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Hydrogen Combustion. Fake. You Are Not Dead, A Guide To Modern Living. 1797_9350_450.jpeg (JPEG Image, 450x638 pixels) - Scaled (77. No Money Man: The thrifty adventures of Mark Boyle. Mark Boyle hasn't spent any money for the last 14 months. He lives in a small camper, makes or scavenges everything he uses on a day-to-day basis, and actually lives a pretty good life. Before making the big move to living without money, he made a list of all the things he uses and consumes and then figured out how to get by without buying. He was pragmatic about his adventure — you can't make solar panels from scratch, so he bought a set that provide him with enough power to light and run his laptop (another nod to pragmatism).

He takes solar showers, does his business in a homemade outhouse, and brushes his teeth with dried crushed-up fish bone and fennel seeds. To eat he practices the fine art of Dumpster diving and cooks on a hyper-efficient rocket stove. Swing over to the Guardian UK to watch a great video showing how he does it. (Quick! The platypus knows 80 different ways to poison you.