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HOW TO: Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile. With more than 85 million members in more than 200 countries, LinkedIn is a professional social network worth using, understanding and optimizing. After you've covered the basics of setting up your LinkedIn presence, features including recommendations, applications, LinkedIn Answers, and the Resume Builder can add value to your profile.

Many of these highly useful features, though, are often overlooked or underused by newcomers. We spoke with four LinkedIn aficionados to get their top advice on making the best use of these tools. Read on for their thoughts and let us know which tips you'd add for optimizing LinkedIn profiles in the comments below. Cover the Basics The first step to spiffing up your LinkedIn profile is to fill in as much information about your work experience as possible. Sharlyn Lauby, president of Internal Talent Management, HR blogger and guest contributor for Mashable, believes that a person's LinkedIn profile should, at minimum, reflect his or her current situation. Home | BeyondCredentials. | your personal homepage. : The Digital You. 10 Creative Social Media Resumes To Learn From. Like flowers in early spring, new social media job openings are sprouting across industries as companies of all sizes look to create or expand their social squads.

The undeniable success and innovation of high-profile social media campaigns — from such brands as Old Spice, Google Chrome and Starbucks — have inspired this ongoing push for companies to hire people with social media skills. If you're seeking a gig as a community manager, public relations representative, marketing person or any other social media position, check out these resumes for inspiration on how to stand out from the crowd. Also, let us know in the comments about any creative tactics you use to promote yourself and your skills. Show As Gallery Social Media Job Listings Inspired yet? More Job Search Resources from Mashable: - 9 Dynamic Digital Resumes That Stand Out From the Crowd- Top 5 Tips for Creating Impressive Video Resumes- Are Cover Letters Still Relevant For Social Media and Tech Jobs?

HOW TO: Create and Deploy Your Own QR Codes. HOW TO: Set Up an Online Resume. Your resume is boring. How do you expect to stand out in a crowd of job seekers when your black-and-white, list-formatted resume and formulaic cover letter blend with all the rest? Luckily the Internet is here to save you. With the coming of social media resumes, video resumes and visual resumes, the world of job seeking just got a lot more interesting. If you're looking for ways to make your resume stand out — whether that's on your personal website, video hubs, document-sharing websites or LinkedIn — here are some ideas to get you started, along with examples for each format. If you've posted your resume online in a creative way, share a link and your story with us in the comments below. Your Website First, if you don't have a personal website, get one. Now that that's taken care of, consider listing your resume (or at least an "about me" page) on your website, so site visitors can learn more about you.

Video Resumes His project was a hit. Document-Sharing Websites LinkedIn.