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Voice. X Grab My Y. About X, Grab My Y is an exploitable comic series based on a deviantART comic by artist Angela Dunn. The comics shows a character shouting at a second person to grab a part of their body before rocketing off into the sky, usually accompanied by a rainbow and a word. It is in some ways reminiscient of Ooh Mister X, due to its compatibility with pretty much any series. Origin On January 23rd, 2009, deviantART user angelaArt uploaded a short one page comic called ADVENTURE, featuring herself and fellow Deviantart artist Lizcakes .

The original version had the line “Angie grab my boobs” and the duo flying off accompanied by the word ADVENTURE. Spread It did not take long for alternate versions of the comic to start appearing, with the first alteration uploaded on the January 28th, 2009 by deviantART member Shadren4ever titled “ADVENTURE2”, only 5 days after the original. Search queries for both “Grab My Boobs” and simply “Grab My” bring back a large number of results on Deviantart. U.S. Senator: We Need to Look Into Anonymous, Pronto. Senator John McCain, former Republican Presidential nominee, asked Congress to dedicate a committee to cyber-infiltration by groups like Anonymous. With the recent attacks on videogame companies like Sony and so-called internet security firms like Booz Allen Hamilton fresh in everyone's minds, John McCain wants action. The hacktivism phenomenon is not limited to the private sector, government agency websites like the CIA have been brought down through DDoS attacks but, more importantly, the leaking of sensitive data to organization like WikiLeaks and more invasive thefts of personal information at firms like HB Gary are serious threats to national security.

McCain thinks the problem is that no one group in Washington is tasked with dealing with these issues. "As you know, cyber security legislation has been drafted by at least three committees and at least seven committees claim some jurisdiction over the issue," McCain wrote in a letter to Senate leaders. Source: All Hats are Grey Tonight. Telecomix, Anonymous, anarchy, and getting things done through the do-ocracy. Image credits: Flickr user gaelx Meet Pete Fein. To introduce himself, he'd tell you he programs Python, rides bikes, does yoga, and wears pants. He also acts as a liaison with Anonymous, but does not himself work on DDoS attacks or crack websites and passwords. Fein gave the opening keynote to Open Source Bridge, "Hacking for Freedom," which in reality had very little to do with hacking and very much to do with what he calls a "doocracy.

" You can read the first portion of that keynote on his blog. In it, he explains Telecomix, which he describes as "yin to Anonymous' yang," and "builders, not breakers. " He also describes what Telecomix, which he is an agent for, did during the revolution following the Mubarak regime's blackout in Egypt. They've reused much of this work in Libya, Yemen, other countries, and even at the recent protests in Wisconsin. "This is an exciting time to be a person who can use a computer. The importance of the Internet for communication Anarchy vs dis-organization. Lulzsec, Anonymous, 4chan, guerre mondiale. 20 juin 2011 Si tous les hackers du monde s’unissaient pour lutter contre la corruption des gouvernements, il se passerait quoi ? N’est-ce pas une excellente question qui mériterait une réponse d’expert ? Ou bien alors, ne serait-ce pas une excellente question qui mérite une réponse approximative de blogueuse qui a mal au ventre ?

Nota Bene : vous entrez dans un post pas du tout lol, ni perso, ni correctement rédigé. Tout ça, ça sera pour la prochaine fois bb. Ca fait quelques jours que j’essaie d’écrire un truc sur Lulzsecurity mais sans y arriver (parce qu’en ce moment, je suis une immonde limace). Et je vais vous l’annoncer immédiatement : c’est pas aujourd’hui que je vais réussir (parce que des extra-terrestres ont aspiré l’intérieur de mon être et que je ne suis plus qu’un ectoplasme). Pas de bol pour les médias traditionnels, au moment où ils commençaient tout juste à essayer de comprendre ce que sont les Anonymous, voilà que débarque Lulzsecurity, un nouveau collectif de hackers. Top 10 best and worst things about the LulzSec attacks. Top 10 best and worst things about the LulzSec attacks. The LulzSec hacking group continued its march through the databases of large companies and government agencies this week.

Despite the arrest of a young man who was reportedly involved with the group's operations, LulzSec has been as busy as ever. In the process, the group has had something of a polarising effect. Many in the security community have condemned its tactics, including some who accuse the group of extortion. LulzSec has also picked up something of a cult following among those who enjoy seeing large corporations and government agencies exposed for poor security practices. So in this week's Top 10, we look at what there is to like and dislike about LulzSec's summer hacking spree. Before your ire is aroused, we don't condone these attacks, but there's something to be said in seeking silver linings. The concept has been around for years, but 'hacktivism' is a term which has only recently entered the public consciousness. That has changed recently, however. LulzSec, l'ascension éclair d'un groupe de pirates informatiques.

Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Damien Leloup La police de l’Arizona, la CIA, Sony, le Sénat américain, Nintendo, la chaîne de télévision PBS, le réseau de télévision Fox, le site pornographique, l'émission "X Factor", la police britannique, l'éditeur de jeux vidéo Bethesda... La liste des victimes d’attaques informatiques revendiquées par Lulz Security, un groupe de pirates informatiques, est longue. Mais surtout, l’ensemble de ces attaques ont eu lieu dans un délai très court : inconnu il y a encore deux mois, Lulzsec – "lulz" étant une déformation de l’acronyme anglais pour "mort de rire" – s’est taillé en quelques semaines à peine une renommée internationale.

Quelle est leur motivation ? Pourquoi s’en prendre à des cibles aussi diverses ? "For the lulz", simplement pour s’amuser, assure le groupe par l’intermédiaire de son site officiel comme de son compte Twitter – tous deux toujours en ligne. Pourtant, entreprises et administrations prennent le groupe au sérieux.