially for someone whose first language is not English, just like me. “The reason I wasn’t a big fan of social media is because I think the information on there is too personal and all about some random stuff.

Morgan Neal – “I am mostly a self-taught Twitter user and the only part I have not used at all is the list feature of Twitter. Photos: Put a filter on it. Every day, millions of people come to Twitter to connect with the things they care about and find out what’s happening around the world. As one of the most compelling forms of self-expression, photos have long been an important part of these experiences.

Starting today, you’ll be able to edit and refine your photos, right from Twitter. The latest versions of Twitter for iPhone and Twitter for Android introduce a few new ways to enhance the images you tweet. We’re grateful to our partner, Aviary, for powering our filters and effects. Filters. Apply one of eight filters, ranging from black & white to vintage, to add a new look and feel to your photos. Take a bird’s-eye view. Frame the action. Auto-enhance. New profiles for everyone.

Photos: Put a filter on it. Explaining Twitter. By Adam Goldberg Have you ever needed to explain what Twitter is? I use Twitter everyday, both personally and professionally and admittedly felt challenged making this presentation. Below are easy to understand slides explaining what Twitter is. You’ll learn about… . . . trending topcs . . You’ll also find slides about… . . During the “Let’s go to the video tape” (slide 3). That video can be found here. The post What is Twitter?

Connect: Authored by: Adam Goldberg I am a lover of all things social media. See complete profile. 5 Great Ways for Teachers to Collaborate on Twitter. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – Twitter is an absolutely fantastic resource for teachers. But it can also be something of a blunt instrument. The daily surge of information, the ever-changing timeline of tweets, the potential to miss entire conversations simply by failing to log in at the right moment… the pitfalls are considerable.

The best a teacher can get out of Twitter is truly enriching, meaningful collaboration with other educators – so try these top tips to make sure you manage to achieve just that… 1. It’s not easy to collaborate if you’re not online at the same time. 2. The key to successful long-lasting collaboration is sharing resources, ideas and tools. 3. Even taking the time to share documents or explain how to use tools can be time-consuming in the faced-paced world of Twitter. 4. It’s not easy to stay on top of everything that goes on on Twitter as things move so quickly. 5.

Create a Twitter RSS feed for Tweets, Searches, Hashtags, Lists or Favorites. FREE PowerPoint Twitter Tools. WARNING: From March 5th, 2013, Twitter will progressively drop support for RSS feeds, breaking the tools below (except the AutoTweet plugin, which I have updated to the new API). I will try to find a solution, but no guarantees, I’m afraid… Ever wanted to make presentations a more interactive, Web 2.0 experience?

The PowerPoint Twitter Tools prototypes are now available. Created using SAP BusinessObjects Xcelsius (but requiring only PowerPoint for Windows and Adobe Flash to run), the twitter tools allow presenters to see and react to tweets in real-time, embedded directly within their presentations, either as a ticker or refreshable comment page.

There are currently eight tools – you can easily cut and paste them into your own PowerPoint decks: PowerPoint Twitter feedback slides PowerPoint AutoTweet, PowerPoint Twitter voting — bar charts and pie chart PowerPoint Twitter ticker bar PowerPoint Mood meter PowerPoint Crowd meter PowerPoint Zoom text PowerPoint Twitter update bar AutoTweet. Twitter for Business: 10 Things You Should Tweet. There's a real etiquette to doing business in 140 characters. And unlike when you tweet as an individual, it means no random thoughts, photos of your last four meals, political rants, or too much information about your digestive issues, sex life, and drinking binges.

Hopefully you already knew that. So what should you tweet? If you become a respected member of the Twitter community, you can throw in messages directly related to your products or services, but those need to be counter-balanced by tweets completely unrelated to your sales efforts. There is no single formula that is guaranteed to work, but here are 10 things you should try: 1. The "I found this amazing article I think you'd love" tweet: These are not direct plugs of your business, but links to articles that would be of interest to your target audience. 2.

These are tweets designed to humanize your company. 3. Everybody loves a deal. 4. Remember, social media is social. 5. Twitter is an amazing tool for customer service. 6. 7. Use Twitter in PowerPoint. Your audience is tweeting How do you draw them into your presentation? By asking for their opinion, and displaying their tweets directly in your slides. With Poll Everywhere, you can invite people to tweet a short comment directly to your slide in real-time, while still blocking inappropriate or off-topic tweets.

You can also ask multiple choice questions and watch a graph evolve as people vote. Try it now: chart How does it work? If people tweet and include "@poll", we'll pick it up as fast as Twitter allows. If you defined a confirmation message, @poll replies back to them. Twitter as a professional development tool. Twitter graphic from Spoon Graphics As you all know, Twitter is #1 on the Top 100 Tools for Learning list this year for the second year running. Those who voted it into the top spot, know how important and valuable it has become for them. Others, who haven't yet tried Twitter, often show their surprise that a tool which they often consider "trivial" can be of any use for "learning".

I've written a lot about Twitter as well as talked to many people about it - whether it be in small corporate workshops or in conference presentations. One of the ways that I try to explain its value is to show how it is a great place to build a PLN - Personal Learning Network. However, this does not always hit the right spot, as it can take a bit of time to explain what a PLN is. So recently, I've been talking more about Twitter as "a professional development tool", and I now see more more people showing interest. And here are a few other articles I have found too: 8 Best Practices For Using Twitter For Business [INFOGRAPHIC] 10 Twitter Tips for the Workplace. Having trouble convincing your boss that Twitter isn't a waste of time? Then you might find it interesting to learn that social media evangelists across the U.S. federal government are blasting out Tweets several times a day to their constituents.

Here are their suggestions for how to integrate new media tools such as Twitter, Facebook and Flickr into a large, old-fashioned bureaucracy: 1. Identify a business problem you are trying to solve. Don't deploy social media tools just to appear cool. "You really want to focus on the business problem you are trying to solve and the communities you need to engage to help you solve that problem," advises Lena Trudeau, program area director for the National Academy of Public Administration. The Defense Information Systems Agency, for example, is using a commercial mash-up tool from JackBe to allow military commanders to create real-time feeds using information from many disparate sources, says DISA CTO Dave Mihelcic. 2.

Similarly, when the U.S. 3. Twitter for Business Workshop - January 22, 2011. Invalid quantity. Please enter a quantity of 1 or more. The quantity you chose exceeds the quantity available. Please enter your name. Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Please enter your message or comments. Please enter the code as shown on the image. Please select the date you would like to attend. Please enter a valid email address in the To: field. Please enter a subject for your message. Please enter a message. You can only send this invitations to 10 email addresses at a time. $$$$ is not a properly formatted color. Please limit your message to $$$$ characters. $$$$ is not a valid email address. Please enter a promotional code. Sold Out Pending You have exceeded the time limit and your reservation has been released. The purpose of this time limit is to ensure that registration is available to as many people as possible.

This option is not available anymore. Please read and accept the waiver. All fields marked with * are required. US Zipcodes need to be 5 digits. Twitter for business workshop. Top Ten Types of Tweets. 4 Reasons That I'm Your Tweep. Social Media Training Is Now Mandatory.

Twitter in Classroom

Brampton students suspended over Twitter comments about teachers. Eight Ways Twitter is Useful Professionally | Tech News and Analysis.