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HowTos. Last updated August 6, 2011. Created by LeeHunter on September 17, 2007.Edited by juan_g, figaro, catch, Senpai. Log in to edit this page. HowTo pages are short, highly-targeted articles on how to accomplish a specific task. They are contributed by the community in response to a need for concise information. HowTo pages differ from Tutorials in that they are most often a single page document and directly relate to either a certain function of a module, a goal-based task, or a "Did you know Drupal can do this? " paragraph. For example, where a tutorial might describe the process of creating and theming customized user profiles, a HowTo article would explain the steps needed to enable custom avatar uploads for all user's profiles.

If you've accomplished something not listed here, please choose one of the following sections and click the 'add a child page' toward the bottom of the page. Please note: theme-related HowTos have been moved to the Theme Guide. Looking for support? Authorized Acquia Drupal Training in Washington DC, available internationally. Building Maps with OpenLayers in Drupal 7. On one of our latest projects we where expecting to use Gmap (a Drupal 6 favourite).

However, with no Drupal 7 release available (beta-1 was made available in November 2012) and the Views and Solr integrations in a state of disarray we had to try out something different. Enter OpenLayers. As expected with maps, what sounds like the small task of showing some nodes on a map with a couple of filters turned into the following stack of modules and dependencies: Address Field to hold address data in our content.Geofield to hold geographic data in our content, in this case a point.Geocoder converts the address data into geographic data.geoPHP a geocoder dependancy.OpenLayers With the addition of the ever present dependancies: Getting started The first step was to install and enable the above modules, being sure to also install the modules included with OpenLayers: OpenLayers UI (openlayers_ui)OpenLayers Views (openlayers_views) Content Next we setup the content, adding the following fields: Creating an image gallery in Drupal 7 | MegaDrupal. Create an image gallery in Drupal is not difficult, you can use some modules but they're often more than you need and sometime difficult to tweak.

I will show you how to create a gallery page that you could easily modify or customize. Overview Through the tutorial I'm going to show you how to create an image gallery page on Bartik (Drupal's default theme) theme. Yes, you can use any theme you want. Demo for this tutorial here. Requirements For this tutorial you will need to install Drupal 7 (because this tutorial for Drupal 7. Step 1: Create custom content type Go to Structure -> Content Types (/admin/structure/types) and add a new content type called Gallery (remember this machine name for step 5).

Step 2: Create image style From admin toolbar, go to Configuration -> Image Styles (your_site/admin/config/media/image-styles), add new style name "gallery-thumb". Step 3: Manage fields Delete body field and add new "Image Gallery" field. Next, click to "manage display" next Gallery content type. Working with Views via the Advanced Help module.

Scalable Navigation Patterns in Responsive Web Design | The subject of navigation in responsive Web design (RWD) is both exciting and challenging. Best practices are emerging for smaller, boutique-style sites, but for sites with larger anatomies, it’s still the Wild West, especially when it comes to migrating legacy information into a new design. Here are some of the lessons we’ve learned working on a recent real-life, large-scale RWD project. Specifically, this post focuses on how we chose to deal with deep navigation in the landscape of a templated environment. Back in October of 2011, Palantir was hired by University of Michigan Medical School to design a system of responsive page templates for their departmental websites. The purpose of these templates were to help sell each department on the idea of migrating their content to Drupal. Historically, each department had been accustomed to a certain level of autonomy when it came to the visual design of their websites.

We didn't really let that get us down, though. How Many is Too Many? How create an image gallery in Drupal 7?

Drupal Translation

Setting the Front Page | Drupal Ace. What appears on the site's front page, the first page people see when visiting <your site domain>? Many web sites, especially blogs, list a number of postings, articles, or other nodes on the front page, usually with the most recent node at top. If the nodes have short text, the page may display the title and whole text of the nodes. If the nodes have long text, the page may display the title and a short excerpt ("teaser"); visitors can click on a title, or a "Read more" link, to display the whole node as a page. However, you don't have to go that route. You can instead have the front page built around a single node, or even some special page like the login form.

It's up to you. 1. Here's the setting to do this: Navigation menu » Administer » Site configuration » Site information At the bottom is the field 'Default front page'. 2. The path you enter into 'Default front page' doesn't need to be that of a single node. It's up to you. 3. 4. Random Image on Homepage. Displaying random images.


Modules. [Drupal] Display separate views on different taxonomy pages (parents/children) using Panels/Views | James Tombs. I have come across the problem a couple of times now and have come across someone else looking for the same things on IRC where you want to have a different view for parent terms and child terms. Although this probably can be done in Views, I am none the wiser on how to do it and neither were any of the participants on IRC.

So my work around is to use Panels taking advantage of Ctools contexts. This tutorial is written for Drupal 6. First of all, we need to download and enable a few modules. Ctools - (Chaos Tools, Page Manager, Views Content Panes)Panels - (Panels)Views - (Views, Views UI) Once the modules are enabled we can continue. If you haven't already, set up your taxonomy vocabulary with terms (they don't have to be in a hierarchy but I assume most will). Next we will create our panel pages for the 2 types of term pages. Go to Administer > Site Building > Panels. On this page, under Manage pages, click the Enable button next to Taxonomy term template. Save the page. Save the View. Taxonomy Term Pages on Steroids Using Panels and Views.

Creating a well-organized, content-heavy website is difficult. Creating one that is also sustainable is even trickier. It's easy to keep adding features to a web site without considering how they fit into the overall plan until you get to the point where things start getting out-of-hand and site maintenance starts becoming a real issue (blame Drush for making it so darn easy to add new modules!) In this article, I'm going to be building a Hollywood movie-themed site that lists movies by genre.

Each genre will be a taxonomy term in a "genre" taxonomy vocabulary, and each term will have its own Panel page showcasing movies in that particular genre. I'll build it in a sustainable way so that if the site admin wants to add a new genre, all they have to do is add a new term to the vocabulary and everything else will already be in place. One way to prevent site maintenance from getting out-of-hand is to minimize the number of views and panels used on a site. Taxonomy Wireframing Imagecache Views. How To: Use Drupal email to send notifications to users.

Play Video Movie link (right-click to download)Problem with this video? Contact me Twitter's great. SMS messaging is great. Even Instant Messaging is great. But, there's one thing which ties everyone together online. So, if you're seeking a solution to have Drupal email your users, then one of the best methods for doing this is the Messaging and Notifications modules. Sending out a message via any of the above mentioned methods, plus a Drupal email is easily accomplished with these modules.

It's easy, because they offer all the methods plus more. If this is the type of solution you're seeking for your Drupal site then this video may have what you're looking for. Messaging [issues] - [usage] Notifications [issues] - [usage] Mojah Media | Your Project, Our Garden.