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17 october 2017



In driving, one major desire of road users is to feel and be safe while on the road especially from the police and law enforcement agents. A part of being safe is to be aware of where radars are stationed to catch those who exceed speed limits on their journey. This is being achieved through the use of radar detectors which have the ability to find out threats, direction of threats, monitor front and rear views, have GPS capabilities and can update automatically. In this piece, I will be bringing to you the top radar detectors in 2017. 

1. Valentine One:

It is the most sensitive detector with the ability to detect almost anything the closing of the door, slight movements and even the farthest radar from a police vehicle ahead.

A major innovation of the device is its ability to show the direction of the radar by arrows pointing in different directions, front, side, rear. Though it can see almost everything around you, it is also known to go haywire from increasing alerts. The price for it is placed at $484.57.

2. Escort Passport 8500 X50:

This escort model use to go for $300 in 2015 but today you can find it for $250. It is made of plastic and a major drawback of having just front-end antennas. It has excellent filtering capability which makes it very useful more than other premium devices from Escort at half the price.

Unlike Valentine One, Escort 8500 can beep and make sound for something you need to know around. It has simple user interface that is also dimmable, can connect to the Bluetooth of your smartphone, can download alerts generated by other users using the Escort Live app. It can be bought for $188.

3. Escort Passport X70:

Among all the models from Escort, this X70 is the best for bang the buck mid range-model with a crisp LED display and speed limit information. It is designed with a customizable back light that can be set to match with your dashboard lighting.

It also has a new filtering option that makes it filter false alerts from traffic sensors that emit X and K band radar (used to detect traffic in municipals but without details of individuals driver’s speed). The live ware can be upgraded and it can connect with Escort Live App. You can get one for $299.95. No rear-view detector.

4. Escort Max 360:

Introduced in 2015 and is regarded as Escort's daddy with everything you can possibly ask for in a detector. It is said to have the longest range of detection in their collection. It has four directional arrows, upgrades every week to enable users to know the recent red lights and fast cameras that have been installed on the road and some locations.

It has a GPS filtering device that stops it from detecting false alarms for places you have already passed. It also an in-car radar safety system, though it doesn’t work to full capacity in some models. Escort claims that it has the fastest signal processor for any other model or brand but when compared with others that might have similar capabilities, the price might put you. Escort, in fact, offers to pay for any ticket of $250. You can buy this model for $599.95.

5. Cobra ESD7570:

This Amazon’s bestselling radar detector. It can detect radar and laser, gives you alerts and signal strengths. It is mouthed on the windshield. Cobra says that it cannot be detected by Spectre 1 and VG2 radar detector detectors. This is common and true in Virginia.

At a very low price of $50, it is definitely better than having no detector on a deserted highway. You can get this at $46.80.

6. Beltronics RX65:

This is better for radars that you need to think of budget before buying them. It makes use of city and highway modes for better filtering between lower and higher speeds. It can be muted automatically and the ability to give you details of highway information for instance construction zones.

Beltronics also claims that it cannot be detected by radar detector detectors and their range can be trusted more than those of Cobra. It is a good starter detector but with a close price with the Escort 8500 X50 model, $50 top up can earn you a better and more trusted brand. The price goes for $127.95.


The choice between radar detectors can be a tough one but this depends on other factors of utility, locations, budget, price and, of course, individuals preferences and need. If you are bothered about the details of highway information, you will have no need of Beltronics but rather focus on detecting radars.