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Google UX Playbook 建議指南 - 2019. 關於「Tsung」 對新奇的事物都很有興趣, 喜歡簡單的東西, 過簡單的生活.

Google UX Playbook 建議指南 - 2019

分類: News,標籤: design, ec, finance, google, news, pdf, playbook, realestate, retail, seo, travel, ui, ux。 這篇內容的永久連結。 UI/UX完整書單|由淺入深+閱讀心得+難度+推薦指數(持續更新中) 我看到非常非常多人在求推薦UI/UX的書單,剛好看書就是我最喜歡的自學方式之一,我也幾乎把台灣有出版,和UI/UX相關的書籍翻了大概80%,有喜歡的幾乎都會買下來收藏。


這篇就來推薦一下我最喜歡的幾本書。 (這篇並不是單純的把我讀過的書都列出來的讀書心得,而是我真的讀過覺得不錯的書才會推薦) 寫在前面:閱讀完30+本書後的一些感想 不要隨便拿一本就開始讀,因為要讀懂某些書,很需要專案經驗. YVON HUANG — 給新手自學UX設計師的「必讀書單、線上課程」學習資源推薦. 前言 嗨!

YVON HUANG — 給新手自學UX設計師的「必讀書單、線上課程」學習資源推薦

響應式網站 (RWD) 設計指南&精選收錄 - UIUX Cafe - Medium. 這次杏仁餅乾小編整理了 10 rules of best practice for responsive design 裡的要訣,再和大家分享兩個專門收錄 RWD 的網站!

響應式網站 (RWD) 設計指南&精選收錄 - UIUX Cafe - Medium

1. 伸縮自如的設計:大小兼顧. Complete Beginner's Guide to UX Research. In an industry devoted to the people who use our products, services, and applications, research is paramount.

Complete Beginner's Guide to UX Research

We ask questions. We take notes. We learn everything we can about the target audience, and then iteratively test our work throughout the design process. UX research—or as it’s sometimes called, design research—serves many purposes throughout the design process. It helps us identify and prove or disprove our assumptions, find commonalities across our target audience members, and recognize their needs, goals, and mental models. In this Complete Beginner’s Guide, we’ll look at the many elements of design research, from interviews and observations, to usability testing and A/B testing. How to teach yourself UX design - Prototypr. Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 First of all, I have to confess that my UX design skill was not completely “self-taught.”

How to teach yourself UX design - Prototypr

I have in total 3 years of higher education in design. I did learn a lot in school in terms of research, critique and collaboration. Nevertheless, I found that all successful people I knew in the industry are incredible self-learners. UI/UX|下次主管問你為什麼 UI 要用圓角的時候 - AAPD — As A Product Designer - Medium. 認知負荷說 不像有些潮流純粹是為了視覺上的美觀,圓角設計對於使用者體驗也有許多正面的影響。

UI/UX|下次主管問你為什麼 UI 要用圓角的時候 - AAPD — As A Product Designer - Medium

圓角會使得資訊更容易被大腦處理,因為它能夠降低大腦的認知負荷。 UX 設計資源總整理 (転転 UX Team 持續更新) - 転転加速. Taking a look at our UX Writing Process. Creating and building exceptional copy is easier said than done.

Taking a look at our UX Writing Process

Ask any UX writer. Creating UX copy is not about writing up short, meaningful sentences that are free of jargon. It is about crafting content that helps users navigate through a product seamlessly and successfully. And giving them just the information they need without overwhelming them with excessive details. But what goes into creating this seamless experience? At Chargebee, copy was written by designers and developers until the first UX writer was hired.

Copy was inconsistent.Developers and designers constantly tampered with copy and they aren’t, often, language experts.Copy delivered was often not even signed off by the writer.Copy issues including typos and grammatical inaccuracies were common. 商學院轉職UI設計 — 自學方式分享 - AAPD — As A Product Designer - Medium. UX Design Portfolio: Best Practices - UX Planet. This is your story, what better way to illustrate your storytelling abilities than through your portfolio?

UX Design Portfolio: Best Practices - UX Planet

Think again about those awkward interview questions, “So, tell us a bit about yourself.” Taking a little time to answer this question in your portfolio helps you prepare for that question and gives your portfolio visitors some insight into who you are and how you got to where you are today. Tell your visitors what drives you, what you are passionate about.

You’ll give them something to ask more about and make them want to contact you. Include some personal information that gives background and fleshes out that story. UX Designers: Here are the 56 Best Websites To Learn Something New. Bloc 🦉 Intensive UX training with a mentor (Study: 1. 5 years at 15 hours per week) Career Foundry 🦉 Become a certified UX Designer (Study: 10 months at 15 hours per week) Coursera 🦉 How to Structure Your First UX Design Portfolio - UX Planet. Whether you submit the application through an employee referral or online, you are probably aware that there are hundreds, maybe thousands of applicants who want the job as much as you want.

How to Structure Your First UX Design Portfolio - UX Planet

So, what you need to think about is, “how should I package myself so that I stand out from the rest of them?” Just like writing your Statement of Purpose essays for your college application or even writing your cover letters, you have to really think this through before getting right into adding project contents on your website. The Psychology Principles Every UI/UX Designer Needs to Know. Psychology plays a big part in a user’s experience with an application. By understanding how our designs are perceived, we can make adjustments so that the apps we create are more effective in achieving the goals of the user. To help you understand the perception of the user, I will introduce some design principles which I think are the most important, and also provide common examples of these principles in practice. Let’s start with the Von Restorff effect: Von Restorff effect The Von Restorff effect (also known as the isolation effect) predicts that when multiple similar objects are present, the one that differs from the rest is most likely to be remembered!

「人類學家」如何幫助組織變革?金融業的實務做法. 興趣不能當飯吃、念錯科系後悔一生⋯⋯你也掉入了「科系迷思」嗎? | 薛晴/讀者投書. 當我和家鄉的朋友及長輩們談到我選擇去德國留學,攻讀的科系是國際關係暨政治與歷史學系時,大家的下一句總是接著問:「所以你未來想當外交官或政治人物囉?」 我總是困惑,難道我的未來根據我所讀的科系,真的就只有這些有限的選擇嗎? 在台灣似乎真是如此。 因為我所就讀的科系,我的未來被理所當然地侷限在當外交官或政治人物的範疇裡。 這樣的觀念,讓不少人在讀大學時,也會不自覺把「未來職業」與「主修科系」綁定在一起,更因而使得學子們產生「讀了就不能後悔」、「讀錯影響未來就業」等恐懼與徬徨感。 可是當我在德國,和來自世界各地不同國家的同學交談或和教授聊天,並聊到自己的科系專業時,大家分享完後,通常都是接著談:「所以你對這科系有熱情嗎?」 如此巨大的反差,是因為在德國,大學選讀的科系是個人興趣的展現,而不是未來工作方向的預測指標。 Get GSS Data. 8萬人申請,錄取900人,4成沒高中文憑——從巴黎到矽谷,School 42掀起的高教實驗. 直播: 訪問 Tiffany - 矽谷的社會學家及 UX(使用者經驗) 研究員. 曾被老師說念社會系「沒有用」,現在我靠社會學專業,在矽谷 Facebook 總部上班 | 葉蒂芬/出走社會學家的音樂之旅. 教育訓練 - 悠識 UserXper. UX Academy Journey. Top UX School. How to choose a UX Master’s Program. 社会科学的方法和统计. 深描自我,或是反思規則?關於推甄面試與論文寫作的場邊觀察與建議. 跳級申請上哈佛,我為什麼選擇離開? | 高中生看世界. 剛踏入哈佛校園時好奇心往往上遠大於求知心,更多時候我都懷疑我自己是出於不小心被錄取了、不來白不來、我好像被期待要來這裡等心態才註冊入學的,所以當排山倒海的音樂史文本、學術論文、鑑賞筆記放在眼前時,不難叫人感到匱乏。

尤其在這個凌晨 4 點半也會有大票人在圖書館的環境,稍稍怠惰就有可能一落千丈。 我是如何被哈佛錄取的?──推薦信切忌寫得太冠冕堂皇、計畫書「務實」最重要 | 高中生看世界. 隨著國外各頂大報名起跑,國內亦不少躍躍欲試的高中生開始分析起適合自己的申請攻略,以下綜合最近自己常被諮詢的問題、各國朋友們與我的錄取經驗,分享給志在哈佛大學的莘莘學子。 ED , EA , RD,申請方式那麼多,該怎麼安排? 我自己是RD(Regular Decision,常規申請)進入哈佛的,因為很晚才開始準備、擔心過於匆促造成表現不佳,所以先前沒有考慮用其他報名方式。