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How I Was Able to Ace Exams Without Studying. Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Scott Young of In high school, I rarely studied. Despite that, I graduated second in my class. In university, I generally studied less than an hour or two before major exams. However, over four years, my GPA always sat between an A and an A+. Recently I had to write a law exam worth 100% of my final grade. Right now, I’m guessing most of you think I’m just an arrogant jerk. Why do Some People Learn Quickly? The fact is most of my feats are relatively mundane.

The story isn’t about how great I am (I’m certainly not) or even about the fantastic accomplishments of other learners. It’s this different strategy, not just blind luck and arrogance, that separates rapid learners from those who struggle. Most sources say that the difference in IQ scores across a group is roughly half genes and half environment. Rote memorization is based on the theory that if you look at information enough times it will magically be stored inside your head. 1. Unrealistic Expectations Are Ruining Your Life - Samuel Hershberger. My ex-girlfriend always had her phone out. That’s not an understatement either. Everywhere we went it was in her hand. At dinner it was on the table or in her lap. Walking down the street it was in her hand. Lying in bed… well, you can bet it wasn’t far.

Always asking her to put it away, I got frustrated and angry. Instead of discussing things with her I retaliated. I got MY phone out. Yet, every time I glanced up at her, she had no clue. The only thing that changed was how much I resented her. And I don’t want that for you. So, I’m just going to come out and say it. Expectations are ruining your life They’re the number one reason your relationships suck. And they’re the number one reason you’re unhappy. You think your life should be different than it is. You think your boyfriend should treat you better. You think your parents should leave you alone. Well, the word “should” sucks—here’s why The word “should” represents expectations. Recently, I’ve even grown a little hostile toward these words. 33 Ways To Be Happier - BaraBere News. 7 Simple Ways to Be Happier by Geo Beats Humans have remarkable control over their own happiness.In her book, “The How of Happiness: A New Approach to Getting the Life You Want,” psychology professor Sonja Lyubomirsky says a person’s happiness is 50% due to genetics, 10% due to circumstances, and the remaining 40% is “within our power to change.”

Happiness is different for each person, which is why we’ve compiled dozens of different methods to help you find your inner sunshine. Draw pictures of unhealthy food. mhatzapa/Shutterstock Studies have shown that eating high-calorie comfort foods can make your happier. The downside is this will also make you fat. Be both an optimist and a realist. People who have the positive attitude of optimists paired with the rational outlook of realists tend to be more successful and happy, according to psychology researcher Sophia Chou. Get your hands dirty. Become a florist or a gardener. AP/Jacquelyn Martin Have sex — with one partner.

Eat lunch on the beach. Why I Took The 30-Day Cold Shower Challenge And Why You Should Too. If you’re visiting from StumbleUpon and like this article, don’t forget to give it a thumbs up! Last December I decided to take a cold shower (knob turned all the way cold) every day for 30 days. Why? Because I read about it on a blog post just like you’re doing right now. When I first read about the challenge, I cringed at the thought of willingly taking cold showers. Why would anyone do that? I love hot showers, and I hate cold water (or use to, at least). When I was a kid, I would literally turn purple when I went in the ocean because I would get so cold. But as I read more and more into this 30-day cold shower challenge, I learned that taking cold showers has a number of widely-known benefits, both physical and mental. It was 8 AM and I had a long day of class ahead of me. After a few minutes of mental preparation and a short pep talk to myself, I finally stepped into the icy cold water, head first, and then everything else.

Holyyyy tits. Talk about an adrenaline rush. How to Approach Anyone with the 3 Second Rule. If you’re visiting from StumbleUpon and like this article, don’t forget to give it a thumbs up! Have you ever seen a really hot girl and wanted to talk to her, but couldn’t figure out what to say? Or have you ever walked into a room full of strangers, and felt extremely uncomfortable? Maybe even pulled out your phone and pretended to be texting, hoping someone would come up to you and save you from your awkwardness? We all have. When it comes to meeting new people, one of the biggest obstacles for most people is simply building up the courage to approach a stranger and start a conversation.

Last month I revealed in the Collegetopia Newsletter that I was taking on a new 30-day challenge, which was to talk to someone new every day. Unfortunately, I failed. However, I don’t consider it a complete failure because in those 18 days I probably met more people than I had the entire semester. Just think about how many opportunities you have every single day to meet someone new.