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Update & Patch

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Upgrading from previous versions. From time to time, there will be minor updates to Drupal core. If the release is designated as a security update, you should apply the update as soon as you can. Otherwise, you may choose to apply the update at any time to receive the bug fixes it contains. There are also major release upgrades; these you may want to apply so you have all the new and powerful features. Whether or not you apply a major release upgrade is highly individual to the person responsible for that decision. About Drupal versions What's the difference? Before you start updating or upgrading your Drupal installation it is important that you know the difference between a major and a minor version release. A major version of Drupal core is represented by the number before the first decimal. You can read more about Drupal's version numbering in our Documentation.

Major releases include changes to core and how Drupal functions. Minor releases fix security issues and newly discovered bugs. More terminology: Troubleshooting. Update Drupal Core. Last updated May 5, 2013. Created by chiragjain on March 22, 2012.Edited by ssiruguri, talvi, shamio, laura s. Log in to edit this page. For the most complete documentation for upgrading an existing Drupal site, see Instructions on how to update Drupal core with a newer version of Drupal of the same category or same base version [ ie Drupal 6/7/8] Make a backup of your Drupal instance. (For ex: with MySQL)Download the latest release of your current Drupal version.Extract the [tar ball or zip] Drupal package.Set your site on maintenance mode (For ex: How on D7)Delete all the files & folders inside your original Drupal instance except for /sites folder and any custom files you added elsewhere.Copy all the folders and files except /sites from inside the extracted Drupal package [tar ball or zip package] into your original Drupal instance.If the update release includes changes to settings.php replace old settings.php in ...

Looking for support? How to update a module. I looked for instructions on how to update a Drupal module, but could not find any good ones. I did find some, but they were dangerously incomplete. Therefore I will now write down how I do it, hoping for hints at possible improvements. Download the new version of the module and unpack it, so you have the module folder ready on your local disk (or in a location outside your Drupal installation on the server).

The folder usually bears the short name of the module and contains a file also bearing the short name of the module, followed by ".module". If you find any fault in these instructions, please add a comment. Applying patches on Mac OS X. Command Line, or GUI? The patch program is included with Mac OS X, but you need to use it from the command line via See HowTo: Apply patches for details on how to use patch. If you'd rather use a GUI solution, check out Apple's Xcode Tools. Note that you'll have to signup as a 'developer', but there's no charge to do so. Applying the patch using Terminal First, make a backup of the original .module file and save it outside of the module's directory. Next, download a copy of the desired patch, saving it to the same directory as your original example.module.

Now, make sure that the module you're patching is the correct version for the downloaded patch. Open your Mac's Terminal application, which can be found in the Applications > Utilities folder. Last login: Thu Jan 4 13:59:50 on ttyp1Welcome to Darwin! Using the 'cd' command, navigate to the module folder that contains both the example.module and the newly downloaded example.patch file. And voila! $ patch -p0 < example.patch 3. Explicación de un patch.