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Validator. Empire-db relational data persistence. Extension. Struts 2 in review. Much of what I learned of Struts 2 is based on the book Struts 2 in Action.

Struts 2 in review

The book was well written, well organized, and pretty easy to read over the weekend despite being just shy of 400 pages. I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the Manning books. I have one other Manning book that I'm reading, Spring in Action, for my analysis of Spring MVC and it's also of very high quality. Anyway, after reading the book, I experimented with building a few apps where I could demo the framework's features. As we will see, some of them make customization easier, some of them help separate model and view concerns, and yet others left me scratching my head why they chose to go that direction.

The flow of a Struts 2 request has not changed much since Struts Classic (aka Struts 1) but several new architectural components have been added to the mix and the ActionForm has been removed. Interceptors Admittedly, I did have some issues defining my own custom Interceptor properly. Configuration Actions.


Struts 2 Bean Tag Example Java. Related Topics Struts Logic Tag Tutorial In this example you will learn how to use Struts Logic Tags.

Struts 2 Bean Tag Example Java

In order to use the Struts Logic Tag you need to include the following taglib directive in the jsp page. Struts 2 Validation Tutorial In this example we will see how we can validate a login page using Struts 2. Let's first create the login page. We use Struts UI tags to create the login page. Struts 2 Data Tags Example In this tutorial you will learn about the ValueStack and the ActionContext and then see how to use the property tag, the set tag and the push tag to store and retrieve data. Struts 2.1, toujours plus de "Convention" La version 2.1 du framework Struts est sortie dernièrement.

Struts 2.1, toujours plus de "Convention"

Après la refonte complète opérée pour la version 2, cette mise à jour pourtant mineure apporte des améliorations importantes et révélatrices de l’évolution actuelle des frameworks Java. Put together Struts2, JPA, Hibernate and Spring. This weekend I played a bit with Struts2. Obviously my first thought was to put together “fellowship of the ring” ie Struts, Spring and Hibernate. Now, we have two ways for integrating Hibernate and I’ve chosen the Java Persistence Architecture approach, because is the latest trend in terms of persistence in the J2EE landscape.

For the sake of simplicity I’ll take a simple example that contains Books and Authors. A book has one or more authors while one author wrote one or more books. This looks like a many to many relationship and we want to be able to get, from one shoot, the book and its authors and for an author his entire list of books. Java, JSF 2.0, Ajax, and GWT Training, Tutorials, Consulting, Books, & Resources.


Ajax. Snippet. Model Driven. JQuery. Tutorial. Doc Officiel. Convention. Part 3: Struts2 Validation Framework. Part 3: Struts2 Validation Framework March 27, 2011 at 2:29 pm Struts Action 2 relies on a validation framework provided by XWork to enable the application of input validation rules to your Actions before they are executed.

Part 3: Struts2 Validation Framework

Struts2 Validation Framework allows us to separate the validation logic from actual Java/JSP code, where it can be reviewed and easily modified later. The Struts2 Validation Framework alleviates much of the headache associated with handling data validation, allowing you to focus on validation code and not on the mechanics of capturing data and redisplaying incomplete or invalid data. Validation framework comes with set of useful routines to handle form validation automatically and it can handle both server side as well as client side form validation.

Validator uses XML configuration files to determine which validation routines should be installed and how they should be applied for a given application. validators.xml file contains all common validators declaration. Extending Struts.


Apache Struts 2 Web Application Development > Rich Internet Applications > The REST plug-in - Pg. 277. The REST plug-in Struts 2.1's REST plug-in provides a mechanism for Struts 2 to act more REST-like, and includes convention-based URLs (think Ruby on Rails), various output formats (JSON and XML for consumption, XHTML for us humans), and so on.

Apache Struts 2 Web Application Development > Rich Internet Applications > The REST plug-in - Pg. 277

The REST plug-in builds on the Convention plug-in we've already covered (so a lot of knowledge is immediately useful). REST in a nutshell REpresentational State Transfer—now that we know why we abbreviate it, what does it really mean? In the context of a web application, it means we're exposing a set of resources (such as a "recipe" or an "ingredient" in our case) through a uniform interface (such as /recipe/1 for a recipe with an ID as 1, as expressed by a URI), and that the HTTP methods (GET, PUT, and so on) are used to indicate the type of action we're performing on the selected resource.

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