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Reverse Graffiti. Kärcher K 5.660 T 400 Elektro-Hochdruckreiniger: Hochdruckreiniger Preisvergleich. Guerrilla marketing. Guerrilla marketing was originally a marketing strategy in which low-cost, unconventional means (including the use of graffiti, sticker bombing, flyer posting, etc.) were used in a (generally) localized fashion to draw attention to an idea, product, or service.

Guerrilla marketing

Today, guerrilla marketing may also include promotion through a network of individuals, groups, or organizations working to popularize a product or idea by use of such strategies as flash mobs, viral marketing campaigns, or internet marketing. Etymology[edit] The term "guerrilla marketing" is traced to guerrilla warfare, which employs atypical tactics to achieve an objective. Concept[edit] Reverse graffiti. Origin[edit] The first large scale reverse graffiti art piece was made by Alexandre Orion in 2006, the intervention Ossario with over 1000 foot is washed by the municipality of São Paulo in the end of the video.

Reverse graffiti

Street artists such as Banksy or Alexandre Orion have made works with reverse graffiti as well. Commercially[edit] As with traditional graffiti, nowadays the technique is also used commercially as a form of out-of-home advertising. Since then, large companies as Microsoft, the BBC and Smirnoff have advertised their products in this way. Революционный генератор QR-кодов — разработка для ярких и креативных.