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100+ Best Chrome Apps and Extensions. Google Chrome recently introduced Chrome apps. These are extensions but they can run independently. This post includes the best Chrome apps and extensions. Most of them are free. Internet is a place where it is incredibly easy to get lost, lose track of time and be unproductive. These Chrome apps help us to be more productive at work, increase our skills and save time. And play a little in the time saved If you are a Chrome lover, do check out the collection of 40 best chrome themes that we published a couple of days ago. This is the last post of our Google Chrome week, and we saved the best for last. Sketchpad 3.1 This one of the most popular Chrome apps right now. Gliffy Diagrams Another one of hugely popular Chrome apps.

Docs PDF/PowerPoint Viewer (by Google) View a PowerPoint presentations or PDF file with this Chrome app. Google Quick Scroll This Chrome app lets you jump directly to the relevant bits of a Google search result. Save to Google Drive Related Content by Zemanta dotEPUB IE Tab. Linux show size of folder contents in ls or some other command. Sequential and parallel sorting algorithms. 超神奇!廢棄硬碟還能神奇改造成喇叭 @ PCuSER 電腦人. 壞掉的硬碟不要丟,簡單改造也能拿來欣賞美妙音樂! 硬碟是電腦中重要的零組件,如果你家中有壞掉的電腦硬碟,是不是直接就將它丟到垃圾捅了呢? 其實硬碟不只能存取資料用,還能當作喇叭發聲,快來打造一個硬碟喇叭來跟朋友炫耀一下吧! 先來瞭解喇叭發聲原理 如果讀者有拆開過喇叭來看其中的構造,可以看到其中有個最重要的部份,像是一個碗型的裝置,通常我們稱它為「單體」,單體是喇叭中發出聲音的最重要功臣,因此我們要藉由探討喇叭單體的原理來解釋為什麼硬碟可以當作喇叭使用。

一般來說,喇叭單體是由不同的組件組成,裡頭的構造又可以細分為磁鐵、線圈、振膜等等,這些東西看似毫無關聯,不過只要一通電輸入聲音訊號後,就能夠唱起歌來,這可都是因為我們在國中都學過的電磁鐵原理造成的喔! 我們以前學過,只要在漆包線組成的線圈兩端通上電,線圈立刻就會成為一個磁場,這個磁場可以因為輸入的電源方向性不同而產生不同的極性,例如現在線圈磁場為正極,就會跟磁鐵的正極相斥;當磁場改變極性為負極時,就會與磁鐵相吸,如此一來以往,就像是我們的聲帶一樣因為振動而擠壓附近的空氣發出聲響一樣。 從以上的喇叭基本原理可以看出,其實要製作喇叭最重要的部份就是電磁鐵線圈與永久磁鐵,而要找到同時擁有電磁鐵與磁鐵的物品,竟然是每台電腦中必備的硬碟!

▲在「 動手改裝超炫硬碟喇叭 Step. 1 想要製作一個硬碟喇叭,壞掉的廢棄硬碟必然不可少,具有3.5mm公頭的音源線可以拿用不到的耳機線來替代,其餘像是拆硬碟用的六星螺絲起子、剪線剝皮的斜口鉗(也可以剪刀替代)以及最後要將音源線焊上的電烙鐵及銲錫都一定要準備喔! Note: 由於我們要拿來當作喇叭的部份是硬碟裡頭的機械構造,並不用接上電源及排線,因此壞掉的硬碟不管是IDE或是SATA都可以用來改裝喔! Step. 2 我們先將硬碟正面的螺絲卸除,通常用在硬碟的螺絲都不是我們常見的十字牙,而是六芒星狀的螺絲,因此必須準備一支規格相符的螺絲起子,才能順利將硬碟拆開喔! 當你把螺絲全部卸下以後,卻發現硬碟蓋還是拆不下來,怎麼會這樣呢? Step. 3 Step. 4 拆除上方磁鐵後,可以看到讀取臂下方還有一塊磁鐵,這個我們就不用管它,將讀取臂先拆下來。 Step. 5 Step. 6 Step. 7. 5 System Monitoring Tools for Ubuntu. Whether you’re resource-conscious, investigating a system slowdown, or, like me, just plain nosey, Ubuntu makes it easy to keep an eye on CPU, RAM and other hardware information.

Below are five different ways to monitor system resource usage in Ubuntu – from panel-based indicator-applets to applications installed by default. Indicator-SysMonitor Indicator-SysMonitor does a little, but does it well. Once installed and run, it displays CPU and RAM usage on your top panel. Simple. The applet sports a minimal amount of customisation options such as the order in which items appear on the panel and their refresh rate. Download Indicator Sys Monitor for Ubuntu Conky Set up Conky may be a headache to set up but it offers an almost endless variety of ways to display and view system resource usage (among plenty of other things). We’ve shown off many slick set-ups in the past – take a look at our ‘conky‘ tag to browse through them.

Screenlet ‘Top’ You can order the results, too: - ‘System Monitor’ Troubleshooting - What should I do when Ubuntu freezes. How to install Sublime Text 2 on Ubuntu 12.04 (Unity) | Technoreply. Sublime Text is an awesome text editor. If you’ve never heard of it, you should check it out right now. I’ve made this tutorial because there’s no installer for the Linux versions of Sublime Text. While that’s not a real problem, I feel there is a cleaner way to go around this.

Also, this post will show you how to integrate Sublime Text to Unity (which, I’m glad to report, has now matured into a fully functional user interface). [This tutorial has been updated following feedback from AskUbuntu. Step 1 Download the tarfile that suits you best and extract it. Tar xf Sublime\ Text\ 2.0.1\ x64.tar.bz2 You’ll notice that I got the 64-bit version.

Step 2 You’ll get a “Sublime Text 2” folder after extraction. Sudo mv Sublime\ Text\ 2 /opt/ Step 3 At some point you’d want to be able to call Sublime Text from the Terminal by just typing “sublime”. Sudo ln -s /opt/Sublime\ Text\ 2/sublime_text /usr/bin/sublime Step 4 Now that our files are at the right place, we need to create a launcher in Unity. Changing default OS in grub2. I thought I'd share my thoughts - this way preserves Windows as the default without having to change much else (and will hopefully remain that way after performing various kernel upgrades) Grub2 relies on a sequence of shell scripts to generate the grub.cfg file, the shell scripts are run in alphabetical order and are found in /etc/grub.d Code: majic@hephaestus:~$ cd /etc/grub.d majic@hephaestus:/etc/grub.d$ ls 00_header 10_linux 30_os-prober 41_custom 05_debian_theme 20_linux_xen 40_custom README majic@hephaestus:/etc/grub.d$ By shuffling these around, you can make it generate the grub.cfg file in the order that you want.

For me, I tend to use linux less commonly than windows, but I play a fair few games on windows that means it makes sense for me to use windows as my primary boot Open a root terminal and cd /etc/grub.d finally execute the update-grub command hephaestus:/etc/grub.d# update-grub Generating grub.cfg ... How to use the same Dropbox folder with a dual-boot | Victor Pillac. I have been using Ubuntu and Windows in dual boot for some time now and I found that using Dropbox on both OSs could get a bit tricky as by default it will duplicate your files.

An easy walk around is to use the default location under windows, and then to create in linux a symbolic link that will point to it. I will assume that you have a Documents folder on a disk/partition with letter D: under windows and mounted at /media/data. The path to your documents will then be “D:\Documents” in windows and “/media/data/Documents” in linux. The installation has to be done in three steps Install Dropbox on windows, at the end of the installation the program will give you the option to change the Dropbox folder location, select your “D:\Documents” folder. With this methods your files are always synchronised, should you be working under linux or windows, without being duplicated. Like this: Like Loading...


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