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Configurer l’API facebook – Facebook-api. Accueil. [TUTORIEL][Api Facebook] API facebook et le FBML (Partie 1) | Waanser. [TUTORIEL][Api Facebook] [API facebook] tutoriel, base de l'API facebook | Waanser. Mon Blog App Flickr. Upcoming Facebook Changes to Boxes and the Box Tab that Will Impact Your Custom Fan Pages. Posted on 16 November, 2009 By Kim Woodbridge Facebook is planning a series of changes and improvements that will be rolled out over the next couple of months. The most important of these changes for those of us with customized fan pages is that there won’t be any more boxes.

That’s right. No boxes! These changes will negate the article I wrote about creating a custom facebook fan page in which I recommended that the Boxes tab be used for customization. As soon as Facebook implements the changes that removes boxes and the Boxes tab, the above page will no longer exist. The best solution is to use Static FBML to create a custom tab and then create a layout in html. I created a new tab and default welcome page to my fan site and named the tab (Anti) Social Development. The applications tab is going to have less space and we will have 510px to work with. These changes are scheduled for the end of this year or the beginning of next so there is some time to make the changes. photo credit: drp.

“HOW TO” Create Bullet Points Using FBML In Your Facebook Fan Page. Your Facebook Fan Page is a great place to aggregate resources to share with your growing fan base. These resources can be presented on your Facebook Fan Page with the FBML app that allows you to have a customized tab at the top of your Fan Page, a customized name for that tab, and of course, customized content within that tab. Without getting too far off track, let’s assume you want to use the FBML app to create a “resources” tab on your Facebook Fan Page (like my Facebook Fan Page Tips tab on my Fan Page). Or perhaps an even more organized resource page like the one on Jen Lovelady’s page. You’ll notice on both of the examples mentioned above that the resources are organized using bullet points. <li>text for headline</li <li>more text for headline</li> Facebook Pages: FBML Examples (Part 1) « Lorraine Siew – The FBML Blog.

Here are some FBML examples that I took from one of the pages I admin. This is THE place to go if you want the real Facebook Style codes. Some of them I take from there and tweak it. But for those of you who just want to add a image link to your website or things like that, you can just use these codes. 1) Box with image and text <center><br><a href=” target=”_blank”><img src=” width=”180px” height=”180px” border=”0″ alt=”” /><br><br><h2>FIND OUT WHO WON</h2></centre> 2) Box with 2 images and no text 3) Box with simple quote 4) Box with rows of text.

<tr class=”odd”><td><h4>Nicol David</h4><div>#1 – Malaysia</div></td></tr> <tr><td><h4>Natalie Grainger</h4><div>#2 – United States</div></td></tr> <tr class=”odd”><td><h4>Rachael Grinham</h4><div>#3 – Australia</div></td></tr> So, that’s about it for now. How to made Fans or Page for Bussines @ facebook ? Calendrier - Facebook Développeurs.