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Delicious Breakfast

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Pancake Fried Bacon. Simply Delicious Homemade Sausage Gravy. Bakin’ the Bacon. When you’re frying a pound of bacon, do you stand over the stove, turner or tongs in hand, hot grease popping and splattering as you turn, wait, turn, wait, turn… wait? There’s a better way. The holidays are fast approaching, and with them come celebratory breakfasts, including fresh-baked sticky buns, stuffed French toast, and savory brunch casseroles of all kinds. There’s not much crisp, golden bacon doesn’t go with. In fact, I can’t think of a single breakfast dish that isn’t improved by a rasher or two of bacon. Nor can I think of a single person I know who doesn’t love bacon. Which leads me to believe most of us will be frying bacon at least once this month. Change the word “frying” to “baking,” and I’m with you. That’s right, baking. Not only does baking bacon save you the hassle of babysitting (baconsitting?)

How much hands-on time and effort does it take you to fry a pound or two of bacon? Convinced? Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a large, rimmed baking sheet with parchment. 8 Slow Cooker Breakfast Recipes - Crock Pot Breakfast Ideas | Parent Society. A Feast for the Eyes: Cinnamon Toast the Pioneer Woman Way. ***Welcome Pinterest Visitors! I'm so glad you decided to clink on this recipe, that has suddenly gone viral on Pinterest. I do hope you like what you see, will take the take to leave a comment, and I hope you'll come back to visit. This is one of my earliest recipe-- taken with my old point-and-shoot camera (and my photography has much improved over the last few years). I've got hundreds more since I started this blog in 2008. When I was in high school, I can remember racing to the cafeteria to buy a slice of their famous cinnamon toast. I can't begin to describe it, but I longed for some of that toast many, MANY years later. I mean, how hard is it to make cinnamon toast?

On a Saturday morning, this was destined to be made.The night before, I removed a stick of butter so it would be nice and soft... this morning, I preheated the oven to 350F. Do you really need a recipe for cinnamon toast? ** NOTE: Many of my readers have bought the Digital Recipe Reader. Back to the recipe... Ahhhh. Homemade Pop Tarts. Skip to Content May 29, 2010 Homemade Pop Tarts When I was little I always looked forward to visiting my dad’s house on the weekends and all the delicious treats he let us eat that were forbidden at home, like Pop Tarts!

But now that I’m a mom, I have new appreciation for my mother’s rules of nutrition and rarely let such a processed snack enter the house (ok honestly, that’s more because I know I will eat it and get fat). We made brown sugar cinnamon, strawberry jam and one chocolate one for the Prudent Dad. Get our process in pictures after the jump and the complete recipe here! And helped brush it onto the bottom layer of dough: Mommy made the filling and Scarlet helped place it on the pop tarts: Daddy’s chocolate one is in the center and a little too full: Second layer of dough on top: Poking holes to let steam escape: Baked, with slight chocolate explosion: Posted By Jaime 11 Comments TAGS: Entertaining + Food, Kid’s Cooking, Recipes 11 comments Trackbacks Pop Hearts! « Previous post Next Post » Granola Crusted Yogurt Fruit Tarts . Kitchen Explorers . PBS Parents. Pin It I’m not a proponent of dessert for breakfast but I do love to eat breakfast with a dessert appeal to it.

Today I’m sharing with you a Granola Crusted Yogurt Fruit Tart which takes a classic yogurt parfait and deconstructs it into a gorgeous breakfast tart that will not only satisfy your sweet tooth, it will start your day with a great balance of nutrients (simple and complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats) to sustain you through the morning. These tarts are highly adaptable to you liking. You can add different types of add-ins depending on what you like to eat as well as your dietary needs. The crust is made from granola (without fruit), coconut oil, and a little bit of honey. The granola can be homemade or store-bought. Instead of a traditional custard or pastry cream filling, this recipe calls for yogurt. Lastly, each tart should be topped off with fresh ripe fruit. Enjoy! Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Pin It Left: Banana Walnut Maple Syrup Tart Right: Raspberry Almond Tart.

» 10 Tasty, Easy and Healthy Breakfast Ideas. Post written by Leo Babauta. You get up in the morning, you rush to get ready for work, you rush out the door without a breakfast. Perhaps you grab a bagel and cream cheese, perhaps a muffin, perhaps an Egg McMuffin. If you’re lucky, you get a pastry, a hearty breakfast of pancakes and sausage and eggs, or an English fry-up. Unfortunately, when it comes to being healthy, none of these options is a great way to start your day. Several readers asked about healthy breakfast ideas, and in truth, it’s a dilemma that many of us face each day. Either we don’t have time for breakfast, or we don’t have many healthy options. The first problem is a problem, because it means that you start the day with an empty stomach. The second problem is also a real problem, because traditional breakfasts don’t usually come in healthy flavors.

Too sugary or carb-filled. What does that leave us with? But how do you find the time? Oatmeal, flaxseed, blueberries & almonds. Kashi Golean Crunch. Scrambled tofu.

Muffins and Sweet Treats

Eggs and Burritos. Pancakes. French Toast. Granola. Doughnuts.