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Baby Gifts and Gear

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15 toys for baby's first year - Mama OTMama OT. Is it not completely overwhelming how many toys are available for little babies?! How is a parent to know which ones are good and which ones are a waste of money? Yes, every baby has different likes and dislikes, so just because your little one goes ga-ga over a certain toy doesn’t mean mine necessarily will. But isn’t there a way to narrow down the choices? Yes. As a mom who is nearing the end of baby’s first year and as an occupational therapist who is always looking for toys that will promote children’s overall development (specifically their fine motor, cognitive, gross motor, oral motor, self-help, and language skills), I decided to take a look at today’s popular toys and create a list for you.

Here were my criteria in making this list:1. It’s worth mentioning that babies often find objects around the home to be more fascinating than store-bought, professionally crafted toys. Remember, too, that as great as toys are these days, YOU are your baby’s best teacher. Alright, here we go! Amazing DIY Christmas Gifts for Little Ones!

25 DIY Gifts for Baby’s First Christmas. DIY Baby Gifts and Gear. 36 Ingenious Things You'll Want As A New Parent. Embroidered Elephant Gift Box. I am a sucker for a beautifully wrapped present. When someone gave my Granny a present she would always say (in a lovely southern accent) that it was just to beautiful and she couldn’t possibly open it. As a kid, that sounded absurd, why wouldn’t she want to open her present. Now, I understand. Amazing gift wrap makes a present so much more special. Besides, wrapping presents is sooo much fun! On Monday, I told you about the chevron crochet baby blanket that I made for my friends pending little one. Then I had an idea.

Since I am becoming a pro at embroidering on card stock, I thought I could make an elephant in negative space on a shirt box like the monograms that I shared a few weeks ago. Here is how I made this embroidered gift box. I printed out the pattern, taped it to the top of the box and poked a hole through every dot. Then I got my embroider on. To add the stitching around the elephant, I just made random stitches, poking holes as I went. Creative-Baby-Shower-Gifts.jpg (435×633)