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CLANG "Swordfighting Simulator"

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CLANG [R.I.P.] Final Update. A year has passed since our "pause button update," and it's been a busy year.

CLANG [R.I.P.] Final Update

To explain everything that I and others have done on the CLANG and post-CLANG fronts since then would require a book. That is a fact that I can verify, since I sat down a few weeks ago to write another update, and actually have ended up writing a book about it--a short book, by my standards, but way too long for an update. Maybe it'll eventually get published in some form. In the meantime, here's the closest I can come to a TL;DR. Last year, Subutai Corporation delivered the CLANG prototype and the other donor rewards as promised. Members of the team made large personal contributions of time and money to the project before, during, and after the Kickstarter phase.

As all this was happening, new ideas and opportunities presented themselves. By combing through comment threads and emails we have identified around two dozen CLANG backers who have asked for refunds. Thanks for backing the CLANG project. (signed) CLANG - Official Kickstarter site. Hi, Neal Stephenson here.

CLANG - Official Kickstarter site

My career as an author of science and historical fiction has turned me into a swordsmanship geek. As such, I'm dissatisfied with how swordfighting is portrayed in existing video games. These could be so much more fun than they are. Time for a revolution. In the last couple of years, affordable new gear has come on the market that makes it possible to move, and control a swordfighter's actions, in a much more intuitive way than pulling a plastic trigger or pounding a key on a keyboard. CLANG will begin with the Queen of Weapons: the two-handed longsword used in Europe during late medieval and early renaissance times. At first, it'll be a PC arena game based on one-on-one multiplayer dueling (which is a relatively simple and attainable goal; we don't want to mess this up by overreaching).

"How will this be different than SoulCalibur? " Low-latency, high-precision motion controller: Critical to a satisfying sword fight is fast, accurate response. Thanks to: Nanda. TaleWorlds Forum ITA - SMF. Armata Brancaleone - PHP. NGI - vBulletin. Clang, la spada nel crowdsourcing. Roma - Fra i vari progetti al momento in cerca di finanziamento sulla piattaforma di crowdsourcing Kickstarter, ve ne è uno che ha saputo attirare l'attenzione degli osservatori sia per la facile presa che ha sui geek, sia per il nome che vi è dietro.

Clang, la spada nel crowdsourcing

Il progetto in questione si chiama "Clang" e ha l'ambizioso obiettivo di creare un videogame in grado di offrire una reale e quanto più possibile fedele riproduzione di un duello con la spada, senza ricorrere a sequenze di tasti da schiacciare meccanicamente. L'idea di Clang è quella di iniziare con un gioco in cui si utilizza una spada lunga a due mani con tecniche base da combattimento medievale (blocco, parate, affondi più semplici), per poi arrivare nelle versioni successive a limare il sistema di controllo per introdurre diverse tecniche di scherma, che possa permettere di adattarlo a diverse ambientazioni. Claudio Tamburrino.