Cryptex Technologies
If you own a law firm and looking for an advanced legal document software that will help you to manage your work, you should definitely try out for the innovative law firm web application, developed by Cryptex Technologies.
LMS Development Company – Custom Learning Management System Development. Cryptex Technologies is a Learning Management System Development Company in India, we provide customized LMS software development solution according to the need of our client.
Today, the CANVAS learning management system has not remained confined to a single application. Instead, it has created a drastic revolution in the modernized education sector and it is free to use. Canvas LMS or Learning Management Systems serves as an optimistic approach aimed at making amendments in the scenario of future education. Best thing about this exclusive product is that it is of easily usable, mobile friendly and lets users to save their huge amount of time. Despite, the sector of learning management system is now available with wide varieties, such as Chamilo, SWAD, Fedena, Open OLAT, Claroline and many more; Canvas acts as the top choice for people because it is a product of 21st century’s LMS. Real Estate App development company – Cryptex Technologies. Today, the Real-Estate application has not remained confined to a single application.
Instead, it has created a drastic revolution in the modernized Real-estate sector and it is easy to use. Real-Estate application serves as an optimistic and digital approach aimed at making amendments in the scenario of future digital real-estate market. Best thing about this exclusive product is that it is easily usable, mobile friendly and enable brokers to save their humongous amount of time. If you're thinking about tapping into the emerging digital market, now is the time to invest. Unlike most other markets, digital real-estate application is something you can invest in without massive risks.
Everything you need to know about ‘The Cryptocurrency Exchange' Cryptocurrency Exchange A cryptocurrency is nothing but a digital currency.
Cryptocurrency exchanges are the platforms where you can buy, sell or exchange cryptocurrencies with other digital currency or with other assets such as fiat money. Fiat currency is like paper money for example Rupees, Dollars whose value is decided by the government. To start with the cryptocurrency exchange, you have to create an account in a cryptocurrency exchange. The exchange will then verify your account. Ruby On Rails, Mobile App Development And Testing Services. In the ever changing technological world, one needs to possess correct mix of technologies.
A little compromise in the latest technology can lead to a huge loss to the business. Taking the need of the ever growing virtual platform into consideration Cryptex technologies provides numerous yet right mix of technologies. Software Development Company in India. RabbitMQ with Ruby on Rails in 2018 for Web Application Development. An Introduction to RabbitMQ: RabbitMQ is a message broker software in Ruby on Rails framework where web applications connect to the queue and transfer a message onto it.
When one application server sends the request to another application server, RabbitMQ works as a queue manager where requests handled and served one by one. Message transferring is done from one application to another through RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ uses the standard Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) to keep message request in queues and serve easily. The message may contain any information like simple text transfer or task that need to process on another server. Ruby on Rails Action Cable Tutorial for Developing Real Time Web Application. Action Cable is a powerful feature introduced in Rails 5.
Using action cable one can develop real-time web applications. Action cable uses Web Sockets to create full duplex communication between application’s server and client. Using action cable feature we can create any real-time functionality like live chatting, which updates chats, show new messages, notifications, etc without reloading of the page. Action cable basically keeps ruby on rails server data and client data updated using web sockets which make the application more feasible to use. What is Automated Software Testing and When Choose Automation Over Manual Testing? As software testing is moving from manual into automation at very fast speed, at times testers get into a scenario where they need to opt what needs to be automated, when to automate and why to opt for automated software testing?
If you are a software tester, this blog will help you to choose one from the two testing methods. Software testers generally perform manual testing in the following scenarios: 1. When an application is at the initial stage of development. As application flow and feel and change over developing period it's better to go for manual testing then automating it. 2. 3. 4. Nine Array Methods in Ruby Programming and their Differences - You Should Know About! Nowadays, data handling is a big responsibility for every web and mobile application.
Arrays make the process easier and it can handle any list of data. Once you have data in an array, you can easily sort it, remove duplicates, change its order to either ascending or descending and many more. In Ruby programming, there are many methods for Array object i.e. Map, Collect, Select, Reject, Each, Inject, Reduce, Detect and Find. Most of the Ruby on Rails developers uses these methods in their web applications. In this blog, we have outlined the difference between all the methods. Token Based Authentication API in Rails with the help of JWT and Knock. If you want to create Rails Application dependent on API only and you have a requirement to provide Token based authentication in your application.
So you can use JWT+ KNOCK token based Authentication solution. Unit Testing Significance in Ruby on Rails Software Development. In this blog we will discuss about Unit Testing, the very first thing that we need to know is when the Unit Testing is being performed.
Unit testing is the initial level of software testing, that is performed on the application source code mainly by the developer. A Beginner’s Guide to Angular Architecture for Front-End Development. We have gone through many web applications and mobile applications which do not reload the entire page but instead reloads only the required section. These are nothing but Single Page Applications (SPA) which are developed using Angular. A good example of SPA is Gmail where we have noticed that when we click on the inbox, it only reloads and displays that email in the e-mail list sections. Cron job in Ruby on Rails application – A Complete Tutorial for Beginners. A scheduled task is very important in Ruby on Rails application. Ruby on Rails does not have this type of “out-of-the-box” feature, but we can use the Cron job to achieve the purpose. Cron can be scheduled to send a reminder email, or scheduling to crawl something from another website on daily basis. In this blog, let’s quickly go through how to use Cron job.
Simplifying Admission Procedures using Ruby on Rails Technology. Every University has thousands of applications streaming in for each course. A single application has a minimum of three stages – the document submitted by the student, his/her interview and finally, uploading the financial proof. Managing all of this singularly is a huge challenge. There is a strong need for providing a common platform for application management. Offshore System for Student Management, a software developed and managed by Cryptex Technologies, India is the perfect one-stop solution for this.
Increase your scalability using Redis in Ruby on Rails Application. Redis is an open source very fast, non-relational, in-memory data structure store. It stores data in the form of a key-value pair. Redis has a support of data structure like sets, hashes, strings, list. Why choose Spree Commerce in 2018. Introduction: Spree Commerce is a complete, scalable, API-driven open source Ecommerce framework. It is built with Ruby on Rails, empowering forward thinking developers for years.
In 2018 Spree is a matured and market proven technology. Spree is well suited to serve as a custom technology platform for any type of an Ecommerce application: an online shop, a multi vendor marketplace, a rich-content driven commerce project, a social commerce website or a backend engine for an Ecommerce mobile or tablet app (iOS, Android). Spree allows you to design and develop a unique, beautiful front-end UX. Spree allows for rapid development and short time to market because its lean core functionality may be easily customized with a collection of official extensions, as well as hundreds of unofficial ones.
How to create Drag and Drop functionality in Ruby On Rails? How to Sort Data in Rails App using ‘DataTable’ gem. Sorting, searching and paginating data has always been one of the requirements of a Rails application.DataTable gem provides a jQuery Javascript library - Highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. Integrate this gem in the Rails application by putting this gem into gemfile. DataTables makes it easy to convert a plain HTML table into one with pagination, sorting, and searching - all done with JavaScript or jQuery. Instead of writing searching functionality, sorting functionality and pagination functionality separately, these functionalities are conveniently performed by using datatable gem.
How to Cleanup the Routes in Rails App Using ‘Traceroute’ gem. Code cleanup refers to the act of writing code so that it cleans up leftover data structures and other unwanted materials from memory and the file system. It is not the same as refactoring code, which involves making the source code itself easier to understand, maintain, and modify. Digital Music Distribution Software Development. Our Web application allows labels, artists and owners of various musical contents to promote, distribute and market contents across different types of digital stores, tastemaker blogs, social media platforms and keep a proper track on results. We distribute musical collections to varieties of digital contents stores, including YouTube and iTunes.
Blockchain Payment Gateway. Cryptex Technologies hold significant experience in creating Bitcoin payment gateway Integration. Creating a gateway for the online transfer of Bitcoin is a job that calls for considerable experience, through technical knowledge and analyzing power. Cryptex hold expertise in all the aspects i.e. we have years of experience in creative payment gateway for Bitcoin, our development team has proficient command on technical knowledge and we also analyze different scenarios to test the security and reliability of the payment transfer system.
Out work is not limited to only creation of bitcoin payment gateway, instead we also implement a number of effective functionalities in any Bitcoin project we undertake. Some of the functionalities are: Wallet Creation (Using Blockchain API) Wallet to Wallet Bitcoin Transfer Payment using Bitcoin Bill Payment using Bitcoin Payment Gateway API Exchange of Bitcoin with Local Currency Payment through the QR code. Designing. Ruby on Rails Development Companies in India. Law Firm Case Management Software. Family Court Direct App If you own a law firm and looking for an advanced system that will help you to manage your work, you should definitely try out for the innovative Family Court Direct app, developed by Cryptex Technologies.