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Using Drupal Contextual Filters in Views. It can take a while when you're new, but once you start to wrap your head around Views, that is when Drupal gets really fun.

Using Drupal Contextual Filters in Views

In this tutorial, I'll go over how to use Contextual Filters in Views to alter your content dynamically based on information in the URL. If you're a visual learner, you can skip to the video at the end of this post for a detailed walk through of the process. Kittens vs Specific Kittens In this example, have page of cat photos. FAQ using Views. Last updated June 7, 2014. Created on July 11, 2011.Edited by acabouet, wmostrey, cgroche, xenophyle. Log in to edit this page. Here is a recipe for creating a FAQ using nodes and Views. Views online help. Working with Views.