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Anastasia Emmanuel sur Twitter : "Just catching up with @BBCTechTent interview with @BBCRoryCJ at @Innorobo So many cool #robots. BBC World Service - Tech Tent, Parade of Robots. ESSEC BusinessSchool sur Twitter : "Les cinq #robots les plus surprenants du salon @Innorobo @libe... Les cinq robots les plus surprenants du salon Innorobo. En termes de renommée, le salon Innorobo n’est pas encore le «festival de Cannes de la robotique», comme l’a défendu mercredi Bruno Bonnell, l’ex-patron d’Atari et directeur du distributeur européen Robopolis.

Les cinq robots les plus surprenants du salon Innorobo

On y croise cependant quelques stars robotisées (comme l’infatigable Nao d’Aldebaran) et d’autres en devenir. Notre sélection. Le gladiateur robotisé : Meca Monster Photo Reach Robotics Le quadripode qui se tient devant nous s’appelle Brutus. Conçu par la start-up britannique Reach Robotics, ce droïde haut d’une douzaine de centimètres a vocation à combattre d’autres «Meca Monsters» du même type, pour le fun. Il ne s’agit pour le moment que d’un prototype.

La plante motrice : Gaia Photo DR Si on donnait aux plantes la capacité de se déplacer, deviendraient-elles des animaux ? «Trop de plantes meurent ou sont délaissées chez les gens. L’ouvrier infatigable : Nextage Photo Romain Etienne. MONTAUD Andre pro sur Twitter : "Le stand @coboteam grouille de #robots et de monde @rhonealpes @eu_Robotics @Innorobo @Thesame74 @ARDI_rhonealpes. Graham Rittener sur Twitter : "Exciting week, @blake_zinc will present our #designs for urban #robots @Innorobo conference! Olivier Luisetti sur Twitter : "Les 15 robots qu'il ne faudra surtout pas manquer sur #Innorobo 2015 #Robots. Alain Clapaud sur Twitter : "Les 15 robots qu'il ne faudra surtout pas manquer sur #Innorobo 2015 #Robots. Les 15 robots à ne surtout pas manquer sur Innorobo 2015. Du 1er au 3 juillet, se tiendra à la Cité Internationale de Lyon la 5ième édition du plus gros événement français dédiée à la robotique. 500 robots vont être présentés par près de 200 exposants venus de 20 pays différents.

Les 15 robots à ne surtout pas manquer sur Innorobo 2015

Américaines Japonais, Coréens et Allemands seront bien évidemment au rendez-vous, mais aussi des robots venus du Danemark, de Hongrie, de Tunisie et de Russie. Laurence Vachon sur Twitter : "Merci #langleco pour la spéciale #robots. RDV à Lyon @Innorobo avec le Mars Rover @MATLAB et compétition le 3 Juillet. Pierre L. CONSTANT sur Twitter : "Now zappez sur @France2tv pour suivre @Langleco -> #Robots : #Langleco. DIRECT. Regardez "L'Angle éco" : "Les robots vont-ils nous voler nos boulots ?" Et si un robot s'installait à votre place au bureau ?

DIRECT. Regardez "L'Angle éco" : "Les robots vont-ils nous voler nos boulots ?"

Si votre prochain déjeuner à la cantine était avec un robot ? Laurence Vachon sur Twitter : "Adieu voitures, accidents & pollution ? C'est (presque) possible grâce aux #robots via @Aratta. Adieu voitures, accidents et pollution ? C'est (presque) possible grâce aux robots. La ligne 14 du métro parisien (F.GUILLOT/AFP).

Adieu voitures, accidents et pollution ? C'est (presque) possible grâce aux robots

Qui parmi vous prend le métro ? Qui a déjà pris la ligne 14 à Paris ? Adieu voitures, accidents et pollution ? C'est (presque) possible grâce aux robots. Humanoides sur Twitter : "L’équipe coréenne du KAIST remporte la #DARPADRC avec son bipède DRC-Hubo @DARPA #robots. #DRC : les coréens du KAIST remportent les finalesRobots, Drones et Intelligence Artificielle.

Après deux jours de compétition acharnée, c’est finalement l’équipe sud-coréenne KAIST qui a complété les huit épreuves plus vite que les autres participants, remportant ainsi un chèque de 2 millions de $.

#DRC : les coréens du KAIST remportent les finalesRobots, Drones et Intelligence Artificielle

La lutte tant attendue a bien eu lieu et la finale de la DARPA ROBOTICS CHALLENGE a tenu toutes ses promesses. Cela s’est joué à très peu, quelques minutes seulement, mais c’est finalement l’équipe de l’Institut de Sciences et Technologie avancée de Corée (KAIST), emmenée par le Jun Ho Oh, qui avait le meilleur robot ce week-end. L’équipe du KAIST a remporté le maximum de points, 8 points, en faisant un tour parfait sans chute. Deux autres équipes ont également fait carton plein en réalisant un parcours parfait : les équipes américaines IHMC ROBOTICS et TARTAN RESCUE. C’est le temps qui a départagé les équipes, puisque les coréens ont fini le parcours en seulement 44:28 minutes, alors que le 2ème l’a fait en 50:26 et le troisième en 55:15. Ces sujets vous intéresseront aussi : MONTAUD Andre pro sur Twitter : "Optimistic story : “This Woman Makes #Robots. And No One Is Going to Stop Her.” by @signe.

This Woman Makes Robots. And No One Is Going to Stop Her. — Backchannel. Melonee Wise was employee 2 at Willow Garage.

This Woman Makes Robots. And No One Is Going to Stop Her. — Backchannel

Its legacy destroyed her first startup but lives on in her latest venture. Melonee Wise paces through the aisles of a small mock warehouse, pausing every so often to take an item from a shelf and drop it into a blue bin beside her. When she moves on, the plastic bin follows, like an obediant pet. The bin sits on top of a wheeled robot called Freight.

Wise has been developing Freight and its sibling Fetch, a torso with one arm, for the last six months. Wise walks down the aisles, as humans do, pausing and changing her path as new whims arise. Birth day for Pepper/NAO. Graham Rittener sur Twitter : "@blake_zinc talking at Europe's biggest robot event @Innorobo on #robots & citizen centric cities. The Qualcomm Robotics Accelerator, powered by Techstars, is on a quest for out-of-the-box robots [VIDEO] Blame The Jetsons.

The Qualcomm Robotics Accelerator, powered by Techstars, is on a quest for out-of-the-box robots [VIDEO]

Blame Futurama. Blame Star Wars. Pop culture has taught us a very narrow definition of the word robot. We picture a rolling machine, with human properties, that assists us with tasks. Innorobo sur Twitter : "Uwe Haass @eu_Robotics : some examples of the @RoboticsEU @EU_H2020 projects funded #robots #robotics... 2015-01-hoomano-annonce-developpeur-nao. Witter / ? Designing robots to help in a disaster. View the video Dennis Hong first spied Japan’s ruined nuclear power plant from a bus wrapped in plastic.

Designing robots to help in a disaster

A hefty layer of protection guarded the seats, floors and handles from radioactive dust. Hong wore a face mask and gloves to limit his own exposure. Like the other passengers, he had dressed in old clothes that he was willing to toss after the trip. More than three years earlier, after an earthquake and tsunamis battered Japan’s eastern coast, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station blew, blasting radiation into the sea and sky.

“It’s like a disaster site frozen in time,” Hong says. Workers toiled day and night to save the plant, but they had to get out as radiation levels rose. Ideally, robots could take over for human crews. Witter / ? Les chats apprennent aux robots à retomber sur leurs pattes. Bientôt, les robots sauront retomber sur leurs pattes !

Les chats apprennent aux robots à retomber sur leurs pattes

Only 10% of users actually benefit from robots. Let’s change that ! At Robobusiness, the second workshop we attended was the Advanced Manufacturing Workshop, led by Elena Messina from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

Only 10% of users actually benefit from robots. Let’s change that !

What was this session about ? A new vision for U. S. manufacturing is emerging to strengthen U. S. competitiveness in the face of global trends that are driving manufacturers towards dramatically greater responsiveness and innovation in their enterprises. Five Myths and Facts About Robotics Technology Today. Ever faster processors, cheaper sensors, abundant open-source code, ubiquitous connectivity, and the advent of 3D printing are some of the forces behind the recent proliferation of robots. As I see things, these forces will only get stronger, and as more robots become part of our lives—in homes, offices, factories, hospitals, and many other places—we'll inevitably face challenges involving our adoption and use of robots.

Some observers are voicing their fears about a decline in human-human interaction, while others warn of an irreversible and senseless loss of jobs, with robots taking over tasks that, they argue, should not be performed by machines (such as caring for the elderly). Witter / ? The world and its ageing workforce need robots. An OECD report: Policy challenges for the next 50 years indicates that “over the coming decades labor forces will age substantially” and that “population ageing will result in a decline in the potential labor force… causing a negative labor supply.” They then ominously add: “An ageing workforce and longer working-lives will mean a longer period where depreciation of skills and technological change risk making human capital obsolete.” Another report by Moody’s quoted in the Financial Times states: “The world will have 13 “super-aged” societies by 2020, up from just three today, according to a report that warns of ageing populations becoming a drag on global economic growth.Most of the countries set to join the “super-aged” club by 2020 are in Europe and include the Netherlands, France, Sweden, Portugal, Slovenia and Croatia.

But by 2030 they will be joined by a more diverse group including Hong Kong, Korea, the US, the UK and New Zealand. RoboCup 2014 - Are Soccer Robots Making Progress? The original goal of the annual RoboCup contest was that by 2050 a team of soccer robots should be able to beat the human world champions. Each year we have a chance to gage progress and this year we saw evidence that robots are getting better. Motion Control: Global Robotics Industry to Set New Record in 2014. Vision-Enabled Robots Improve Automation. Greg Raciti, Faber Industrial Technologies, and Steve Zhu, Teledyne Dalsa Thanks to falling prices, better hardware and improved software, vision-enabled robots are increasingly found in smaller and smaller automation and manufacturing operations, where they improve assembly processes, conduct quality checks and enable automated final inspection.

Industrial robots have come a long way. They first appeared more than 50 years ago, according to the International Federation of Robotics. Deployed on an automobile assembly line, the first system sequenced and stacked hot pieces of die-cast metal, doing so with a 4000-pound arm. If Robots Drove, How Much Safer Would Roads Be? Human error is the culprit in 93 percent of automobile crashes — including the pileup last weekend that left Tracy Morgan in critical condition, caused, prosecutors say, by a truck driver who had been awake for 24 hours. Robots, on the other hand, don’t need to sleep. Nor do they get drunk or distracted by cellphones.

That is why Marc Andreessen, the venture capitalist, wrote on Twitter about the accident, with his usual bravado, “Self-driving cars and trucks are a moral imperative.” Ces robots que vous croiserez peut-être dans un laboratoire. Aratta : Un petit #SelfieBot avec la... It was Innorobo 2013 ! It was Innorobo 2013 !

Untitled. Festival international du film scientifique - programme. Innorobo - Day 2 - Du côté du public! · Aratta. Seven adult-sized humanoid robots together for first time in the U.S. Seven adult-sized humanoid robots will take the stage during Drexel University's celebration of National Engineers Week, in a first-of-its-kind assembly of robotic technology. A showcase event on Feb. 20 will introduce all seven of the Korean HUBO robots to the community. Their presence -- together in one place -- is a unique event that serves as a key milestone for a nationwide, collaborative robotics research effort funded by the National Science Foundation.

Each robot is 1.3 meters, or about 4-feet, 3-inches, tall. They are fully actuated, which means that they have similar joints and movement capabilities to that of a human, including arms, legs and hands with fully functional fingers and an opposable thumb. "This is an historic event," said Dr. Festo’s Amazing SmartBird. Assumes leadership role in steering the school : science. Acroban, le robot humanoïde qui évolue et apprend comme un enfant. Des chercheurs du laboratoire de l’INRIA ont mis au point le premier robot humanoïde capable d’interagir avec son environnement, et que l’on peut prendre par la main, comme un enfant. Morphing robots and shape-shifting sculptures: Origami-inspired design merges engineering, art. Researchers have shown how to create morphing robotic mechanisms and shape-shifting sculptures from a single sheet of paper in a method reminiscent of origami, the Japanese art of paper folding.

The new method, called Kaleidogami, uses computational algorithms and tools to create precisely folded structures. "The approach represents new geometric algorithms and methods to create works of kinetic, or moving, art," said Karthik Ramani, Purdue University's Donald W. Feddersen Professor of Mechanical Engineering. A whisker-inspired approach to tactile sensing. Inspired by the twitching whiskers of common rats and Etruscan shrews, EU-funded researchers have developed rodent-like robots and an innovative tactile sensor system that could be used to help find people in burning buildings, make vacuum cleaners more efficient and eventually improve keyhole surgery.

Sensor systems that replicate the sense of touch have been the focus of increasing research in recent years, largely for robotics applications.