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Shadowbox.js Media Viewer. Welcome to Shadowbox! Shadowbox is a powerful and easy-to-use lightbox for websites. Using Shadowbox, website authors can display a wide variety of photo and video content in all of the web's most popular browsers in an attractive and functional format. For more information, please see Installation and Usage To install Shadowbox on your webpage, simply add the following two lines of code to the <head> section of your HTML document: For best results, please also make sure you are using the HTML5 doctype in your document. Next, add a rel="shadowbox" attribute to any links to photos or videos in the HTML markup.

<a href="vacation.jpg" rel="shadowbox">My Vacation</a> When linking to a video, you need to explicitly tell Shadowbox the dimensions to use for the video. <a href="vacation.m4v" rel="shadowbox" data-shadowbox="width=640,height=360">My Vacation</a> Note: For best results, it is recommended that you encode your videos using h264. HTML5 Video Properties. Zenphoto. SimpleViewer Download. Support For support and instructions, visit the Support Home.

Creating your own SimpleViewer gallery is easy, find out how. Need a Complete Image Gallery Website? Try Showkase, our complete portfolio website creation tool including SimpleViewer and Juicebox galleries. Universal Playback SimpleViewer now supports Universal Playback and can be viewed on Windows, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad and Android. Controls Mouse: Click thumbnails or the main image to navigate.Keyboard: Use Cursor keys, Home, End, Page Up/Down to navigate. SimpleViewer Standard Features Use on any website.Universal Playback. CSS Linked Photo Shuffler by Carl Camera : Demonstration Site. A Javascript + CSS replacement for Flash photo fading slideshow. Inspired by Richard Rutter's image fade demonstration. This is the same as the CSS Photo Shuffler demonstration, but adds links to each image.Richard Rutter's image fade demonstration at ClagnutPlease leave comments with the original post View the source or download the javascript source filePhoto Credit: the Long View Down and the Close-up Star photos by Jonathan Snook Example The XHTML An image in an anchor in a div The XHTML contains the image that will be both the first and the last image shown.

The Setup The customization section lets you set up how many photos in the deck and how many times you want to run through the deck. Specify unique IDs for your image, anchor, and div. Pause seconds and fade seconds are pretty self-explanatory. Rotations allows you to move through the deck multiple times. The Fade You can hook the photoShufflerLaunch routine into your onload event by whatever means you prefer. The Shuffle Caching. SimpleViewer. PicsEngine - Galerie flash en téléchargement - Diffusez vos phot. PHPSlideShow. Minishowcase v09b87. Slideshow - an example of a maintainable, unobtrusive JavaScript. After a workshop in Singapore on the subject of DOM Scripting and Ajax I promised to explain one of the example scripts in more detail.

The example is the following slide show: Granted, the outcome is not very flashy, but the idea of this is not to explain how to use an effect library, but how to approach an effect like this, keep it accessible, unobtrusive and allow future maintainers to change images, look and feel and text labels without having to change your script. Without JavaScript, users will get the following: Adding and removing or changing the order of images and adding captions can be easily done in the HTML and the final solution will not mean that the maintainer needs to know any JavaScript or search in the code where to change CSS classes, IDs or text labels.

Are you ready to spend some time going through this step by step? Step 1: Analyzing the Problem» 039;s Smooth SlideShow Library v2.0. Coppermine Photo Gallery. Highslide JS - JavaScript thumbnail viewer. HTML content that exceeds the size of the page Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aliquam dapibus leo quis nisl. In lectus. Vivamus consectetuer pede in nisl. Mauris cursus pretium mauris. Cras interdum accumsan diam. Nam auctor elementum dolor. Fusce a diam. Donec leo sem, commodo in, bibendum iaculis, euismod vitae, risus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi augue felis, sollicitudin auctor, pulvinar in, sollicitudin tincidunt, neque. Phasellus ullamcorper. Vivamus quam arcu, volutpat eu, imperdiet ac, ultrices eu, lacus.

Morbi pulvinar nisi venenatis lectus. Vestibulum id erat eget justo sodales suscipit. Mauris luctus. Etiam ac massa. Phasellus lorem erat, pulvinar eu, auctor in, nonummy quis, risus. Aenean molestie molestie sem. Etiam eget dui. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla malesuada augue non tortor.

Duis vitae purus. Slimbox, the ultimate lightweight Lightbox clone · Version: 1.8 Category: MooTools Javascripts Introduction Slimbox is a 4 KB visual clone of the popular Lightbox 2 script by Lokesh Dhakar, written using the MooTools javascript framework. It was designed to be very small, efficient, standards-friendly, fully customizable, more convenient and 100% compatible with the original Lightbox 2. Note: Slimbox 2 is now also available. It is using the jQuery library instead of MooTools. Demo Visit the Demo page to test the latest version. You can also test Slimbox for MooTools 1.2.5 and Slimbox for MooTools 1.11. Features From a functional point of view, Slimbox has the following added features compared to the original Lightbox: Slimbox is ready to launch as soon as the document is ready. From a design point of view, Slimbox is very different from Lightbox: The code is optimized to an insane level and has been written from scratch with efficiency in mind for the MooTools framework instead of the huge Prototype/Scriptaculous.

Compatibility Older versions: 1. CSS Photo Shuffler by Carl Camera : Demonstration Site. A Javascript + CSS replacement for Flash photo fading slideshow. Inspired by Richard Rutter's image fade demonstration. Richard Rutter's image fade demonstration at ClagnutThere's another site that shows this in action and is serving it up with application/xhtml+xml MIME.Please leave comments with the original postView the source or download the javascript source fileUpdate: My CSS Linked Photo Shuffer makes each image clickable. Example The XHTML Just like Richard's setup: an image in a div The XHTML contains the image that will be both the first and the last image shown.

The other image source values are put into the javascript routine. The Setup The customization section lets you set up how many photos in the deck and how many times you want to run through the deck. Specify unique IDs for your image and div. Pause seconds and fade seconds are pretty self-explanatory. Rotations allows you to move through the deck multiple times. The Fade The Shuffle Then I shuffle the deck. Caching License. Resizing, Fading Slideshow Demo (November 28, 2005) MooShow 1.04 Beta . Javascript Slideshow based on moo.fx (new!)