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The 10 Most Viral Tumblr Blogs Of 2013. Among the many Top 10 lists featured in Yahoo's Year In Review recap of search trends in 2013 is a new addition to the 13-year-old report: a look into some trends on Tumblr, the blogging platform that Yahoo acquired in May. Here's how the year's most viral Tumblrs stacked up: Top 10 Most Viral Blogs on Tumblr in 2013: 1. Reasons My Son Is Crying 2. This Charming Charlie 3. Bonus: Fast Company senior editor Jason Feifer's widely covered Selfies At Funerals made the greater list of the 23 most viral Tumblr blogs of 2013. The Internet company also partnered with Paramount Pictures to create a video featuring everyone's favorite anchor, Ron Burgundy, discussing the year’s trends.

#NewhouseSM4 @DR4WARD with Teaching Team: #SocialSoup @_JessA. DR4WARD Curated Resources for Global Marketing / International Marketing. Using social media across cultures. Today I’ve got a guest post from Christian Arno. Read below for more info. Most businesses are now well aware of the benefits that using social media can bring, such as driving sales, getting customer feedback, building brand awareness and more.

However, the majority are still only focusing on major social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Whilst these channels are undoubtedly very useful, there are also extremely popular social networks in other countries which should not be overlooked. A 2010 report from Econsultancy found that over 80% of marketers are planning to spend more on social media this year, but only a quarter will focus their campaigns in more than one country. This is actually quite a surprising statistic given that a separate study from Common Sense Advisory found that companies typically see a return of $25 for every $1 they invest in localization.

Have you read my book yet? Five lessons learned about cross-cultural social networking. Looking for a clear and simple path to a new intranet? Download our free Intranet Buyers Workbook to learn 10 key steps in evaluating intranet solutions. Social networking theorists like to debate whether and how much cultural differences impact the way people respond to and interact with social networks.* Some, for example, argue that networks such as Facebook mainly reflect and accommodate values and norms prevalent in Anglo-Saxon cultures (U.S., UK, Canada, etc.) — which explains why they’re much less successful elsewhere. The theoretical discussion turns starkly practical when multinational enterprises develop intranets or other social networking tools for internal use. Differences are real and sometimes critical, as we learned while helping an Asian-based company with offices in Canada, the U.S., Korea and Japan deploy a global ThoughtFarmer intranet.

ThoughtFarmer goes to Asia: On-site visit in Japan 1. This was not a trivial objection. Solution? 2. 3. 4. 5. Iceland's president: Social media turns government into a 'sideshow' Iceland's president: Social media is more powerful than governmentPresident: "I can't see any chance for traditional ... institutions to keep up"Olafur Ragnar Grimsson also hopes to develop Iceland as an Internet hubThe country is courting data centers, which house the Internet Camden, Maine (CNN) -- Facebook updates and YouTube videos are becoming more important to global affairs than governments, Iceland's president said this week.

"This so-called social media has transformed our democratic institutions in such a way that what takes place in the more traditional institutions of power -- congress, ministries, even the White House or the presidency and the cabinet in my country -- has become almost a sideshow," Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, Iceland's president, said in an interview with CNN on Thursday at the PopTech conference here in coastal Maine.

"I know it's a strong statement, especially coming from someone who spent most of his life within those institutions. Infographic: Social media usage across Asia - Shanghaiist. This neat little infographic from Endelman Digital maps out the social media habits of internet users all across Asia. The data used comes from PC-based internet users only, leaving out the very substantial chunk of Asians staring at the internet through their phone or at an internet cafe. But anyway, it's pretty to look at, and gives a nice clear peak at user habits, as well as Facebook's slow and steady world domination. (Penn Olson points out that Facebook actually does surpass Wretch in Taiwan, with 58% online penetration.)

It's clear that video viewing eats up the lion's share of Asia's time online, while blogging falls a close second in most countries. Interestingly, China has the lowest percentage of social networking usage of all 13 countries listed (I can't decide if this is surprising or not.) But more importantly, how do you measure how much time Chinese users eat up reading online novels?