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Top 10 Open Source Web-Based Project Management Software. This is an user contributed article.

Top 10 Open Source Web-Based Project Management Software

Project management software is not just for managing software based project. It can be used for variety of other tasks too. The web-based software must provide tools for planning, organizing and managing resources to achieve project goals and objectives. A web-based project management software can be accessed through an intranet or WAN / LAN using a web browser.


Seo. Lenguajes. SAGE math. Latex. Cloudcomputing. How to get beautifully typeset maths on your blog. Lots of people have blogs where they talk about maths.

How to get beautifully typeset maths on your blog

Lots of these people just use plain text for mathematical notation which, while it gets the point across, isn’t as easy to read or as visually appealing as it could be. MathJax lets you write LaTeX and get beautifully typeset mathematical notation. And it’s really really easy to set up: you just need to paste some code into the header of your blog’s theme. Computing giants launch free science metrics.