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Jacqui Frongello

10 Rules for a Successful One-to-One Classroom. By Samantha Cleaver Each morning, when Laura Rahn’s class of fourth grade students entered their classroom at Mountainview Elementary School in Loudoun County, VA, they got their laptops from the charging station, completed their daily math fluency practice, and checked EdModo for the day’s instructions.

10 Rules for a Successful One-to-One Classroom

The laptops “didn’t replace me or become the full instruction for the day,” says Rahn, “they were an additional learning tool.” If your school has yet to implement a laptop program like Rahn’s, it may be on the horizon. More and more classrooms are going one-to-one, says Bob Berry, vice president of business development with Troxell Communications, as districts invest in web-based learning platforms and devices. “Education is going through a huge transformation,” agrees Verna Lalbeharie, Digital Learning Collaboration Co-lead with The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation, “with this huge move towards personalized learning.” The Purple Parade. Mac-Serial: Macbeth Podcast Project - Mr. Arcand's Class Website. Great Tools for Creating Screencasts - A PDF Handout.

Using Google Apps for Education to Create Digital Portfolios from Avra Robinson. This post first appeared on Daily Genius.

Using Google Apps for Education to Create Digital Portfolios from Avra Robinson

Google Apps for Education is a wonderful, collaborative program that allows students to create, collect, and curate artifacts of learning. While there is a wide variety of programs that can be used to create digital portfolios, here are four ways that the GAFE suite of programs can facilitate digital portfolio creation. What do we mean by Digital Portfolio? A digital portfolio is a collection of artifacts of learning that demonstrate growth, acquisition of skills or knowledge, and student creativity over time. Too often, the focus lies more on gathering lots of content in a single location and publishing to the web. Collect First, students and teachers need to collect artifacts that demonstrate student learning.

Curate Through the digital portfolio creation process, students and teachers need to make decisions about which artifacts they will include in their portfolios. Does this artifact demonstrate growth? Reflect Publish Shared Folder Google Slides. How to Use Snapchat to Tell the Story of Your School. The power of a story should not come as a surprise to anyone.

How to Use Snapchat to Tell the Story of Your School

Throughout human history, the joy of telling and sharing stories has remained constant. Sharing the stories of what we do in education is not something new either. We often hear, “If you do not tell your story then someone else will.” As a result, we’ve seen lots of workshops, articles, and conversations about the importance of telling our story and the importance of tweeting, blogging, and branding. What we often fail to talk about, though, is to whom are we telling our story and whether it is reaching them. In the book, “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook,” Gary Vaynerchuk explains that a great story is one that sells and markets a brand. I know just how powerful these stories can be. Leading Future Learning Confernence 2016. How to Create Screencasts on Your Android Device.


Internet Safety. Health. TED. Video Tools/Tips. Languages. Google. Teacher Resources. Graduate Courses. Research Paper Tools. Web 2.0 Tools. Webinar Programs. PSHS iPad Print Ads. Education Tools. iPad. eBooks. Grants. Anti-Inflammatories.