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Arduino GSM shield. [singlepic id=192 w=500 h=375 float=center] This is a very low cost and simple Arduino GSM and GPRS shield. We use the module SIMCom SIM900. It’s the cheaper module now avalaible in the market. The module is not simple to mount by an hobbyst, so we use the Breakboard TDGGSM_900 that we presented in this post. You can buy the GSM module premounted from our cart. To connect this module to Arduino we make a PCB that include a LM317 some capacitor filter and no more. The LM317 give to module about 3.9V.There is a switch to select the way to comunicate with arduino: - throw serial hardware (pin 0 and 1)- throw serial software (pin 4 and 5) R1: 470 ohmR2: 1 kohmC1-C3: 100 nF C2-C4: 470 µF 25 VL U1: LM317GSM: TDGGSM_900 module SW1: switch P1: Microswitch [singlepic id=194 w=500 h=375 float=center] Selecting the serial hardware there are no problem with the baudrate (the default module baudrate is 115200) but there are problem programming the module (the serial is also used to upload the sketch).

Analog computer 1. Back to homepageAnalog computer 1 Analog computer is a type of computer that works with continuously changing variables, as opposed to digital computer that uses discrete values. Digital computers are almost always electronic or electromechanical devices, while analog types can use any continous variable: voltage, water flow, air pressure, length (slide rule) and other. Finished analog computer. While first modern computers were analog electromechanical differential analyzers in the 1930s, soon thereafter they were faced with competition from electronic digital computers. By 1960s, pace of miniaturization of digital components meant that digital computers became less expensive than analog ones, while being able to produce exact answers, a must for many human endeavors.

Analog computers continued in use for simulation of complex physical processes, but even here they were eventually superseded by simulations run on digital computers. I made a schematic based on the original article. Plasma Speaker II. Build the VGA VIDEO GENERATOR - Page 1 of 16. Microcontrollers are well suited to display information on analog VGA monitors If you have been working on microcontroller projects for any length of time, then you know that it can be difficult to display a large amount of data, especially when it contains more than just plain text. There are limits to how much useful information you can display on a basic character LCD, or even a dot matrix LCD, since most have low resolution, no color, and a poor refresh rate. I came up against this problem when working on a robotics project that needed to display a color image captured from a small camera and decided to see how much effort it would take to create an image on a VGA monitor using only a microcontroller to "bit bang" all of the necessary signals.

It took some time to learn how the five signals used on an analog VGA connection made an image appear on the screen, but the end results were much better than anticipated, providing a crisp 256 by 240 image on the monitor in 256 colors. University: Volts, Amps, and Ohms. So You Want to Use PWM, Eh? | Non-Lexical Vocables. Pulse-width modulation. It probably sounds a little confusing if you’re new to electronics. Kindof a word mashup, really. What do pulses, width, and modulation have to do with each other anyway?

I remember first learning about PWM during my freshman year of college at RPI. I was in a pilot course called “Foundations of Engineering” under the excellent instruction of Professor Kevin Craig (whom I later worked for). I remember thinking later, “Hey, this PWM stuff is pretty clever!” So let’s take a look at PWM and see what we can learn. Say you’ve got a light-emitting diode (LED) and a battery. Imagine you could connect and disconnect the LED and battery multiple times per second, causing the LED to flash or pulse (see graph above). Now in case you’re imagining yourself frantically flipping switches on and off, or tapping wires against battery terminals, you can stop. So what’s PWM good for, anyways?

Now you may be wondering why I’m writing about PWM all of a sudden. The Advanced Stuff. OpAmps for Everyone. Electromechanical Library. Basic_Stamp_Editor_und_USB-Adapter_Installation_Windows.pdf (app. Guten Tag! Um an den verschiedenen Kursen teilnehmen zu können, müssen Sie sich einen Nutzerzugang für diese Website anlegen. Für einige Kurse könnte zusätzlich ein Zugangsschlüssel notwendig sein. Für Nutzer der Lernplattform Lehrerfortbildung und der alten Moodle Lernplattform funktionieren die Nutzerzugänge wie bisher. D.h. Gehen Sie dazu bitte wie folgt vor: Füllen Sie das Formular Neuer Zugang mit Ihren Angaben aus.Sie erhalten umgehend eine Benachrichtigung an die von Ihnen angegebene E-Mail-Adresse.Lesen Sie diese E-Mail genau und klicken Sie den darin enthaltenen Link an.Ihr Zugang wird auf diese Weise bestätigt und Sie werden automatisch mit Ihren zuvor angegebenen Zugangsdaten auf der Startseite eingeloggt.Jetzt wählen Sie bitte den Kurs aus, an dem Sie teilnehmen möchten.Für einige Kurse ist ein Zugangsschlüssel notwendig.

Kurs: Steuern und Regeln mit dem Mikrocontroller (Kurs A) Arduino - HomePage. ATmega32 Datenblatt. Ultraschall-Sensorik. Gadget Factory > Projekte > OpenBench Logic Sniffer > Home. OpenBench Logic Sniffer is an open source logic analyzer hardware design. It’s purpose is to provide a hardware platform for the SUMP logic analyzer at the lowest possible cost. This project started in the comments on a post. Initial circuit design, PCB layout, development, and testing continued in the forum under the code name Project SUMP PUMP. Many, many people contributed ideas and advice, the Gadget Factory and Dangerous Prototypes coordinated circuit development and routed the PCB.

We borrowed heavily from the Gadget Factory's Butterfly Platform. The OpenBench Logic Sniffer is a purpose-built logic analyzer board designed to be low cost but high speed. 70MHz+ sample speeds 32 channels 16 buffered, 5volt tolerant channels USB interface, USB powered USB upgradable everything Make it as DIY as possible Make it as open source as possible $30-$40 price range We didn’t quite hit our initial price range, but we got really close. Block Diagram Windows Quick Start Video UART Demo Video. Build the BASIC SPY TRANSMITTER - Page 1 of 16. Build the 2 transistor Spy Transmitter Radio frequency projects can seem more difficult than most electronics projects because most of the time you cannot build them on a solderless breadboard and there may be parts used that are not easy to source such as coils and adjustable capacitors.

This project is focused towards those who have not yet attempted to build any kind of RF project, and it is laid out in such a way as to make it easy to explore the basic principles of RF circuitry and ensure a successful final product. This simple 2 transistor audio transmitter will send the sounds picked up in a room to any FM radio tuned to the same frequency as the transmitter, somewhere between 80 and 100 Megahertz. The expected range will be at least 100 feet and could be substantially longer depending on the parts used and the quality of your final product.

Figure 1 - You can salvage most of the parts needed from an old radio You are Viewing...