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Facebook Twitter - Accueil. Menu Systems. FREE Joomla 1.5 Templates: New releases every week! The largest Joomla 1.5 template collection. Joomla Template Galerie mit ber 1800 Templates. Free Joomla Templates and Themes for Joomla 1.0 and 1.5. View topic - Link result [Newbie] View topic - Create a link for "more details" Hi, at first thank you for this great component an this absolutely fantastic forum.

View topic - Create a link for "more details"

I hope that somebody could help me to create a "more-result" link in a CC-view. I know there are a few topics around that and I tried the code in this topic but I couldn't get it work. I have the following codes in my CC "index.php? Option=com_chronoconnectivity&connectionname=product" Where SQL: .... search function... Header Code: Select all <table style="text-align: left; width: 100%;" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="font-weight: bold; width: 40%;">label</td> <td style="font-weight: bold; width: 40%;">product</td> <td style="font-weight: bold; width: 20%;">edit</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Body Everything works fine. Instead of the link "edit_record" I want to create a link that shows more details, like "no", "price" of the product from the second connection "index.php?

Maybe someone could explain how do I have to change the following code. Tom. View topic - Pass a variable to another page. Hi omissirev, in my own application I did something that might help you in solving your problem.

View topic - Pass a variable to another page

In one CC table I show a list of record summaries. For each record I include a link that opens up another CC table that contains a full display of the record. Each row in the summaries list contains an element Code: Select all <td> <a href="index.php? Replace "cf_id" by the field that contains the auto-increment id of your actual record. In the new CC table for displaying a full record you should use as "WHERE SQL": WHERE cf_id="<? Again, you may need to change "cf_id". Good luck! View topic - How to add a Search to a Connectivity form! * please note any edits to this post here if you're a mod.Thanks to Max and Greyhead for all the help on the code.

View topic - How to add a Search to a Connectivity form!

I'm just relaying their notes This is based on the example database set up from this How-To tutorial:Forms and Connectivity Example start to finish! In your Joomla backend, go to:Components -> Chrono Connectivity -> Connections Management Choose your form. Under the General tab put this code in these text boxes:Where SQL: Code: Select all The following Header code goes above what you already have there. Download. jVitals! Home of Agora Forum. [Suggestion] - Tuto Bridge jfusion pour joomla 1.5 et phpbb3 - Forums Support franais KUNENA - Pack prmod Kunna - Forum. Bonjour je l'avais annoncé il y a un moment, je comptai réalisé un portail communautaire afin de rendre plus facile l'utilisation de joomla.

Support franais KUNENA - Pack prmod Kunna - Forum

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