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Crea una página de Facebook. 10 'Fantastic' Facebook Apps That Will Improve Your Social Presence. Facebook timeline has settled into the hearts and minds of many – but businesses are still wondering how to enhance their pages.

10 'Fantastic' Facebook Apps That Will Improve Your Social Presence

Today we take a look at ten of the most popular Facebook applications that are 100% compatible with timeline, to effectively enhance your social presence on the internet. #1: A Facebook Forum Just in case your fans love to chat so much that they need a forum, add the app to your Facebook page. It’s well worth it for market research, and an increase in fan interaction. Courtesy of #2: Scribd For Portfolio Sites If you need to impress your fans with images, slideshow presentations, PDF’s, documents and other portfolio items, use the Scribd app for Facebook. . #3: Google Maps. LeoBaraldi - Ejemplos Flash, Ejemplos actionscript, Tutoriales Flash, Tutoriales actionscript, actionscript 3, curso de actionscript.

Facebook va más allá de su portal e interacción entre los usuarios, ofrece realmente una plataforma completa con herramientas para desarrolladores donde se pueden hacer aplicaciones para la Web, móviles y Facebook.

LeoBaraldi - Ejemplos Flash, Ejemplos actionscript, Tutoriales Flash, Tutoriales actionscript, actionscript 3, curso de actionscript

Estas aplicaciones ponen en servicio un sin fin de métodos y propiedades para que nuestras APPs o Webs puedan convertirse en potentes sistemas de marketing, mediante la recolección de datos y comportamientos de los usuarios. La API está desarrollada con un extensa compatibilidad a la mayoría de los SDK actuales disponibles, PHP, JavaScript, Android e IOS SDK, ActionScript etc. También está disponible una cantidad básica de plugins para la interacción de nuestros sitios con Facebook en unos simples copy/paste! El problema concreto que se presenta es que al ser tan extensa y al poseer tantas posibilidades a la hora de listar ventajas o a elegir “que lenguaje es el mas adecuado” se puede volver una tarea desalentadora.

Author: LeoBaraldi. Top 10 Facebook Apps for Fan Engagement and Building Community. Are you looking for ways to better engage Facebook fans and build your community?

Top 10 Facebook Apps for Fan Engagement and Building Community

These top 10 Facebook apps are, in my opinion, some of the most useful ones for pages when it comes to encouraging fan engagement and giving value to your community. They are also very easy to use. Some may be familiar to you, but you may find some new gems to try out. By the way, check out Top Ten Facebook Apps for Building Custom Tabs & Pages. If you are looking for a more comprehensive list, check out the one by Mari Smith: Top 75 Apps for Enhancing Your Facebook Page. #1: Fan of the Week for Pages Your fans like to be recognized. The application is free for the basic message shown below, but you can upgrade for a small fee to customize your message. When you are recognizing your audience for participation, they will watch for your posts. To add it to your page, just go to and then choose the page to add it to. Enabling the Fan of the Week for Pages app is easy. #2: Booshaka.