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Artisanal Wheat On the Rise | People & Places. Women's Work. Here's in what occupations women said they were employed for the 1881 census. Servants, milliners, dressmakers, laundresses are perhaps quite predictable. See if you can find how many miners, and how many doctors ... Moist Towelette Online Museum. Michael Wolf’s 100 x 100 Series. Michael Wolf , who created the impressive Architecture of Density series, photographed of residents in their flats in Shek Kip Mei Estate, the oldest public housing complex in Hong Kong.

Wolf found out that the buildings featured identical 100 square foot (10′x10′) rooms, he decided to photograph 100 of the rooms. The series is called 100×100 . Says the New York Times : Aided by the social worker, Mr. Many residents had lived there for more than 20 years and most spoke positively about their living quarters and their neighbors. The project was a race against time. Wolf recommends viewing the images in a 10′x10′ room. If you’re standing inside a room which is exactly the same size as the room you’re looking at, then you realize how small that space actually is. All images courtesy of Michael Wolf. A Paradise Built on Oil Street Installations by Mark Jenkins Smog Makes For Great Sunsets Visualizing the Gulf Oil Spill The Exceptional City: Hong Kong City in a Jar AANDEBOOM’s Tree Bench.

Gyjb69j Shared by stevesilberman. Britain's new tribes | Travel. Steampunks While William Gibson and Bruce Sterling's The Difference Engine is often credited with coining this small subculture, steampunk stems from science-fiction set in the Jules Verne era. It began as a literary subgenre and spread into art, design and popular culture. It features futuristic gadgetry mixed with Victoriana, whodunnits, time travel and adventure. Start your education with a trip to Kew Bridge Steam Museum, London (, where you can see Britain's biggest collection of steampunk artefacts. Or visit Europe's biggest steampunk festival, Weekend at the Asylum, in Lincoln from 9-11 September (, then purchase pleats and cravats at A Child of the Jago (10 Great Eastern Street, London,, a designer ode to the East End's destitute past. Chaps Chaps adopt the clothes, mannerisms and lifestyle of an English gentleman of the 1940s, while jettisoning elements that do not appeal, such as blood sports, bigotry and jingoism.

The illusion of attention | Mo Costandi | Science. You board the train, find a seat and open the latest bestseller by your favourite author. The couple sitting opposite are having a conversation, and the driver announces that there will be a short delay to your journey, but you are so engrossed in your book that you are unaware of these sounds. In fact, you have become almost completely oblivious to your surroundings, and you fail to notice that the train is approaching your stop. You reach the end of a paragraph and, looking up from your book, see the train pulling out of the station… Everyday experiences like this show us that focused attention has a significant effect on how we perceive the world and, therefore, on what enters into our conscious awareness. First performed in 1999, this demonstrates a phenomenon called inattentional blindness, whereby focused attention causes a failure to see something that might otherwise be glaringly obvious.

Professor Daniel Simons explains the Invisible Gorilla study. 6a00d8341d3df553ef0133f54ae12f970b-pi (JPEG Image, 1750×2479 pixels) - Scaled (21. World | Europe | 'Paris Syndrome' strikes Japanese. A dozen or so Japanese tourists a year have to be repatriated from the French capital, after falling prey to what's become known as "Paris syndrome". That is what some polite Japanese tourists suffer when they discover that Parisians can be rude or the city does not meet their expectations. The experience can apparently be too stressful for some and they suffer a psychiatric breakdown. Around a million Japanese travel to France every year. Shocking reality Many of the visitors come with a deeply romantic vision of Paris - the cobbled streets, as seen in the film Amelie, the beauty of French women or the high culture and art at the Louvre.

The reality can come as a shock. An encounter with a rude taxi driver, or a Parisian waiter who shouts at customers who cannot speak fluent French, might be laughed off by those from other Western cultures. They were suffering from "Paris syndrome". However, the only permanent cure is to go back to Japan - never to return to Paris. How to Be Unremarkably Average. Accept what people tell you at face value. Surround yourself with people who think like you. Don’t stand out. Stay close to home. Get a normal job. Do things the way everyone else does, because there has to be a method to the madness.

Go to college because someone said you should get a degree, not because you want to learn anything. Use your credit card as your primary means of spending. Give token amounts of money to charity. Go overseas once or twice in your life, to somewhere safe like England. If you want to be brave, go to somewhere like Mexico. Work at a job you don’t like for the majority of your professional life. Form alliances of convenience to survive office conflict. Don’t question authority; it’s there for a good reason. Don’t worry about being average, because no one will ever question you about it. Clean People Feel Morally Superior | Wired Science. By Olivia Solon, Wired UK A new study shows that people feel morally cleansed when they are physically clean, and as such are more inclined to judge others more harshly.

The study, with the somewhat Victorian-sounding name of "A clean self can render harsh moral judgment" was led by Chen-Bo Zhong at the University of Toronto Rotman School of Management and appears in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. Some 58 undergrads were invited to a lab filled with spotless new equipment. Half of the students were asked to clean their hands with antiseptic wipe, so as not to soil the shiny surfaces. “Participants who cleansed their hands before rating the social issues judged these issues to be more morally wrong compared to those who did not cleanse their hands,” the researchers report. In a follow-up study, hundreds of participants were told to read a short passage that began, “My hair feels clean and light. Image: Flickr/Arlington County See Also: Gandhi Pills? Heavy Drinkers Outlive Nondrinkers, Study Finds. An Open Letter to Researchers of Addiction, Brain Chemistry, and Social Psychology.

Western surge in obesity may have been caused by a virus - Health News, Health & Families. Researchers have discovered new evidence for an illness they have called "infectobesity" – obesity that is transmitted from person to person, much like an infection. The agent thought to be responsible is a strain of adenovirus, versions of which cause the common cold. It has already been labelled the "fat bug". There are more than 50 strains of adenovirus known to infect humans but only one, adenovirus 36, has been linked with human obesity. Now scientists at the University of California, San Diego, have found that children who showed evidence of infection with adenovirus 36 were more likely to be fat.

Children carrying the virus weighed on average almost 50lb more than those who were not. Jeffrey Schwimmer, an associate professor of clinical paediatrics, who led the study published in the US journal Pediatrics, said: "This amount of extra weight is a major concern at any age, but is especially so for a child. "Obesity is multifactorial – there is no single cause. Does Memory Integrate over Time? Warning: This post is mostly not about Geosciences. But it is an idea that grew in my mind as I worked on the previous post about temporal thinking in geosciences, so you're going to hear about it anyhow, dear reader. There is one idea about evolution at the very end. I have the sense that my memory integrates over time. Here's what I mean : When my children were young, I travelled occasionally for work, leaving them with my husband or mother.

"Accelerated Piano Adventures for the Older Beginner" Over this summer, I made two vacation and/or business trips, of approximately ten days each. In the case of my suddenly-mature children, it is possible that they happened to have a growth streak when I happened to be away. A hypothesis that is consistent with these experiences is that my memory is not remembering the status quo at the exact time I left town. I can imagine how such behavior on the part of the human memory would be adaptive. Does anyone know of research on this topic? The allure of the lady (and man) in red. When female chimps are nearing ovulation they display red on their bodies. Male chimps respond by masturbating and attempting to mount them.

A new study claims we humans have moved on from this, but not a lot. Daniela Kayser's team found that when a lady wears red it prompts men to ask her more intimate questions and to sit closer to her. Surprisingly, this is the first time that the effect of colour on human sexual attraction behaviour has been studied. Past research has relied on asking participants to report their attraction rather than measuring their actual behaviour.

Twenty-three heterosexual or bisexual male undergrads were shown a photo of a blonde-haired, blue-eyed female rated in pilot work by men as moderately attractive. In a second study another 22 male undergrads were shown a photo of a moderately attractive brown-haired, brown-eyed woman wearing either a red shirt or a blue shirt. Niesta Kayser, D., Elliot, A., and Feltman, R. (2010). 118 Situational Narcissism.pdf (application/pdf Object) Americans smile all the time as if they are plugged in. The social role of politeness in Russia is extremely low. Unwelcoming service has become one of the manifestations of this public flaw in the country. Muscovites are considered those who smile least among the residents of other Russian cities.

A poll conducted by ROMIR Monitoring showed that 88 percent of Russians slam Muscovites for their rudeness. Rudeness and indifference of personnel hurts consumers morally and causes financial damage to companies. There is a unique proverb in the Russian language, which probably does not exist in other languages. "Laughing for no reason makes you a fool.

" A sales woman from Voronezh was hospitalized to a mental institution because the store director would always smile at her. "Keep smiling! " Specialists concluded a long time ago that a difference in smiles is a difference in cultures. Why do the Russians smile so little? A smile in the service industry in the West (as well as in the East) is a demonstration of politeness. Ivan TulyakovPravda.Ru. Kathy Burke: singlehood choice last minutes. The Woman. Anthropology in Practice: White Flight in Social Networks? A Story of Another Digital Divide. Ed Note: It is with great pleasure that AiP plays host to Eric Michael Johnson as part of the Primate Diaries in Exile blog tour. Eric has written a fantastic post on the anthropology of social networks, covering the racial and economic disparities of Facebook and MySpace.

You can follow other stops on this tour through his RSS feed or at the #PDEx hashtag on Twitter. Eric, you're definitely welcome any time! Readers, thanks for joining us today—if this is your first visit to Anthropology in Practice, please make yourself comfortable and peruse the archives. You are also welcome any time. - K When I was in high school in a small California town I quickly figured out that mixing cliques was difficult. Humans are social animals and our network of friends and close relations are essential to most peoples sense of self-identity.

The internet offers the opportunity to study the anthropology of social group formation and chronicle its development in real time. Scientist at Work - Dr. Donald A. Redelmeier - Debunking Myths of the Medical World. The Science of Eavesdropping | Wired Science  A fascinating new paper in Psychological Science explores an apparent paradox of eavesdropping: It’s harder to not listen to a conversation when someone is talking on the phone (we only hear one side of the dialogue) than when two physically present people are talking to each other.

Although the phone conversation contains much less information, we’re much more curious about what’s being said. Let’s call this “The Annoying Guy On The Train Effect.” He is the last man on earth we want to listen to, and yet he is impossible to ignore. What explains “The Annoying Guy Effect”? The answer returns us to the nature of information processing, and the perverse way in which the brain allocates our attention. As I noted in this post on curiosity, we are especially drawn to gaps in information. This effect doesn’t just apply to obnoxious cell phone conversations. Before a musical pattern can be desired by the brain, it must play hard to get. Evening edition. Sep 30, 2010 Long before the advent of a 24-hour workweek, before we were looking to multi-task (then to single-task), long before “getting things done” was a thing to get done, we got things done.

On summer nights, the fireflies appeared and “dinner’s ready” was a common call. On schooldays, the bell tolled. On television, the screen tuned out for the evening, static signaling the end of day. Markerless time Today, few markers mark time. Evening edition The Evening Edition was always a signal. Starting today, this site (when viewed in a browser) will undertake a bit of an experiment. We’re making our own editions every day. The Evening Edition owes thanks to the industrious work of the superlative Dan Mall and Jason Santa Maria for their allegiance to detail and devotion to craft. The Institute For Figuring.

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Learning. History. Archaeology. Stone Age humans needed more brain power to make big leap in tool design. Stone Age humans were only able to develop relatively advanced tools after their brains evolved a greater capacity for complex thought, according to a new study that investigates why it took early humans almost two million years to move from razor-sharp stones to a hand-held stone axe.

Researchers used computer modelling and tiny sensors embedded in gloves to assess the complex hand skills that early humans needed in order to make two types of tools during the Lower Palaeolithic period, which began around 2.5 million years ago. The cross-disciplinary team, involving researchers from Imperial College London, employed a craftsperson called a flintnapper to faithfully replicate ancient tool-making techniques.

The team say that comparing the manufacturing techniques used for both Stone Age tools provides evidence of how the human brain and human behaviour evolved during the Lower Palaeolithic period. Explore further: Serbia experts use heavy machinery to move mammoth. Women’s Equality and Neurosexism | Everyday Biology.