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Integral Spirituality - Ken Wilber. Интегральная Практика - Интегральная математика первичных перспектив. (Приложение B, к отрывку С: Что нас объединяет во Всем этом. Интерсубъективность и интеробъеткивность в холоническом Космосе ) ОРИГИНАЛ : osmos/excerptC/appendix-B.cfm Позвольте мне начать этот обзор, повторив уже сказанное мною при первом знакомстве с интегральной математикой: Если мы назовем первый горизонт событий «опытом первого лица реальности первого лица», то можем изобразить это как (1p x 1p) , где под «1p» имеется в виду «первое лицо» [ p от слова person].

Это и будет началом интегральной математики основанной не на переменных, а на перспективах. Для тех кому это интересно, в Приложении В и серии примечаний я продолжу эту тему. Но вы, честно говоря, не обязаны в это вникать. Таким образом, если я осознаю тебя, это не просто 1p x 2p , но скорей, мое первое лицо осознает тебя, также имеющего свое собственное первое лицо: 1p(1p) x 2p(1p) , что значит: мое первое лицо разговаривает с твоим первым лицом. Biopsychosocial model. The biopsychosocial model (abbreviated "BPS") is a general model or approach stating that biological, psychological (which entails thoughts, emotions, and behaviors), and social (socio-economical, socio-environmental, and cultural) factors, all play a significant role in human functioning in the context of disease or illness. Indeed, health is best understood in terms of a combination of biological, psychological, and social factors rather than purely in biological terms.[1] This is in contrast to the biomedical model of medicine that suggests every disease process can be explained in terms of an underlying deviation from normal function such as a virus, gene or developmental abnormality, or injury.[2] The concept is used in fields such as medicine, nursing, health psychology, occupational therapy and sociology, and particularly in more specialist fields such as psychiatry, health psychology, family therapy, chiropractic, clinical social work, and clinical psychology.

Criticism[edit] Some Important Modern Pioneers: Baldwin, Habermas, Aurobindo, and Maslow. Some Important Modern Pioneers: Baldwin, Habermas, Aurobindo, and MaslowFrom Integral Psychology by Ken Wilber What I would like to do in this section is introduce several modern pioneers in an integral approach, an approach that, in important ways attempts to be "all-quadrant, all-level. " What all of these pioneers have in common is that they were fully cognizant of the important differentiations of modernity, and therefore they were increasingly aware of the ways in which science could supplement (not replace) religion, spirituality, and psychology. All of them, as we will see, used modern discoveries in the Big Three to elucidate the Great Nest. (All of them, in other words, were offering important elaborations of fig. 1 [below].) Early modern pioneers of an integral approach abound, such as Goethe, Schelling, Hegel, Fechner, and James.

James Mark Baldwin In its general completeness, it was an integral psychology and philosophy the likes of which have rarely been equaled. Sri Aurobindo. Systems Patterns – a Language for Living | Integral City Meshworks: The Blog. February 5, 2013 by Marilyn Hamilton The patterns embedded in human systems have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years. Indeed, as living systems, the patterns have emerged from the 4 billion years that Life has vibrated on the dance floor of the Planet, as single cell microbes to multi-organ persons. These patterns emerge from expressing the simple rules (or principles) that make systems alive.

These principles were explored by many of the Visionaries at the Integral City 2.0 Online Conference (IC2OC)– Elisabet Sahtouris in speaking of the 16 Principles of Living Systems; Mark DeKay in exploring his interpretation of Christopher Alexander’s Pattern Language; Hazel Henderson in proposing Biomimicry principles for investment; and of course the 12 Intelligences that inspire Integral City’s ongoing inquiry. As author of Pattern Dynamics(TM), Tim has created a Pattern Language that is especially enlightening for organizations to notice the patterns that govern organizational life. The Berkana Community of Conversations. By Marilyn L. Hamilton Author website: Number of Pages: 367 ISBN-10: 1581123302 ISBN-13: 9781581123302 Publisher: Year: 1999 Category:Business & Economics, Computers & Electronics View First 25 Pages: (free download) Synopsis This research used the online experiment, the Berkana Community of Conversations (BCC), as a case study to explore learning and leadership in a self-organizing online microworld (an internet “small world” with rules of engagement simulating complex adaptive organization(s)).

About The Author Marilyn Hamilton, BA, CGA, PhD is Founder of, TDG Global Learning Connections, and TDG Holdings Inc. Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive - Marilyn Hamilton. Integral City. PatternDynamics. Tim Winton’s Pattern Dynamics™ Workshops in USA and Canada, January/February 2013 - Integral Leadership Review. David MacLeod, Trevor Malkinson, Alia Aurami, and Marilyn Hamilton There was an evening workshop in Bellingham, WA, USA, the evening of January 29, 2013, and a one-day workshop in Vancouver, BC, Canada, on February 2, 2013. David MacLeod and Tim Winton Notes from David MacLeod on the Bellingham Workshop PatternDynamics ™ is the brainchild of Tim Winton, who developed the concept over a period of 20 years working in sustainability.

His background is in Permaculture, Integral Theory, and Natural Systems Design. Working closely with ecologically-designed agriculture and forestry systems in Australia, he was able to see clearly “how things are organized as holarchies where there is a fine balance between the role of the unique parts and the integrative whole system.” From the PatternDynamics ™ website ( Figure 1: PatternDynamics™ Holarchy Chart of First-order and Second-order Patterns (used by permission of Tim Winton) Part 1: Introduction is a meaning-making tool. Dr. Рустем Вахитов — Personalia. БИФУРКАЦИИ В ПРИРОДЕ И ОБЩЕСТВЕ: ЕСТЕСТВЕННОНАУЧНЫЙ И СОЦИОСИНЕРГЕТИЧЕСКИЙ АСПЕКТ - Философия - Современные наукоемкие технологии. Музыка О.А. В социально-философском знании в условиях кризисного, переходного периода развития общества происходит трансформация смысла многих научных категорий с использованием языка синергетики адекватного времени неопределенности и хаотичности.

Это приводит либо к формальному переносу понятий из естественнонаучной области в гуманитарную, либо к подмене смыслов вообще. Особой популярностью сегодня пользуется понятие «бифуркация», свободно используемое и интерпретируемое в разных контекстах. Термин происходит от лат. bifurcus - раздвоенный и употребляется в широком смысле для обозначения всевозможных качественных перестроек или метаморфоз различных объектов при изменении параметров, от которых они зависят. Если эволюционирующая система зависит от параметра, то при его изменении поведение системы, в общем случае, может изменяться плавно. Однако при переходе параметра через некоторое критическое значение динамика системы может претерпеть качественную перестройку.

Козлова О.Н. Музыка О.А. ZOOM’D Leadership. John D. Schmidt is the founder and CEO of Avastone Consulting, an international consultancy committed to the vitality and sustainability of client organizations and the larger global community. He serves as advisor to global corporations and nongovernmental enterprises, and is a thinker, designer, and practitioner in integral approaches to complex challenges and human development. John’s expertise offers a rich foundation for ZOOM’D. He is a seasoned consultant with 30 years experience in getting to the heart of matters, discerning what is really going on, and framing appropriate actions. He focuses on deep understanding—listening for surface realities—and deeper truth. John values the interiority of life and how the developmental nature of mindsets shapes the world we live in—across economic, social, and environmental arenas. John serves as guest faculty and contributor to learning institutes, universities, and community service organizations.

City 2.0 « Integral City Meshworks: The Blog. The Integral City 2.0 Online Conference gathered 60 visionary thought leaders, designers and practitioners, with 600 participants from 6 continents, to inquire into how to design a new operating system for the city. The 12-day Conference allowed exploration of each of the 12 intelligences from the book, Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive, and their contributions to city vitality.

The Conference was designed to be co-generative and appreciative, with an action research focus, collecting data through guided interviews aligned with each of the 12 intelligences. Over 70 hours of recorded interviews and dialogue were generated (audio podcasts and webinars), and subsequently transcribed into over 500 pages of transcripts. 660 thought leaders, designers, practitioners and participants gathered synchronously and asynchronously in a spirit of radical optimism, an essential evolutionary aspect of life. It is not enough to ask what can the city do for us? Like this: Интегральный город. Talk:Meshwork. Meshwork - a scientific definition[edit] This is a page that offers an alternative definition and reference for the word "Meshwork". A Meshwork is a term taken from the brain sciences.

It describes how the brain creates a mind and a mind creates a brain. It was used by Manuel Delanda in an article entitled "Homes: Meshwork or Hierarchy" published in Mediamatic in 1995. Drawing on non-linear dynamics, Delanda compares meshworks to hierarchies this way:"Hierarchies are structures in which components have been sorted out into homogenous groups, then articulated together. Meshworks, on the other hand, articulate heterogenous components as such, without homogenizing. " Inspired by Delanda's propositions that homes and societies operate as meshworks, Hamilton has written about meshworks as an explanation for the emergence of communities and cities. References: Beck, D., & Cowan, C. (1996). ^I came to wikipedia looking for this definition. Meshwork (disambiguation)[edit] Integral City. Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive (2008) is a book by Marilyn Hamilton. It posits a concept called the "Integral City", which is a city as a living human system.

It is architecture and city planning based on Integral Theory. Overview[edit] Hamilton's book came out of her dissertation The Berkana Community of Conversations (Hamilton, 1999),[1] and other published articles and conference papers by Hamilton. Reception[edit] The book was reviewed in World Future Review,[2] Kosmos Journal,[3] Futurist,[4] Alternatives Journal,[5] Canadian Journal of Urban Research,[6] and EnlightenNext.[7] References[edit] Jump up ^ Marilyn Hamilton. External links[edit] Integral City, official website.