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A way to triple your number of views! Lately I have several friends asking me how I get to an average of ~250 views a post.

A way to triple your number of views!

So I decided I am going to tell you my "secret" on how to double your amount of views. In additional, I am going to show you how we can all triple our views – if we will just work together! Double your views! -------------------------- So first thing first – how do I get so many views? Simply – I go outside of Bubblews! Just like I explain in past posts (refer to further reading in this posts for links) – it is important to share your work outside of Bubblews as well – both for you and for Bubblews! I understand some of you do not want to expose the stories with their real name so they do not use Facebook or Twitter. Please do not share all your posts in all those places – since you will be mark as a spammer, and no one will look at your posts.

How to triple you views -------------------------------- Now I know you want to hear how to triple your number of views (and earning). Time to blast some bubbles and myths about Bubblews. I joined Bubblews on February 2013.

Time to blast some bubbles and myths about Bubblews

I was not active for several months due to personal business (read more in this post: ), but I never really left, and I kept myself updated and kept reading other people posts. During this time I ran into several ideas people have about what bring them more money on Bubblews. I ran into several crazy ideas and several ideas I actually thought might be true.

So in the last two months as part of my ongoing research to understand what is going on with my Bubblews account (what is working, and what does not) I decided to check some of those ideas and find out which of them are true and which are just myths ( or a bubbles… ) Just to make things clear – I study this and experiment with it, so all the data here is due to personal knowledge! 1. 2. 3. 3b.You get paid one cent for each dislike you get. 4. 5. Things that will Help Improve Bubblews Even More.

I write online for some time now and I had the pleasure (?)

Things that will Help Improve Bubblews Even More

Of experiencing several different online writing sites, and also running my personal blog (not in English). During this time I encounter several tools and ways that helped a lot on getting more views and exposure to my work. I believe some of those tools can be easily incorporated into Bubblews and can help us all get more traffic to this site. So here are some of my ideas. Understanding traffic source ---------------------------------------- One of the most important things in driving traffic to your work is the ability to analyze the results, understand what method worked, and which one needs to be changed. More Share options ----------------------------- Bubblews is one of the very few sites that understand the important of social networks and social media.

Manage notification ----------------------------- Right now you have no control over what kind of notification you get. Character Count Tool.