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Tutorial: No sew circular needle holder. Posted by pieKnits on January 29, 2007 Can’t get any easier than this, the 15-minute circular needle holder.

Tutorial: No sew circular needle holder

Nothing against sewing, I do have plans to make a placemat dpn holder ala the Grumperina method but I like this one for something a little different. Circular needles are inserted through the center holes in craft supply wooden spools and dangle by their cords.Stuff you need Wooden spools (mine were Large Barrel, 3/16″ x 7/8″; 1/4″ hole, 20 pcs from a craft store- the larger the hole the better) Approx 1 1/2 – 2 yards floral wire (I believe mine was 28 gauge) Permanent markers (I used a silver paint pen and a sharpie) Scraps of yarn or fabric Glue (hot glue gun was weapon of choice for me) Note on the spools – mine have 1/4″ hole which fits up to a US size 10 needle.

Then, once the last spool is wired on, twist the remaining two wire lengths around each other and fold into a hook shape. Trim ends and load up with all those unruly needles.

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