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10 Telling Studies Done on Longer School Days. With test scores faltering in many school districts and American students lagging behind their counterparts in other countries around the world, education reform has become a hot topic of late.

10 Telling Studies Done on Longer School Days

One of the ways many school districts are looking to improve their grades and test scores is by lengthening the school day, with the idea that more time at school means more time that teachers can work with and educate students. 11 Surprising Factors That Determine Your Success in School. 10 New Trends in Outsourced Grading. Amid complaints of grade inflation and uneven evaluation, many schools have sought to find new ways to grade students.

10 New Trends in Outsourced Grading

One of the more recent and perhaps most controversial is through outsourcing grading. 10 Novels That Nail the College Experience. 11 Most Unhelpful Self-Help Books. There are some things you just shouldn't teach yourself from a book: open-heart surgery, how to kiss, ways to become less shy.

11 Most Unhelpful Self-Help Books

Reading up on these skills wouldn't help you learn and would probably just be embarrassing or dangerous. 10 Books on China Every MBA Student Should Read. The 10 Best Protest Books of All Time. 10 Impressive People Who Educated Themselves With Only a Library Card - Online College Courses. 20 Amazing Examples of Legos in the Classroom. It doesn't matter if you're four or 40, when you see Legos they are nearly impossible to resist putting together, pulling apart, and building into something.

20 Amazing Examples of Legos in the Classroom

This is the reason, among many others, that they've become such a valuable tool in classrooms across the nation. MoneyHacker How Students can Stay Debt Free in College. Taking out loans in order to complete your college degree sets you up for years of repayment.

MoneyHacker How Students can Stay Debt Free in College

Not only that but having student debt can also make it difficult to finance major purchases, such as a car, after graduation and may force you to take a more stressful job just for the higher salary. Thus, staying out of debt while in college will afford you greater freedom after graduation. Onions, Cabbage... & Antibiotics. By bravebird, on May 14th, 2009 Everybody knows by now, we hope, that most antibiotics are fed to farmed animals, that the antibiotics excreted by those animals end up in our water (not to mention the meat, eggs, and milk consumed by non-vegans), and that this is the primary reason for the emergence of antibiotic-resistant “super-bugs.”

Onions, Cabbage... & Antibiotics

Now there’s a new reason to worry: Antibiotics have been found in vegetables grown in fields fertilized with manure — including organic vegetables. Here’s how it works: 70% of antibiotics used in the United States are fed to farmed animals in order to promote rapid growth and mitigate the spread of disease in crowded factory farms. Animals excrete about 90% of the antibiotics fed to them. { Kaileen Elise } Make Every Day Extraordinary » Blog Archive » Nutritious Guest Post – Analiese from Green Plate Studios. Live with intention.

{ Kaileen Elise } Make Every Day Extraordinary » Blog Archive » Nutritious Guest Post – Analiese from Green Plate Studios

Walk to the edge. Listen hard. Practice wellness. 11 Tech Companies Investing in Education. When we think about big corporations, even cool techie ones, we're often quick to point out all the things they do wrong, from sketchy environmental records to snarky CEOs.

11 Tech Companies Investing in Education

Yet many corporations spend a great deal of time and money giving back to the community; it's not always just for the good PR. In many cases, these companies are actually pretty passionate about their causes and many may actually be the driving force behind changing hundreds of young lives for the better. Early Childhood Education Blog.


Early Childhood Education Blog

Well, two programs show strong evidence that it does. One study showed that children that did not participate in an early childhood program in Chicago were, by age 18, more than 70 percent more likely to have been arrested for a violent crime. 50 Teachers Who Are Social Media Stars. Social media is playing a bigger role in education than ever before.

50 Teachers Who Are Social Media Stars

10 Kid Rappers Who Put The Big Boys to Shame. Like every other genre of music over the past couple of decades, rap has been homogenized by the big record companies, which are most concerned about producing music that'll be accepted by a mass audience. While artists have become less creative and more concerned with creating an image, some young — in some cases, very young — aspiring rappers have honed their skills, outdoing their older counterparts. Here are 10 who have received tens of thousands and even millions of hits on YouTube, as they've taken advantage of people's affinity for young performers. P-Nut, seven years oldThe typical daily activities of a four-year-old may include watching Bubble Guppies or throwing an uproarious temper tantrum in the grocery store because mom refused to buy him or her a toy. But P-Nut was different. While his dad was teaching him to add and subtract by rhyming, he became a student of hip hop.

9 Greatest Inventions for the Physically Impaired. Braille For those of us blessed with sight, those strange little bumps we see on signs are totally foreign to us, but for blind people, Braille is a way of learning, being independent, and staying safe. Braille is a system that allows those without sight to read using their fingertips by assigning patterns of raised dots to each character in the alphabet and other symbols. Before the invention of Braille, books for the blind were made by embossing traditional letters, but they were time-consuming to produce and hard to read at a normal pace. Lessons were learned verbally, passed down from older students or tutors.

A blind Frenchman named Louis Braille developed the idea, building on a rejected idea for a military code, and the system was put into practice in 1825. This invention may not be life-changing for a visually impaired person, but it allows him or her to live as any other person would and "see" parts of their surroundings. 15 Flipped Classrooms We Can Learn From.